The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2866: Evil blood

Volume One Three Hundred and Twenty-Three

Back in the room, Zhao Fu began to think that he didn't have any moon liquid now. The matter of the inheritor of evil immortals was easy to solve, because he was the inheritor of evil immortals.

The key now is the moon liquid, but Zhao Fu does n’t know where to get the moon liquid. If he ca n’t find the moon liquid, he can only use the same precious or more precious things instead. Zhao Fu thought of his own blood, himself 'S blood is definitely the most precious blood in the world, and lunar fluid is almost ineligible for comparison.

Zhao Fu has a plan in mind.

After a few days, Zhao Fu left Yuedi, stayed outside for a day, and returned to Yuedi again, pretending to be excited and came to the hall to announce, "I have successfully contacted that legend Among the descendants of evil immortals. "

Saint Mary said in surprise, "So fast?"

There are countless people looking for this heirloom inheritor, especially the Eastern Alliance, but they have never been found, but Zhao Fu found it in a few days.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I lure with more than one million treasures of blood, and the descendant of the evil fairy had to be moved, so I took the initiative to find me."

Saint Mary nodded with a smile, "And then?"

Zhao Fu said, "This time I left to go to see the Xianxian successor, because the Xianxian successor wanted me not to sue you, so I arbitrarily went to see the Xianxian successor and expressed the attitude of the December business group The Xianzhuan also made a promise that it would not harm the December Chamber of Commerce in the future. "

Saint Mary smiled softly, "Is it so simple?"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Yes, the one million blood lines I gave made the Xianxian successor very happy, and solved a big trouble for him, so he promised to be very happy, and he gave me back A bottle of his own blood. "

Saint Mary said in surprise, "Take it out and see!"

Zhao Fu took out a glass bottle filled with scarlet blood and exuded an evil and dark atmosphere,

This bottle of blood has been processed by Zhao Fu, leaving only the power of the demon immortal, and all other powers have been erased. His identity may be exposed.

A wireless force grabbed the glass bottle in Zhao Fu's hand and flew to the moon maiden. The moon maiden took a closer look at the blood in the bottle and felt the **** atmosphere of crazy twisting and killing. This is indeed the blood of the evil fairy,

The Moon Girl's face became a little serious, and she said, "You are here to wait, I have something to leave."

Zhao Fu replied, "Yes!"

Zhao Fu knows what the Moon Maiden is going to do. He must call other Moon Immortals to discuss this matter and how to deal with that bottle of blood. Although other forces of this bottle of blood have been erased, the bloodline is still extremely rare.

Half a day later, Yue Sheng Nu returned with a smile, "Yue Xuan, you really made a big contribution this time!"

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Sheng Nu's smile and realized that the bottle of blood had aroused great attention. He smiled and said, "I'm doing things for His Majesty Yue Xian, and everything is done by His Royal Highness."

Moon Saint said with a chuckle, "Don't you want to get the power of the first Moonstone? I will fulfill you and come with me."

Surprised in Zhao Fu's heart, he followed the Saint Maiden to a stone platform with a height of more than ten meters. Floating above the stone platform was a large 10,000-meter round, silver-white stone, exuding a huge and pure moon power, like It is really shocking to face a moon.

The Moon Saint Girl smiled and said, "This is the moonstone that the eighth moon fairy split from the eighth moon at the beginning. It contains the most powerful and pure lunar force in the world. Try it out to see if you can master this kind of power. "

Zhao Fu walked under the huge moonstone with a smile, sat up cross-legged, and closed his eyes. The imprint of the crescent moon crescent appeared, and a ray of silver moonlight continued to emerge.

Now Zhao Fu uses his own moon power to spur the power of a moonstone.

I saw that Zhao Fu's body was floating into a moonstone with a silver-white breath. There was no reaction from the moonstone, and slowly the moonstone moved.


A huge roar sounded, and the moonstone slowly rose to a certain height, and a huge silver-white light wave swept out, making the world tremble, and a huge moonpower covered the earth.

A huge moon power was injected into Zhao Fu's body below, making Zhao Fu's body emit a strong and dazzling silvery white light,

The vast moon power continued to flow in, and Zhao Fu's body seemed to become a human-shaped light group.


A huge roar sounded, Zhao Fu's body collapsed, and turned into countless light spots scattered around, distributed like stars in the sky. Exude a vast momentum.


A loud noise came out at once, and the stars were gathering again, a powerful force spread out, and Zhao Fu ’s body slowly re-condensed, or the movement of crossing his eyes and closing his eyes, floating half a foot away from the ground In the air.

The Moon Saint girl looked at Zhao Fu with a serious face. At this time, Zhao Fu had mastered the initial moon power, and also condensed into a congenital moon day, which had the same constitution as the Moon Saint Girl.

For the first time, Saint Maiden felt the terrible potential of Zhao Fu, which she had completely ignored before.

Zhao Fu sensed that there was an egg-shaped round moon in his body, emitting a faint moonlight, showing a smile, and finally mastered a source of moon power.

Opening his eyes, Zhao Fu walked to the Moon Saint Girl and said, "Thank you, Your Highness Moon Fairy!"

The Saint Mary smiled and said, "You are really surprised. I looked down on you before."

Zhao Fu modestly said, "How can I a little person enter the eyes of His Royal Highness Moon,"

Moon Saint Girl said with a smile ~ ~ Go back, now I want to train you well and give you a higher status. "

Back in the hall, the six-month waiter also came here.

Yue Sheng Nu smiled and said, "This time Yue Xuan made great achievements, not only contacted the heirs of the evil fairy, but also brought back the blood of the heirs of the evil fairy."

After hearing this, the six people looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. Zhao Fu had previously said that he would use millions of blood to attract the descendants of evil immortals, but he did not expect that Zhao Fu would succeed in a few days.

The Saint Mary continued with a smile, "I promised him to give him the power of the original Moonstone. Now that he has mastered the original Moonpower, I want to focus on training him in the future, and the six of you will follow his orders in the future."

Six people's faces changed.

Yueqiuqiu, Yueni, Yuexue, and Yuehe all looked at Zhao Fu unexpectedly, but did not expect to obey Zhao Fu ’s orders in the future. They were even more shocked. The origin and power that only Yuexian could master, he also mastered It's really scary.

Yueqin's face is a bit ugly. In the future, she will obey Zhao Fu's orders and will definitely be bullied by Zhao Fu.

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