The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2887: Leaving Yuezu

Volume One Chapter 344

The December Immortals looked at the huge moon in the sky in amazement. This is a huge vision that absorbs all the original moon power, condenses twelve kinds of natural moon power, and naturally will have any other month's power. powerful.

However, this is only a vision caused by Zhao Fu, which is not really bigger than the other moons, nor does it have any effect.

Many moonlights will begin to shrink, and that huge moon strength is slowly showing, and finally it becomes Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu stood in the void, wearing a plain white cloak, and his exposed face was as white as jade. His body seemed to be covered with a hazy moonlight, and the twelve moons formed a circle, standing behind Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu exudes an immense power of immortal spirit, the breath is soft, pure, ethereal, ethereal, like the original moon immortal.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu now, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression. Before Zhao Fu had a congenital moon body, everyone felt that Zhao Fu was like the first moon fairy, but now he feels that Zhao Fu itself is a congenital moon fairy.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, and flew from the void on the ground, in front of the girls.

Everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back, because now the moon power exuded by Zhao Fu itself made them feel a great sense of oppression, and they didn't even dare to look up at Zhao Fu,

Zhao Fu's expression was stunned, and he recovered all his moon power. The twelve moons behind him disappeared, and Zhao Fu also returned to his normal appearance.

Everyone just relaxed.

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "How is it? This is the result of my integration of December's strength."

Moon Fairy smiled and said, "Well, it's much stronger than we thought."

Saint Mary said enviously, "With such a powerful December body, we are not qualified to compare with you. We are still Yuexian!"

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "Maybe you can get it later."

Yue Shumin said with a smile, "Now you are our most important person in December. Staying here will be able to hurt you. I think you will stay here to practice. I think your practice will soon exceed us. several."

Yuehongling said with a smile, "Yes! We are practicing here together, or we can continue to practice double cultivation to see how your twelve congenital moon bodies affect us."

Yuewuxing smiled happily and said, "Well, I agree with this."

Yue Yao smiled and said, "This is also the most suitable place for us to practice. I think there is no second place. We also have a place to go."

Zhao Fu looked embarrassed and said, "I think I'm leaving soon!"

The expressions of the females were stunned,

Saint Mary asked strangely, "Are you going there? Isn't it good to stay here?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I still have my own affairs to deal with, and I can't stay in the December Palace all the time."

Yue Wuxing stared directly at Zhao Fu, "What do you say is important."

Zhao Fu apologized and said, "I can't tell you."

Moon Fairy asked, "Are you not willing to tell us your true identity?"

Zhao Fu thought about it, could it be disguised as the Young Master of the Aboriginal Dragon Clan, but it felt unnecessary, and said, "You may know later."

Yue Sheng said with a girlish voice, "Never want to tell us now!"

Yue Xuening said with a hint of displeasure, "If you are someone else, we will definitely pick you up and get all the information on you by any means."

Yue Qinxuan nodded and said, "Yes, no man has treated us like that."

Yuewuxing stood up and persuaded, "Don't do this, think about his kindness to us. He is unwilling to say that he certainly has his own difficulties."

Moon Fairy looked at Zhao Fu seriously, "I ask you a question."

Zhao Fu said, "What's the problem?"

Moon Fairy said, "Will you be detrimental to us in December and do something that harms us in December?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I can guarantee that this will not do these things."

Moon Fairy smiled a little, "We don't care about these things, just wait until you want to tell us!"

Yuehongling asked, "When do you leave?"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Should leave soon."

Saint Mary said in surprise, "So fast?"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile. Now the purpose of coming to December, Zhao Fu has achieved it, and that is when he left.

Yuehongling said charmingly, "I don't care, you have to stay for a few days to compensate us, otherwise we will let you go."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Okay!"

After a few days of friendly exchanges with many Yuexian, Zhao Fu returned to the ground of the chaotic world and found that the matter about December was well known in the world, and countless people had heated discussions.

Because there is an extra moon in the sky, this matter is too shocking, but unfortunately they did not know that it was related to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu first returned to Longdi.

Many dragon clan chiefs looked at Zhao Fu with a smile on their faces, but they knew that this event that shocked the chaotic world, UU reading books www.www. is caused by their young master, Zhao Fu refreshed their knowledge at once, they are too powerful young master.

The serious old man asked with concern, "Young Master, let's talk about what happened in December, we are actually curious, and there are thirteen moons. What's going on?"

Zhao Fu nodded and said briefly.

Many dragon patriarchs knew that Zhao Fu merged twelve kinds of primitive moon powers and possessed twelve congenital moon bodies. When the thirteenth moon was Zhao Fu, he was shocked that his chin would fall off. It's amazing.

Elder Zifa said with a smile, "Young Master, when you went to December, I didn't even believe in you. I apologize to you. Young Master, I really respect you too much. I used to have 1% of you. Now. "

The obese old man in blue laughed and said, "Now those people don't know that this is caused by our young master. If we know that our young master will definitely shake the world again, but I think it is best to hide, because recently our young master is too popular . "

The old man in black nodded. "I agree with this. Our young master had attracted a lot of attention. It's better to be careful. Don't be surprised."

The old man with the silver dragon horn said, "I think we can call our young master now the son of chaos. No one in the chaotic world can compare with our young master."

Elder Zifa said with a smile, "I agree with this, our young master is the son of chaos."

The serious old man smiled and said, "Everyone calms down. We still listen to the young master more."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I have nothing to say. On the one hand, when I came back, I was going to go to a few places, and on the one hand, I came back to see you."

The old man with purple hair was surprised, "Go to the land of extreme sun so quickly?"

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