The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2888: Extreme Sun

Volume One Chapter 345

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile, "I have acquired one of the two congenital sources of power in the chaotic world, and now I can't wait to obtain another. It is also one of the keys to awakening Chaos Supreme Star."

The silver dragon horn thought for a while, "That place is more dangerous than December. In fact, I think the young master is best to calm down. Now the young master is invincible."

The obese old man also said, "With the qualifications of our young master, even in the fairy world will shake the Quartet, I am also worried about what will happen to the young master."

Zhao Fu insisted, “You do n’t have to worry too much. I ’ve been here this way, and I ’ve made up my mind that I must gain another kind of innate source.”

The majestic old man said, "Since the young master has made a decision, we don't need much."

The old man in black said with a smile, "Master, what do you want and want to do? Despite telling us, we will do it right away. You have the talent for today. We feel that we have nothing to do with you, and some owe you."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, I'll call you directly when something happens."

The old man in black said with a smile, "If the young master says this, I will be relieved."

Zhao Fu said, "I have other things, so I will leave first."

Many patriarchs nodded with a smile,

Zhao Fu returned to the Dragon Palace.

Alasna said in a grudge, "You still know how come back, why don't you stay outside all the time, the key is to keep us here."

Zhao Fu smiled embarrassedly, "I didn't handle things well and came back!"

Alasna snorted.

Fengshen said, "We also have something to ask you."

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Fengshen said, "When will we apocalypse the world? I think we have been out for a long time."

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "Daqin is in the Apocalypse World, where is my home, where I live, I naturally want to be there too, and now I am getting closer and closer to the Supreme Emperor Star of the Chaos World. It will wake up soon, and we will return immediately. "

Luna yarn smiled and nodded.

Zhao Fu, Moon God Gauze, and Alasna are the people of the Apocalyptic World. There is not much sense of belonging in the chaotic world. I still think of the Apocalyptic World in my heart.

Alasna blushed and said, "You guys come here!"

After hearing the words, Zhao Fu walked past.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu hugged Alasna and Fengshen Sha, and said, "I'm going to the land of the extreme sun to obtain another kind of innate source power."

Fengshen said with a smile, "Well, go quickly! It's so good to return to the world of Apocalypse as soon as possible."

Alasna also nodded softly. "Now I also miss the people and things there. You must awaken the Supreme Emperor Star of the Chaos World as soon as possible."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I know!"

The next day, Zhao Fu made a little preparation, and immediately went to that extremely sunny place.

As I said before, the eight-day **** is a **** bred by the eight suns. They built the eight-day shrine with their own hands, and they were the gods who believed the most at the time.

However, after the war of the ancient gods, the eight-day **** disappeared, and the eight-day shrine went down. Now there is only the eight-day shrine in the extreme sun.

If Zhao Fu also wants to gain innate congenital power, he must also fly to Japan. The first step is to go to the land of extreme sun. There may be the only place where Zhao Fu can fly to Japan.

In the east of sunrise, the land of the extreme sun is in the east of the chaotic world, and in the west in the twelve months. Perhaps because of the opposition of the sun and the moon, the relationship between the temples of December and the eighth was very cold, but no major conflicts have occurred , That kind of relationship with each other.

Zhao Fu thought that his congenital power would go to the extreme sun, which might bring many disadvantages, so Zhao Fu should also pay attention to this.

Now Zhao Fu doesn't know the specific situation of the extremely polar land, and the eight-day shrine there also doesn't know how, maybe Zhao Fu may not be able to ascend to Japan.

The shrine on the first eighth day has fallen, and there are not too many strong men to help. The second soaring on the day itself is more difficult than the soaring on the last month.

These can only be known by reaching the extreme sun.

After about a dozen days of travel, Zhao Fu reached the place of the extreme sun. Due to the special geographical reasons, this place can gather a lot of sunlight. The sunlight here is several times that of other places. Dazzling.

The ground here is also that kind of fuchsia sand, the plants are relatively scarce, it looks barren, and the weather is very hot. If people stay here for a while, they will be cooked.

With Zhao Fu's physique, you don't have to worry about this. You walk into this extremely sunny place, walk to the side, and see if you can find other people's tracks.

After a while, Zhao Fu saw a few thin children with only one part around his waist. He was chasing a creature like a rabbit with a stick. It was the size of a dog, black, and had a sharp point. It is not very fast, but it is faster for a few children.

Zhao Fu held out a hand and grabbed that rabbit creature with an invisible force ~ ~ Zhao Fu walked over with a smile.

Several children looked at Zhao Fu with some vigilance.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I will not hurt you, just ask you something, if you tell me, then I will give it to you."

A child mumbled, "That was our prey."

The older child motioned to the child not to speak and said, "I tell you first, we do not welcome outsiders here."

After hearing this, Zhao Fu nodded with a smile, and placed the one who had just caught the rabbit in front of several children. "I want to give you this rabbit."

A few children thrashed happily and killed the rabbit in a few clicks. A young child shouted happily, "Great, we have meat today."

The older child immediately became more interested in Zhao Fu and said, "What are you going to ask, we are going back soon?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The first question, who are you?"

The older child replied, "We are Japanese people, from a small village nearby."

Zhao Fu asked again, "Where is the Eighth Temple now?"

The older child asked, "Why are you looking for a temple?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Curious to see!"

The older child reminded, "Then I still advise you not to go, because you will be expelled from the extreme sun by the angel and you may be in danger of life."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I know, you just need to tell me that the temple is there. If you tell me, then I will give you these."

Zhao Fu took out dozens of high-quality blue linguistic fruits. These children should not have seen them. They are very strange and very precious to them.

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