The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2913: Soar

Volume One Three Hundred and Seventy

Zhao Fu said, "I have my own plan. If it is very dangerous, I will give up myself. You don't have to say more."

After hearing this, everyone could only sigh, and now Zhao Fu is the hope of the Eighth Temple.

Zhao Fu also began to prepare for soaring to the sun, because the sun emits terrible heat, which can turn steel into molten iron instantly, which is much more dangerous than soaring last month. Zhao Fu did not care about it and prepared carefully.

Regardless of soaring to the sun, or soaring to the last month, we must first have the power of traction. It is easy to get lost in other spaces without using the power of traction.

Zhao Fu has absorbed the power of the eight temples and has sensed the pulling power of the eight suns, and can follow the pulling power to reach the sun. This should be no problem, and Zhao Fu already has the ability to ascend the moon, this time ascending The sun will also relax.

In addition to these, the most important thing is to resist heat. The heat emitted by the eight suns is not affordable for ordinary people.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu planned to transform his body into a solar fire body, that is, to energize his body, so that he might endure that terrible heat.

After making a decision, Zhao Fu asked the Japanese angel to build a platform to help the Japanese angel to fly to the moon in the future.

During this period, Zhao Fu stayed alone in the temple and began to transform into a solar fire body. I saw eight huge golden beams falling from the sky, exuding a scorching force, as if I could burn everything.

Zhao Fu was under eight beams of light, absorbing this huge and hot force, his body gradually burned, and his body began to become energetic. Finally, Zhao Fu became a fireman, emitting countless golden flames. There is a huge heat.

With these preparations in place, Zhao Fu came to the constructed sundeck, and the eight Japanese **** envoys looked at Wei Fu, who was slightly angry, still worried.

During the day, he persuaded, "Are you sure you want to fly to the sky? Now it's too late to repent."

Rihu also persuaded, "Flying to the Sun has been difficult to succeed since the eight gods died. This is too dangerous. I hope that the Son of God must consider it clearly."

Zhao Fu said, "I have already made a decision on this matter. You can step back!"

The people were not talking, they just retreated aside.

The landing stage was made of gold and was a few hundred meters high. There was no one around him at this time, because this time he did not tell anyone else, because Zhao Fu, an important person who wanted to fly to the sky, would cause great turbulence.

Zhao Fu chose to fly during the day, because the sun during the day is beneficial to Zhao Fu’s ascent, and soaring to the moon at night, because of the moon, soaring at night.


A huge roar sounded, and the eight suns in the sky radiated a strong light, and a vast solar power spread out, turning the entire sky golden.

Countless people raised their heads and looked at the golden sky. It was unclear what happened.


A huge roar resounded from all directions, and a powerful force of traction fell down, holding Zhao Fu's fire-like body vertically upward.

The picture is very magnificent, like Zhao Fu's people who are called by the gods, his body keeps flying straight upward, and his figure is getting smaller and smaller.

The eight Japanese envoys, who were all around, could only stand there looking up at Zhao Fu's figure disappearing in front of their eyes.

A long sigh during the day, "Hope the Son of God is fine!"

Rihu opened his mouth and said, "He is a prophet, maybe he can reach the sun. Over the years, some people have soared to the sun, and they don't know what the sun is like on the rock."

Riqing seriously said, "We, as the envoys of the sun, have no ability to ascend to the sky. It would be very shameful to say it. We need to practice as soon as possible. If we cultivate to reach a half immortal, I think we might ascend to the last month ."

Risheng looked sad, "It's so easy to break into a half fairy, let alone say, if the eight-day temple has eight half-cents, the eight-day temple will immediately return to the top power of the chaotic world."

Rihu thought for a while, "It's not so absolute, hasn't a major event happened recently? The person in December soared to the last month with the help of a mysterious person, and Xiuwei also successfully broke through to a half-cent, ten In February, it instantly became one of the strongest forces."

Riyue nodded. "They have help from mysterious people, we have people who prophesy, and all twelve of them break through to half immortals. Eight of us can certainly do it. I believe that people who prophesy will not be weaker than others."

Others nodded in agreement, but they did not know that Zhao Fu was that mysterious person.

In December, who practiced on the twelve moons, because of the close relationship between the sun and the moon, they also noticed a change in the sun.

However, they haven't paid much attention to it yet and continue to practice in the Moon Palace.

On the other side, Zhao Fu's body keeps rising straight up, unlike Feisheng last month. The higher the temperature, the higher the temperature, as if you can instantly evaporate a bottle of water. Ordinary people fly to this distance. UU reading may directly Turn into a corpse.

However, Zhao Fu has now been forwarded as a solar fire body, and has not been affected by this terrible temperature.

Of course, this is the most basic temperature, as the temperature continues to rise, the temperature will become higher and higher.

Zhao Fu continued to soar upward.

The terrible heat dyed the void into red, and it looked very scary. If you throw the weapon out, it will probably become molten iron.

Although Zhao Fu had a solar fire body, he was exposed to this terrible heat and felt some discomfort, not as relaxed as before.

Continue straight up.

The higher and higher temperature made Zhao Fu's body very uncomfortable, as if the body was assimilated by that heat.

This is happening before it reaches the barrier of the world. No wonder it is much harder to fly to the sun than to fly to the moon.

If he continues to be assimilated by this heat, Zhao Fu will eventually become part of the Quartet's heat. Naturally, this would not work, Zhao Fu began to absorb a heat in turn, using this method to counter the assimilation of that heat.

The effect is not bad. Although Zhao Fu absorbs slowly, he can resist that assimilation of heat.

After soaring for another distance, Zhao Fu was forced to stop. Because the heat was even hotter, the flames from Zhao Fu's body were swallowed by this heat, and Zhao Fu's absorption rate also became extremely slow.

Zhao Fu sat in the same place, the round crystal on his forehead, emitting countless golden rays, swallowing the heat around him. Zhao Fu planned to adapt to this terrible heat and continue to fly upward, otherwise his body would be unable to bear it.

As Zhao Fu devoured countless heat, the spar on Zhao Fu's forehead also showed some changes, with a touch of gold.

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