The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2914: Ascend

Volume One Chapter 371

There was a slight change in spar, and Zhao Fu also felt that it was not so hot around him, and continued to fly upward.

The round spar on Zhao Fu's forehead continues to radiate a lot of golden light, absorbing the heat around him and reducing the pressure of Zhao Fu's ascent.

Two hours later, Zhao Fu stopped again.

The heat above reached a limit, causing the voids to be distorted, like the same distorted fire-colored painting, exuding a breath of fright.

Zhao Fu can only stop and continue to absorb heat first.

I saw that the round spar on Zhao Fu's forehead radiated a stronger golden light, covering a tens of thousands of meters in a circle, and the temperature in this tens of thousands of meters fell linearly.

This heat is estimated to be hard to bear for general power. As a prophet, it is still so difficult to already have the eight-day **** fire.

Zhao Fu absorbs a lot of heat, and his body also emits powerful heat. The flames ignited are greater, and the crystal on his forehead has a hint of gold.

Now that he has made some preparations, Zhao Fu continues to soar upward.

At the moment when Zhao Fu flew up, he only felt a heat twisting Zhao Fu's body, as if to break Zhao Fu's body.

Although Zhao Fu withstands that heat, the twisting force formed by this heat is not so easy to resist. With this twisting force, Zhao Fu cannot continue to soar upward.

Finally, Zhao Fu retreated, thinking about how to pass here.

Thinking about it, Zhao Fu thought that now he had transformed into a solar fire body, an energy body, and there was no need to continue to condense into a human form, so Zhao Fu turned his body into a flame and continued to soar upward.

Entering that area, Zhao Fu still feels the power of twisting, but Zhao Fu's body has turned into a flame, let the twisting power twist, the body continues to move forward, looks like a fire-colored earthworm slowly moving forward .

After a while, Zhao Fu stopped at once. Zhao Fu was about to pass this area, but was blocked by a huge twisted vortex. The twist in a small area could still pass. But for such a large twisted vortex, once Zhao Fu approached Will be sucked into it, then there is no ability to come out.

Facing such a twisted vortex, Zhao Fu had no choice but to choose to bypass slowly and finally pass through this area.

Through this area, Zhao Fu finally reached the barrier of the boundary, and he was relieved in his heart. As long as he passed the barrier of the boundary, he could reach the space where the eight suns were.

The twelve moons and eight suns have independent spaces. There is no connection between the two spaces. If they are together, Zhao Fu can enter the solar space directly on the moon, and it is not so difficult now.

Zhao Fu's body turned into a humanoid again and flew upwards. The moment he touched the barrier of that world, Zhao Fu's body hurt, and he immediately retreated.

The heat contained in the barrier of this world turned out to be more than ten times that of the outside, and with the law of the sun, the temperature inside the space must be more terrible.

Zhao Fu controlled the round spar on his forehead, exuding a golden defensive cover, and continued to fly upward.

I saw the one that touched the barrier of the realm. Numerous fire-colored threads stretched out, lightly melting through the golden defensive shield, and continued to reach Zhao Fu. When Zhao Fu's body touched the fire-colored threads, he also felt A huge burning sensation.

In the end, Zhao Fu could only stop with a headache, and finally got here. Will the barrier of this world not pass?

Zhao Fu stayed in place to think.

There seems to be no way to pass now. The only thing Zhao Fu relies on is the round spar on his forehead. If it is useless, then Zhao Fu has no other way.

Looking at the barrier of that world, Zhao Fu flew across and continued to fly upward.

Zhao Fu's body touched the barrier of that realm. Numerous fire-colored threads stretched out and stretched towards Zhao Fu. He penetrated into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's body immediately felt a strong burning pain, like a body Fired in general.

Zhao Fuqiang endured this pain and began to absorb these fire-colored silk threads. He wanted to use this terrible heat to form a new solar fire body, so that he did not have to worry about the heat in the space.

I saw many silk threads sticking into Zhao Fu's body, Zhao Fu swallowed this heat, and his body also exuded a terrible heat, so that there were some departures around the void, Zhao Fu did not care about these, and continued to absorb those Silk thread.


A huge roar sounded, a powerful heat burst from Zhao Fu's body, the flame ignited on Zhao Fu's body disappeared, and a fire-colored human-shaped energy body appeared in place, although there was no flame burning like before , But the heat that comes out is even more terrifying.

The round crystal on the forehead has also changed to pale gold. Now it can be said that the quality of Zhao Fu's body has changed, and the pain of the burning is also worth it.

Continue to fly upwards, touch the barrier of the world, UU reading www. did not feel the burning sensation. Numerous fire-colored silk threads stretched out and penetrated into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu did not feel any more, and continued to fly forward, his body disappeared in place.

Following the power of traction, Zhao Fu continued to soar upward, and the temperature he felt became more and more terrible, and finally passed through the barrier of the boundary.

Eight huge and incomparable suns appeared in front of them, emitting countless dazzling lights, making Zhao Fu unable to open his eyes.

The space is white, and the temperature around it has reached an extreme point. This space is like a heaven and earth melting furnace, which can burn all the world. Zhao Fu is like a grain of dust here, as if there is no resistance.

The human-shaped energy body that Zhao Fu had formed before appeared some signs of collapse, and Zhao Fu could not go further while standing on the spot.

This heat is dozens of times outside. In order to prevent the sound of collapse, Zhao Fu can only sit in the void immediately and continue to devour this heat. The temperature he still feels has not decreased, and Zhao Fu still feels at home In the furnace.

After persevering for a while, Zhao Fu was a little surprised and found that although the heat was painful, it could enhance his physique, and the effect was not weak.

If ordinary people can withstand this heat and bring it here for a while, they will definitely get a strong solar spirit. Of course, if they are really ordinary people, they will be burned into charcoal in one second without any resistance. room.

Zhao Fu absorbed this heat for a while. The body adapted to this heat at a time and felt that it was not as hot as before. The round spar on his forehead completely turned golden. Zhao Fu endured the sting of his eyes and looked forward. The eight huge and incomparable suns flew towards the nearest sun.


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