The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2815: sun

Volume One Chapter 372


Zhao Fu just flew a short distance, and a huge wind blew towards him. This wind was the solar wind, with an extremely high temperature, which could burn the rock into powder,

Zhao Fu immediately displayed an energy hood, but he could not resist the gust of wind, and was blown back to the spot, and his body was also injured. In addition to the extremely hot solar wind, there is also a terrible wind that can be cut. Zhao Fu's body.

Looking at the sun in front of him, Zhao Fu thought for a while. The crystals on his forehead radiated a strong golden light, forming a golden defensive cover at once. Zhao Fu continued to fly forward.


That solar wind blew and pushed Zhao Fu's body backwards. Fortunately, he was not directly blown out like the last time. Zhao Fu controlled the spar on his forehead, releasing a stronger force to resist that thrust. Fly forward.

In this way, Zhao Fu moved slowly and used it for seven or eight hours, and finally landed on the first sun.

The moment when it fell, it was a little unexpected. Looking at the sun from the outside was dazzling, and people couldn't open their eyes. But after falling on the sun, the light was not so strong, but it was brighter than on the moon.

The ground is a kind of burnt black. Zhao Fu squatted down and grabbed a handful, and found that the soil was warm and there was a smell of sunlight, like the smell of quilt in the sun.

There are some plants around, the color of those plants is fuchsia, and the number is relatively scarce. There is a stream on one side, which flows not the stream but the magma, but it does not look very hot. The surroundings and the moon seem to have no What animal is still very quiet.

It has been a long time since no one came here, nor did Zhao Fu guide. Zhao Fu walked forward carefully because he didn't know what would happen.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Fu came to a huge tree. This tree was not very tall, only a few meters, the crown was large, the branches and leaves were many, the leaves were purple, the trunk was black, and there was a person on the trunk The face is a very beautiful woman,

As Zhao Fu approached, the face on the tree looked at Zhao Fu with a smile and said, "No one has been here for a long time."

Zhao Fu looked at this big tree and asked, "What are you?"

That face smiled and said, "I am an ordinary small tree on the sun, and after countless years of growth, I have wisdom."

Zhao Fu was a little disappointed when he heard that, and thought she had something to do with the gods. It turned out to be an ordinary small tree. Zhao Fu asked, "Do you know where the temple is?"

Shu smiled and replied, "Know, do you want to go to the shrine to get your natural energy?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

The tree said happily, "I also want to go there to get some natural energy, because there is forbidden protection, can you take me in?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "Yes!"

The tree said with a smile, "Thank you!"

I saw that the tree began to change. The branches and trunks were retracting into a tall figure with purple hair and a few leaves on the head. The face was extremely beautiful, wearing a black robe .

Zhao Fu's eyes narrowed, and she felt the divine power she exuded into a humanoid figure, and found that she had become a god, and he was an acquired **** in the chaotic world.

The tree said with a smile, "Let's go!"

Zhao Fu asked, "What is your name?"

The tree replied, "You can call me sap."

Zhao Fu nodded.

The sap leads the way, and Zhao Fu follows.

The sap asked while walking, "I'm curious about who you are, why are there eight kinds of solar power in my body?"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "I don't know what it is."

The prophet is the prophecy of the eight Japanese **** envoys. The eight congenital gods have nothing to do with it. Zhao Fu absorbs the godless power in the temple, so he is not the inheritor of the congenital god.

The sap replied, "Oh! But since you can come to the sun, you should be able to enter the temple."

When Zhao Fu heard this, he did not know whether he could enter the temple. Before he was on the moon because of the moon immortal, he could enter the moon palace, otherwise he could not enter the temple personally, saying, "Wait after the temple. ."

The two walked up to a shrine built of gold. This shrine is very large in size, giving a sacred and majestic momentum.

Zhao Fu walked forward, and was really bounced off by an invisible force. Sure enough, Zhao Fu could not enter here,

The sap frowned and said, "What now?"

Zhao Fu is also thinking about ways. This temple, the Sun God Envoy should be able to enter. Fortunately, Zhao Fu absorbed part of the Sun God Envoy's power.

This sun is the sun believed in the Haori Sun Temple. It can be called Haori Sun. Zhao Fu released the power of the sun **** in the Haori Sun Temple. A golden light ball floated out of his eyebrows, slowly drifting forward and disappearing into the void. In the middle, a three-meter-wide golden light hole appeared.

The sap smiled in surprise, "Okay!"

Zhao Fu grinned, UU reading www.uukanshu. com went to that light hole, and the sap followed Zhao Fu. The two passed the light hole and came to the gate of the temple.

The gate of this temple was also made of gold. Two mighty gods were carved on it. Zhao Fu stretched out and put it on the door, pushing the door slowly with a push.

It is a pity that Zhao Fu is not the inheritor of the gods, otherwise he will directly become the master of the temple, but the Japanese gods are not very useful here, nor are they the masters of the temple.

The sun **** angel and the moon immortal are two different types. The moon **** immortal is the inheritance of the congenital moon immortal, and the sun **** emperor has a part of the divine power no matter how strong it is.

Entering the shrine, walking through the long corridor, came to a very large hall, which has a ten-meter-high divine seat, which should be the divine seat of innate gods.

In front of that God’s seat, there were sixteen beautiful faces, with a graceful figure, purple hair, and wheat skin. The woman in a long dress, with her eyes closed, was divided into two lines and stood still in front of the seat. , Like a statue.

The momentum they exude is very strong and very old, and they feel that they are at the same time as the innate gods.

The sap asked, "What now?"

She didn't dare to run around in this temple. Although she was a rare acquired spirit, she would still die here accidentally. She understood that it was terrible.

Zhao Fu walked forward.

At that moment, the sixteen women opened their eyes unanimously, revealing purple eyes, and looked at Zhao Fu who came in. One of the heroic women asked, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu thought about it and replied, "I am the Sun God Envoy of Haori Sun Temple!"

The heroic woman was a little surprised, "Really? I don't know how many years, even the Japanese angel came to the temple."

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