The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3127: Origin life

   Volume One, Chapter 91

   The eight beautiful women stretched their hands forward, and the light pill between the palms flew towards Zhao Fu and gathered in front of Zhao Fu's mouth.

   Zhao Fu opened his mouth, and eight light shots drilled into Zhao Fu's mouth. A powerful scorching force radiated from Zhao Fu's body. If others encounter this kind of force, they might even be burned.

   But Zhao Fu was different. This force had no effect on Zhao Fu.

   But Zhao Fu looked very painful and fell to the ground struggling. This surprised the eight beautiful women. They hurried forward to check Zhao Fu's body, but Zhao Fu was crushed under her body.

   The third day!

   The mature beautiful woman blushed and said, "You are such a bastard, you even hit our minds."

  Sunshine beautiful woman snorted, "Because I still had a good impression on you before!"

   The beautiful woman smiled, "Actually, I feel that this is okay. We haven't been so happy in a long time. Anyway, we only have one year to live, so we might as well be presumptuous once."

   Wenjing and beautiful woman said, "Well, but this matter cannot be leaked out."

   The mature beautiful woman said, "All right! Anyway, we only have one year, and it's okay to use this year to enjoy more."

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Can I say a word?"

   Mature beautiful woman said, "What do you brat want to say?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I said I won't let you die, and I won't let you die."

   Madam Meiyan sighed, "I know you don't want to, but this is our life, you can't change it."

   Innocent and beautiful woman said, "We met you at the last time, and it felt pretty good. Don’t be sad for us."

   The mature beautiful woman said, "You have no power to change this. Even if you postpone the next generation of elders to enter the Dragon Cave, it is useless, because the Dragon Cave will not give us strength. In the end we will still die. You don't have to waste your energy."

   Zhao Fu smiled lightly, "It's just a small dragon cave. Do you feel there is a strong vitality in your body?"

   Hearing the words, the girls felt their bodies and showed a shocked expression.

   The mature beautiful woman cried, "When did you do it?"

   Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "Just now, with my vitality support, you can all leave the Dragon Cave now, and you can go there without being restricted by the Dragon Cave in the future."

   Wen Jingmei woman was shocked, "This vitality is indeed very terrifying, dozens of times that of the Dragon Cave, and it can indeed free us from the limitations of the Dragon Cave. Now we don't have to die or stay in this Dragon Cave."

   Many people are very happy, but they didn't expect things to change like this.

   The glamorous woman looked at her body and said with a smile, "I realized that my vitality has increased. I am also a few years younger and my skin has become so good."

   Another beautiful woman smiled and said, "Me too, don't you say I haven't paid attention yet."

   All the girls found themselves younger and more energetic.

   The mature beautiful woman looked at Zhao Fu seriously and said, "I think you are not from the Dragon Sect on the Eighth Day?"

   Hearing the words, the girls looked at Zhao Fu. Everything now made them also find that Zhao Fu was very strange. It was definitely not as simple as the surface.

   Zhao Fu chuckles, "Did you find out?"

   When they heard this, the expressions of the women became serious. They actually regarded an outsider as the heir of the Eighth Dragon Sect. They also passed on the inheritance to Zhao Fu. How could another outsider appear here?

   Mature beautiful woman said coldly, "Who are you?"

  Zhao Fu didn't hide it either, because they would know when they went out, and said with a smile, "I am the Lord of the Great Qin. This time I came to destroy the Dragon Sect on the Eighth Day."

   Many beautiful women's heads seemed to explode, completely blank. The man in front of him was not only the descendant of the Dragon Sect, but he was the one who came to destroy the Dragon Sect on the Eighth Day. They were a little unbelievable watching this scene.

  The mature beautiful woman immediately started to kill Zhao Fu.

   But she collapsed to the ground, her cheeks flushed. The other women understood that the vitality given by Zhao Fu gave them life and at the same time controlled them.

   The female faces were pale, and they didn't know what to do after the knot.

   Zhao Fu stopped the power in the mature beautiful woman, smiled and said, "Okay! Let's go out together!"

   The mature beautiful woman returned to normal, and said coldly, "What do you want to do next?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You will know next, and you will all be obedient to me. I don't want to hurt you, but you don't force me either."

   The mature woman snorted coldly, "You still have such kindness?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you already. I won't keep you until now, and will not lose your original life so that you are not restricted by the dragon cave. I like you."

   Hearing these words, the expressions of the women came softly. Zhao Fu really didn't have to do this. It seemed that he liked them.

  Mature beautiful woman whispered, "Don't think that, we will obey you."

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I know!"

   Everyone left Longdong.

   Zi Yuewan waited outside for a few days, watching Zhao Fu come out with the eight great elders. Those eight great elders had ruddy faces and charming temperaments. What did Zhao Fu do in the next few days? Needless to say.

   Zi Yuewan also stared at Zhao Fu. Now, the four generations of princesses from the new, early, middle and late generations have been acquired by Zhao Fu.

   Zhao Fu smiled slightly, "Have you been waiting here?"

   Zi Yuewan ignored Zhao and bowed to many elders, "See you elders!"

   For these eight elders, Zi Yuewan still respects them, because when he was young, he met many elders and received their help and guidance.

   The mature beautiful woman said with a smile, "Long time no see, Xiao Wan'er, you haven't changed at all!"

   Zi Yuewan glanced at Su Bai and said, "How come the elders come out of Longdong, does it matter?"

   The mature beautiful woman turned her head and glanced at Zhao Fu, and said, "We will not be restricted by the Dragon Cave in the future."

   Zi Yuewan looked surprised, thought for a moment, looked at Su Bai and said, "Is it your cause?"

   Zhao Fu nodded, "This is just a small matter, can't help me!"

   Zi Yuewan said softly, "Thank you!"

   This time Zi Yuewan is sincerely grateful to Zhao Fu, because not only Zhao Fu allowed the eight elders to be unrestricted, but also changed her destiny. Because the eight elders died, eight of them would enter the Dragon Cave and become the new elders.

   Zhao Fu was also a little surprised, smiled and hugged her, and started to molest her.

   Seeing the scene before him, many great elders also understand what the situation is like in the Dragon Sect on the 8th day. I am afraid that they have existed in name only, and they can't change anything. Now the wife of the lord has been played by others.

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