The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3128: Master the Dragon

   Volume One, Chapter 92

   Zhao Fu held Zi Yuewan with a smile and said, "Let's go!"

   Everyone came to a hall again, Zhao Fu called the other ladies again, and said with a smile, "Now is the time to clean, I will clear all those who do not obey your orders."

   Hearing this, mature beautiful woman Li Xinling said, "This is okay. I think most people will still obey our orders, and the sect will not suffer too many casualties."

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You can rest assured, I will try not to hurt the people you care about."

   Upon hearing this, the women nodded.

   Under the orders of the Sovereign Wife and the Great Elder, the Dragon Sect on the 8th first mobilized all its troops, and then closed itself, prohibiting anyone from entering and anyone from going out.

   Ordinary people are still a bit strange, what happened to this?

   Some astute people faintly discovered something was wrong. They didn't know why the Zongmen did this, and at the same time they were also careful.

   The sect clearing begins.

   A squad of soldiers rushed into the buildings one by one, and arrested the people inside as soon as they needed to be caught, and killed them if they needed to be killed.

   Facing the sect clearing, of course some people resisted.

   They gathered together, formed seven or eight powerful forces, and began to contend with the Eighth Dragon Sect. But the people in the sect were in turmoil. Very upset.

  Long Lanya and several elders came to the front of the hall and said, "We want to see the lord!"

   Now that such a big thing is happening in the sect, the sect master has not shown up, which makes them feel very strange, but they still don't think about it, because the sect master's wife and the elder are both here, and they gave the order.

   Xue Luolan said, "If you can't see the Sect Master, go back!"

  Long Lanya said, "What happened? Why can't we see the Sect Master? Why are you doing this? Originally, our Sect was thriving, but now we are constantly internally attrition, and our strength is constantly falling."

   The other elders also looked at Xue Luolan and wanted Xue Luolan to give an answer.

   But Xue Luolan still said, "Don't ask this, stay at home honestly, those rebellious people will be cleared out soon, don't do stupid things, or you will die, and I can't keep you."

   Hearing the words, several people looked solemn, they are all good, Xue Luolan is better, and Xue Luolan is sheltered. Now Xue Luolan says so, they dare not ask, lest they fall into this whirlpool.

   Several elders left, Long Lanya stayed. She had the best relationship with Xue Luolan, and wanted to ask what happened in the sect.

   But it was beyond her expectation, Xue Luolan sighed, "Sorry, I can't tell you,"

  Long Lanya asked caringly, "Why?"

   Xue Luolan shook his head.

   At this time, a man's voice was remembered in the hall, and he said, "If she wants to know, let her in!"

   Xue Luolan looked aside, and said, "You go!"

   Long Lanya looked strange, how could there be a man’s voice in the hall? This voice is still relatively unfamiliar to him, and why does Xue Luolan, as a sect master's wife, still fear the man inside, all this has to do with that man?

  The man's voice came from the hall again, "Roland! You bring her in with you!"

   Xue Luolan sighed after hearing the words. "Let's go in, now you want to go too late."

   Long Lanya nodded, and she was also very curious about what was sacred in it.

   enter the hall.

   Long Lanya looked wrong, her heart was shocked, because she saw the most noble elder and the first lady of the suzerain serving a man, and there were other elders and wives around.

   Zhao Fu looked at Long Lanya and said, "Come here too!"

  Long Lanya came back to his senses and said coldly, "Who are you? You did such a shameful and filthy thing in my sect?"

   Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it, and a force of strength grabbed Long Lanya in front of him.

   A large number of soldiers in the sect on the other side also began to attack the rebellious forces. Although these forces are not weak, they are still very weak in the face of the sect master's forces and can easily eliminate them, so Zhao Fu did not care.

   A man was dragged to Xingtai, his head was chopped off, blood ran all over the ground, and a corpse hung on the city wall, shocking all of them.

   a few days later!

  The sect was over, and the sect gradually returned to normal. All the people who stayed obeyed the orders of the elder and the wife of the sect, and no one was resisting. Of course, it is also possible that they just suppressed their dissatisfaction in their hearts without showing them.

   Zhao Fu can also be regarded as holding the Eighth Dragon Sect in his hands, and Da Qin's strength has increased. And this news, no one else knows yet.

   Now two of the army of the various kingdoms have been controlled by Da Qin. They are regarded as internal traitors. The Flame Kingdom exerted a very good effect last time. With the addition of the Dragon Sect on the 8th, it would entrap several forces.

   Zhao Fu felt that this Kingdom Alliance had nothing to fear, and Da Qin would destroy them all sooner or later.

   After dealing with these matters, Zhao Fu plans to return to Daqin.

   Grand Elder Li Xinling said, "Will you go back so soon?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, that is my home. You will lose weight in the Dragon Sect for the next eight days. After this time of internal friction, Zongmen has also lost a lot of combat power. You must quickly make up for it."

   Li Xinling nodded, "As a great old man, I will definitely grow the sect."

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If you have any problems that cannot be solved, you can go directly to Daqin to find me."

   Zi Yuewan asked, "How do you plan to deal with the lord?"

   Zhao Fu said, "He will be fine. I will keep him asleep. If he wakes up, he may not be able to accept the current will be in great pain."

   Zi Yuewan agreed with Zhao Fu's words, and asked, "What about my son? Is it possible to let him come back?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I think he'd better stay in Daqin now, you think he can go to Daqin to see him."

   Zi Yuewan wrinkled and said softly, "I want him back, I promise he won't cause trouble."

   Zhao Fu thought about it.

   Zi Yuewan said with a hint of pleading, "Please!"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Yes, then remember your guarantee."

   Zi Yuewan finally smiled and said, "Thank you! Xiang Gong."

   Zhao Fu nodded in satisfaction.

   Mu Qingran said softly, "I wanted to leave with you, but now I can't use it anymore. You will come to Longzong more when you have time."

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Hmm! Do you have anything else to do?"

  Long Lanya asked curiously, "What is your cultivation level now?"

   Everyone was curious, they wanted to know how strong Zhao Fu was, because they had no resistance to Zhao Fu.

   Zhao Fu faintly replied, "Void realm cultivation base!"

   Everyone looked surprised. They didn't expect Zhao Fu's cultivation base to be so high, and no one in Gudiyu surpassed him.

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