The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3163: Ice phase

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven

Bing Hanmei gave Zhao Fu a list, let Zhao Fu control them, and kill them, but don't divulge the news of their deaths for the time being, because as long as it is revealed, King Bingchun will definitely notice.

Zhao Fu glanced at you at the list and said with a smile, "No problem!"

The first target on the list is a veteran of the two dynasties. When the previous generation king was still there, he supported King Bingchun. Now King Bingchun has become the new king. Of course, he is also extremely important. The power in the Icefield Kingdom is enormous.

It was he who said, letting the Bingyuan Kingdom attack Da Qin together, and it was considered Da Qin's enemy.

Zhao Fu soon came to a tall and luxurious house, built of precious silver snow wood, looking holy and majestic. This building is one of the most luxurious buildings in the royal city. It is also the home of the patriarch of the two dynasties, Bingshan Lin.

It was easy for Zhao Fu to sneak into the Bingshan Forest House. Zhao Fu entered it immediately, and immediately heard the cry of pain. Following the sound, a tall young man snorted and punched and kicked a woman with a beautiful face.

"Smelly woman, I will kill you today! You can't do a little thing,"

The woman didn't speak, and allowed the man to fight, as if she had become accustomed to it. It was useless to justify and apologize, just wait for him to get out of her breath.

The two maids next to them looked scared and did not dare to step forward to stop them.

Zhao Fu frowned and glanced at the list. Bingshanlin has a son. This man should be Bingshanlin's son, named Bingxiao.

The one who was beaten should be Bing Xiao's wife Bing Xiaowan.

Bing Xiao kicked Bing Xiaowan heavily again, making Bing Xiaowan's painful expression ugly.

Zhao Fu couldn't stand it, and said, "Stop!"

Bing Xiao looked at Zhao Fu with a hint of drunkenness, "What are you, dare you tell me to stop?"

Bing Xiaowan said softly in pain, "Thank you for your kindness, this matter has nothing to do with you, so leave it alone."

Now Bing Xiaowan doesn't want to hurt Zhao Fu, because she knows how powerful Bing Xiao as the son of Bingshanlin is in the Icefield Kingdom.

Zhao Fu didn't care and said, "What are you to me?"


Hearing this, Bing Xiao yelled, raised his fist and struck Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked contemptuously, stretched out a hand and grabbed Bing Xiao's neck, and lifted Bing Xiao up. Bing Xiao's face turned red and he struggled hard.

Bing Xiaowan said quickly, "Please let go of my mate!"

Zhao Fu looked at Bing Xiaowan and said, "Do you still intercede for this kind of man?"

Bing Xiaowan lowered her head sadly, "After all, he is my father-in-law and Bing Xiang's son. If you hurt him, the result will be very serious."

"Put down my son!" A rebuke sounded.

Two very mature beautiful women came out with a few maids, one with a dignified temperament and wearing a purple dress, the other with a vigorous temperament and a red dress.

They are the two wives of Bingshanlin, named Bingxuelu, Bing Huoyan, and it was Bing Huoyan who spoke to Zhao Fu.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fu threw Bingxiao aside. Bing Xiao gasped.

Bing Xuelu asked, "What happened?"

The two maids replied nervously, "The young master beat the madam again, this kindly stopped the young master."

Bing Xuelu sighed, "Huo Yan, your son's problem must be corrected, how can you always beat Xiaowan so innocently!"

Bing Huoyan snorted coldly, "Even if my son beats her, it's our family affair. What does this have to do with you, and who are you? If you don't tell me, I can be called someone."

Zhao Fu said softly, "I will teach you a lesson today!"


A powerful force poured out from Zhao Fu's body, and many pale rhizomes grew from the ground, binding the two beautiful women and Bingxiao. They faced this force without the slightest resistance, and their faces were ugly.

Zhao Fu helped Bing Xiaowan on the ground, and said with concern, "Are you okay?"

This moved Bing Xiaowan's heart, her eyes moistened, and she shook her head.

Zhao Fu said, "What do you want to do with them?"

Bing Xiaowan said softly, "You still let them go, and don't make things worse."

Zhao Fu injected a force into Bing Xiaowan's body to heal Bing Xiaowan's injuries and bruises on her body, and said, "I don't hide you, this time I am here to wipe out your family."

"What?" Bing Xiaowan looked wrong, unable to believe that such a kind Zhao Fu would be the one who came to destroy the door.

The other people were surprised, and they didn't expect this to happen.

Bing Xiao said scaredly, "Don't kill me!"

Bing Xuelu and Bing Huoyan were also a little scared on their faces, and Bing Xuelu persuaded, "If you have something to discuss, you know our identity and know what the consequences will be."

Bing Huoyan said, "Why do you want to destroy the Bing Family's door? I don't remember having an enemy like you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Make a deal with someone else!"

Bing Huoyan asked, "Who?"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Do you think I will tell you?"

Bing Huoyan said, "No matter what the transaction, we are willing to repay ten times, and please let our Bing family go."

Bing Xiaowan said sadly, UU reading "Are you going to kill me too?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "How is this possible!"

Bing Xiaowan looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, and Zhao Fu directly bullied her.

Bing Xiao looked at the scene with an angry face.

Others were also very dissatisfied, and Zhao Fu bullied Bing Xiaowan in front of them.

After a while, Bing Xiaowan leaned in Zhao Fu's arms with a blushing face, and said softly, "You bad guy, I still have a great affection for you, so you didn't have a good heart since the beginning!"

Zhao Fu chuckled.

Bing Xiaowan put her arms around Zhao Fu and looked at Zhao Fu with her eyes, "Let them go, I will go with you!"

Zhao Fu said, "They treat you so badly, do you still have to plead for them?"

Bing Xiaowan nodded. "Ok!"

The two beautiful maids hurriedly said, "Madam, please take us away, too."

If Bing Xiaowan left with Zhao Fu, then they would die miserably if they stayed as Bing Xiaowan maids.

Bing Xiaowan smiled and said, "Yes!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Don't bother you like that, you don't have to go."

Bing Xiaowan looked at Zhao Fu strangely.

After half a day.

Bingshanlin returned from dealing with political affairs. It was strange that he didn't see his wife and son. He walked to the inner courtyard, heard some voices, and rushed towards a room, and saw the scene that made him angry.

"Come here!" Bingshanlin roared.

But no one came, which made Bingshanlin look astonished.

Bing Huoyan also looked at Zhao Fu in shock.

Zhao Fu ignored him and waved a few pale rhizomes from the ground to bind the body of the iceberg forest. A huge force injected into the iceberg forest to control the iceberg forest.

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