The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3164: Ice general

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eight

After a while.

Zhao Fu hugged the two beautiful women and Bing Xiaowan, and the maids were lying beside them.

Bing Xuelu asked, "What did you do to them?"

Zhao Fu said, "Now they are controlled by me. If you are not obedient, I can kill them at any time."

Bing Huoyan snorted softly, "We are not disobedient, why are you threatening us?"

Zhao Fu chuckled.

Bing Huoyan looked at Zhao Fu, "Who did you send?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter if I tell you now, the second princess asked me to destroy your house. The Icefield Kingdom is about to change!"

Upon hearing this, the women looked surprised.

Bing Xuelu said, "The second princess is so courageous? Still dare to rebel? Isn't she afraid of being full of chaos?"

Bing Huoyan said seriously, "This is not necessarily true. With Bing Qixue's current reputation, it is easy to become a new king."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "With my help, it will go smoother. As long as Bingqi learns to become a king, all of you who have the words King Bingchun will be put to death."

Bing Huoyan showed a charming smile and hugged Zhao Fu, "Are you willing to kill us before now?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Upon hearing this, the women breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I have to go to other places first!"

The girls hummed.

Zhao Fu remembered something to remind him, "Don't hurt Xiaowan, if you let me know, don't blame me."

Bing Xiaowan smiled happily when Zhao Fu was still thinking about her at this moment.

Bing Huoyan said, "How dare we! Who will hurt her except my son!"

Zhao Fu nodded and disappeared.

Today is the night when the stars are scarce. Zhao Fu spends a lot of time in the Bing's house. At this time, Zhao Fu comes to a military account.

The second on the list is the general of the Ice and Snow Kingdom. Mastering a large army also poses a great threat. It is a goal that must be eliminated. Without his support, King Bingchun would have broken his arm.

His name is Bing Yuan.

Zhao Fu entered the tent. There were eight people in it. Next to the table sat a heroic man. He was Bing Yuan.

In addition to him, there was also a woman with a fiery figure and a heroic look in armor.

Bing Yuan saw Zhao Fu appearing, his eyes cold, "Take him!"

"Yes!" The seven women screamed and rushed towards Zhao Fu.

I saw the seven women braving a cold light, their bodies began to freeze, forming a magic circle, rushing towards Zhao Fu with a powerful momentum.

These seven women were carefully selected by Bing Yuan. They could form the Frozen Girl Killing Array to protect his safety. Even if a world broke in, there was no way to face them.

Facing the seven women who rushed with a powerful aura, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it, and a terrifying force confined the seven women who rushed in midair.

Bing Yuan was stunned, "I didn't expect how powerful Zhao Fu is!"

However, Bing Yuan quickly calmed down and asked, "Which one are you? Is it the second princess or the fifth princess?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The Second Princess!"

Bing Yuan said with a smile, "If it's the second princess, that's not bad. I can still accept Bing Qixue becoming the king of the Icefield Kingdom."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, "Are you supporting the Second Princess to seize power?"

Bing Yuan said, "From the perspective of the increasingly dangerous situation in the world of Apocalypse, Bing Qi Xue is the best choice to become a king. The current Majesty is not only lacking in ability, but also extremely narrow. I usually have to be very careful to avoid his suspicion. "

"He is still the king of the Icefield Kingdom. I will not help you, nor will I help him. Whoever wins and becomes the new king, I will take orders."

Zhao Fu thought, "Yes, just in case, I need to leave a restriction in your body."

Bing Yuan said, "Yes!"

Zhao Fu walked towards Bingyuan.


An ice needle shot at Zhao Fu silently. Zhao Fu's face changed and he immediately displayed the defensive cover, but the defensive cover was shot through by the ice needle. Zhao Fu immediately picked up the power of the virtual realm and grabbed the ice needle.

Bing Yuan immediately fled to one side. He was even more shocked in his heart, but that was a treasure he cherished extremely, which could kill the strong above the heaven and earth realm.

Zhao Fu reached out and grabbed Bing Yuan. With a cold snort, he was a little careless just now, and he really believed him. If it were a general cultivation base of the world, he might die on this silent ice needle.

King Bingchun likes to be jealous and narrow-minded. When he thinks of getting his belief, he must have enough loyalty and will not be able to persuade him casually.

Zhao Fu walked towards Bingyuan.

About this matter, Bing Yuan was completely panicked, begging for mercy, "Give me another chance. I am willing to help you win the throne."

Zhao Fu said coldly, "The opportunity has been given to you, but you don't cherish it."

A powerful force injected into Bing Yuan's body, Zhao Fu was still a little angry now, being deceived by Bing Yuan, so he deliberately tortured Bing Yuan, causing him to feel the intense pain and let out a scream.

The tent is also arranged with an enchantment, and no sound will be heard.

The seven women saw Bing Yuan's painful look, and said angrily, "We are going to kill you, so we dare to do this to our adults."

Zhao Fu looked at the seven of them, UU reading www.uuká released their confinement, and they immediately rushed towards Zhao Fu with a chill.

But when Zhao Fu waved his hand, a huge force imprisoned them again. Zhao Fu disdainfully said, "You still want to kill me? You group of ants."

A leading woman snorted coldly, "What do you want?"

Zhao Fu showed a wicked smile and walked towards them.

late at night.

Zhao Fu was about to leave.

The woman on the ground snorted coldly, "Stop!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "What? Do you still want it?"

The woman cursed, "Dead bastard! What have you done to us adults?"

Now Bing Yuan lay on one side like a corpse.

Zhao Fu said, "He is not life-threatening, he is just under my control, and I will not let go of his control, so don't think about it."

The woman said, "Then you don't control us? Are you afraid that we will leak the news?"

Zhao Fu smiled confidently and said, "You can try it!"

The woman leaped up immediately, with a fist and a strong wind, she struck Zhao Fu's perfect face, but as soon as she was about to hit Zhao Fu to release, the woman's body stopped and her body was hit The force was imprisoned.

The woman felt the power to imprison herself in her body, and said in a cold voice, "So you have left a restraint in our body!"

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to lift the woman's chin and said with a smile, "What's your name?"

The woman said coldly, "Bing Liao"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I remember, I will come again when I have time, you guys get ready."

The woman said with shame, "You might as well kill us!"

Zhao Fu ignored her and turned to leave.

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