The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3165: Ice merchant

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine

The third on the list is a woman, a business group she controls, this business group is the richest business group in the Icefield Kingdom, this is also under the secret support of King Bingchun, it has such a scale.

Zhao Fu sneaked into that business group,

A woman with a graceful figure and intellectual temperament in a white dress was sitting on the chair above, thinking about what she was Zhao Fu's target Bingluo.

Zhao Fu felt like he wanted to do it, and four women walked into it. One was charming and charming, named Bing Xiaochun, one was called Bing Lingye with **** figure, one was called Bingshuanghao with charming temperament, and the other was called Bing Mingli with sweet looks.

Bing Xiaochun smiled and said, "Sister, what are you thinking about?"

Bingluo said, "I feel that something is wrong recently. It seems that there is a force helping the second and fifth princesses. What kind of force will that be? I have been investigating and have not found out, but I noticed that someone might be related Is it related?"

Frost asked, "Who?"

Bingluo shook his head, "I don't know, but I just know that he likes to wear a cloak. He has observed that he has gone into and out of the princess's residence several times. His identity is suspicious."

Bing Lingye whispered, "We don't need to worry about this. Isn't your Majesty willing to support Bing Qi Xue to become a king?"

Bingluo knew about King Bingchun's poison to kill Bingqixue's mother and son, but he couldn't tell others, he could only sigh and said, "It's not as simple as you think!"

Bing Xiaochun said with a smile, "Now that the two alchemy armies have been repelled by us, then what will happen, big sister, don't think too much."

Bingluo's shook his head, "If that force is not found, it will always be a hidden danger, and I am also worried about what the Second Princess has been planning."

Bing Mingli said, "It's normal for me to watch the second princess. I have stayed at home recently. I haven't seen other people, so I shouldn't do anything."

"Heh! You are wrong, she is really planning something," a man's voice suddenly remembered, making the faces of the women present changed.

I saw a man wearing a black cloak appeared.

Bingluo said with a cold face, "Is it you?"

The other women looked at Bingluo strangely.

Bingluo explained, "He is the one who enters and exits the princess's residence!"

Bing Shuang asked, "Why are you here, what can I do with us?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You haven't been looking for someone to support the princess, I will tell you kindly now."

Bingluo asked seriously, "Then tell me!"

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "No problem, but if you want to know, you have to pay a price."

Bingluo asked, "What's the price?"

Zhao Fu smiled and wanted the girls to go.

After a few more hours, Zhao Fu played with Bingluo and said with a smile, "You are not bad, why didn't that King Bingchun touch you?"

Bingluo's face was cold and did not speak.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Don't you really want to know who is helping the princess? Now that I am killing you, I am helping. Lei Jing and the scroll are all provided by me."

Hearing this, the women looked at Zhao Fu in surprise.

Bingluo asked coldly, "Then what is your purpose?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I have no purpose, but the second princess has it. Now I also do things according to her instructions."

Bingluo immediately asked, "What's the purpose of the second princess?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Why should I tell you?"

Bingluo gave an angry snort.

Frost said charmingly, "Now we are all yours. Tell us!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Let's do it! I tell you that the purpose of the princess is to want Bing Qi Xue to ascend the throne."

The faces of the women changed.

Bingluo asked quickly, "Then how is her conspiracy going?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "It went well. I also tell you that before I came here, I had controlled Bingshanlin and the general. The second princess would launch a coup sooner and win the throne for Bing Qixue."

Upon hearing this, the women's faces paled.

Bing Mingli thought of something, and asked nervously, "Why do you tell us so much? Don't you think?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, the dead will not reveal the secret anyway."

The girls heard that Zhao Fu actually killed them, they were afraid and wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape with much strength.

Bingluo said with a cold face, "Kill me if you want to kill, and spare my four sisters, they are innocent."

"Eldest Sister!" The four girls looked at Bingluo's moved and called.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "I am teasing you, I am reluctant to kill you."

Bing Mingli gave Zhao Fu a white look, "You really scared me to death!"

The other women breathed a sigh of relief.

Bingluo looked at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Bingluo said coldly, "We can serve you now, and we can also provide you with more women. Please help your Majesty."

Zhao Fu chuckled. The person trusted by King Bingchun was indeed not ordinary loyal, and now he wanted to help King Bingchun.

Looking at Bingluo's Zhao Fu, he said coldly, "Do you think it's possible? You should give up on him! Otherwise, don't blame me."

Bing Lingye persuaded softly, "Don't be angry, my eldest sister hasn't got used to it. My eldest sister will be better in a few days."

Now that they know the situation, King Bingchun loses their support and is destined to be ousted. They are not so loyal to King Bingchun.

Frost said with a smile, "Didn't my eldest sister like you very much just now?"

Zhao Fu snorted softly.

Bingluo turned her face away, her cheeks blushed slightly when she thought of what happened just now, she didn't expect to be like Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said, "I have something to leave first!"

Bing Mingli asked, "Do you continue to control other people?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Bing Mingli smiled and said, "I see, you will come back tonight!"

Zhao Fu showed a slight smile and left the room with a hum.

The women looked at Bingluo’s and began to persuade that King Bingchun had no hope, so don’t put yourself in, but Bingluo’s thoughts could not be changed for a while.

Zhao Fu's fourth target was another minister of Korea.

Dive into it.

I was seeing a woman with a plump body and a beautiful face feeding a baby, and there was a gentle man next to him, who was Zhao Fu's target.

The two looked at the baby lovingly, without realizing that Zhao Fu had sneaked into their room.

Zhao Fu didn't waste time, a hand appeared to grab the man, and a powerful evil force injected into his body.

The beautiful woman panicked and exclaimed, "What are you doing? Quickly let go of my mate!"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "If you want your father to live, you come over and serve me immediately, or I will kill him now."

The beautiful woman glared at Zhao Fu in shame, and walked towards Zhao Fu in order to survive her husband.

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