The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3166: Old man ice

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Thirty

Later, Zhao Fu learned that her name was Bing Zhumei.

Zhao Fu left her behind and had to deal with the next person.

Bing Zhumei was lying on the bed with tears.

Zhao Fu found another target, another minister. There was only one person in his family, and the others went out to play. Zhao Fu just controlled him.

After another two days, one person remained on the list.

Zhao Fu came to the man's house alone and found that a man also sneaked into it quietly and entered a beautiful woman's room.

The man looks good, but he also feels very romantic, while the beautiful woman looks very virtuous.

When the man entered the room, he hugged the beautiful woman impatiently.

Zhao Fu pushed the door open, and said awe-inspiringly, "You dare to do this kind of thing, I'll call someone to catch you guys and dogs!"

Although they didn't know the identity of Zhao Fu, they couldn't see what they were doing. Hearing Zhao Fu immediately told people to think about it.

The man paled with fright and rushed out the window, trying to escape.

Zhao Fu gave a cold snort and waved his hand. A stream of light pierced the man's body, and the man fell to the ground and died.

The beautiful woman collapsed on the ground and wept.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, "What else do you have to say?"

The beautiful woman said, "I don't keep a woman's way, but please don't reveal it."

Zhao Fu said shamelessly, "You do such a thing, and you tell people not to say it? I hate such things the most."

The beautiful woman pleaded, "I can die, you can kill me now, but I want to preserve my reputation and don't want to shame my family."

Zhao Fu said, "What reputation do you want?"

The beautiful woman was unable to refute, she bowed her head and wept.

At this moment, a young man walked in, looked at the scene before him, and asked strangely, "What happened?"

He was a general named Bing Yue, and he was Zhao Fu's target.

Zhao Fu said righteously, "I just saw this person sneak into your house, and I came over and found that this man was hooking up with your wife, and that person wanted to escape, so I would kill him."

Bing Yue looked at his wife with a pair of eyes.

The beautiful woman was called Bing Xiaojuan, and she looked down at Bing Yue with no face.

Bing Yue sighed, "Pack your things and go!"

Bing Xiaojuan raised her head and looked at Bing Yue, crying and said, "Miangong!"

Bing Yue said, "Stop talking!"

Bing Xiaojuan lowered her head and wept on the ground.

Bingyue turned his head and said to Zhao Fu, "Thank you for your help. I will thank you for your help. Please don't spread it because this is a family scandal."

Zhao Fu said, "This is no problem!"


Bing Xiaojuan ran into a wall, as if she was going to die, she had no face to live.

Bing Yue was startled, and just wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, an invisible force grabbed the beautiful woman.

Bing Yue hurried forward and said, "Why are you so stupid?"

Bing Xiaojuan cried and said, "I have no face to face you, so I might as well die."

Bing Yue said, "I have been away for many years. I also have a reason for you to do such a thing. It has already become like this. I don't want to mention it again. Your leaving is the best result.

Bing Xiaojuan cried and said, "I'm sorry, Xiang Gong!"

Zhao Fu curiously said, "How do you hook up together?"

Bing Xiaojuan began to explain.

Originally, Bing Xiaojuan was waiting for Bing Yue's return at home, but the long-term wait also left her with emptiness. That man took the opportunity to show up and used rhetoric to get Bing Xiaojuan.

After listening to this, Bing sighed, not knowing how to choose.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "My friend, let me handle it for you!"

Bing Yue looked at Zhao Fu strangely, but Zhao Fu picked up Bing Xiaojuan and walked to the bed and said, "What are you going to do?"

A pale rhizome stretched out from the ground, binding the young man, a powerful evil spirit injected into his body, and the young man quickly lost consciousness.

Bing Xiaojuan asked softly, "What's wrong with me?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "He's fine, don't worry."

Bing Xiaojuan blushed and said, "Then you want to do this to me?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I want to punish you!"

Two hours later, Bing Xiaojuan limply nestled in Zhao Fu's arms, "You guy was still so upright just now, so it's so bad."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Bing Xiaojuan blushed and said, "Well, I'm very satisfied!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then I'm leaving!"

Bing Xiaojuan said, "You just leave like this? Don't take me away?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, this will be the master from now on."

Bing Xiaojuan asked, "What about my mate?"

Zhao Fu said, "He will have been controlled by me, and there will be major events in the Icefield Kingdom next, you have to be prepared,"

Bing Xiaojuan said, "What's the big deal?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The Second Princess is about to rebel and let Bing Qixue become the king."

Bing Xiaojuan looked surprised, "No wonder you want to control my grandfather. If the second princess succeeds, then can you let my grandfather go? I will serve you well in the future."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "Yes!"

Bing Xiaojuan smiled happily, UU reading "Thank you, you will be my only man from now on, no one can compare with you."

Zhao Fu chuckled and then left here.

Returning to Binghanmei’s residence, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I have done it!"

Bing Hanmei gave Zhao Fu a white look, "Why don't you play with more women?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "How can they have you!"

Zhao Fu stepped forward and held Binghan Mei.

Bing Hanmei snorted, "However, I still want to thank you. You can control them. Then there will be no accidents. Now your Majesty doesn't know about it. I'm probably still immersed in the plan to poison my mother and son. in."

Zhao Fu asked, "When will you shoot?"

Bing Hanmei smiled and said, "Waiting for a good opportunity to start, it should be within this week."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "If you need anything, just tell me!"

Bing Hanmei hugged Zhao Fu and smiled, "Thank you, Xiang Gong!"

Bing Lengxi walked in from the door at this time, saw the scene before her, her cheeks were slightly red, and shouted, "Msang Gong! When are you coming back?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I just came back, come here too!"

Coldly came to Zhao Fu obediently.

As time passed slowly, King Bingchun waited a little anxiously, wondering if three months was too long? Why is it so long?

After thinking about it, King Bingchun decided to take action in advance, intending to poison Bing Abandoned mother and child within this month.

The old man who had poisoned received the order and did not say anything. He followed the order of King Bingchun and continued to poison Bing Han Mei and Bing Qixue's meals.

But this time his luck was not as good as the last time, because Zhao Fu happened to be beside Binghanmei.

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