The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3206: Go to the water

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Seventy

Zhao Fu looked at Yu Qiye and Yu Shaoling, "You two will follow me to the waters."

Yu Qiye asked, "Where is my son?"

Zhao Fu said, "He also stayed at the Zongmen, there may be many smiles along the way."

Yu Qiye thought and nodded.

Hong Lan said charmingly, "You have to come back soon, we are waiting for you!"

Zhao Fu gave a chuckle. "know!"

The few old men who attacked Zhao Fu were really miserable. Not only were Zhao Fu seriously injured, but because Zhao Fu lost his life, his wife and daughter had to rely on Zhao Fu to survive.

Farewell to Zongmen, and the three of Zhao Fu continued to walk towards the water.

The sound of battle sounded from the front.

I saw countless card soldiers surrounded a group of people, the group of about 30,000 people, led by a cold youth, exuding a kingly aura, it looked like a team destroyed by the card world.

The grim young man, named Wei Qing, swung this spear to knock five or six card soldiers out, and shouted, "I will take the soldiers to hold them, Zhiyong, you will break through with someone."

A bearded man named Wei Zhiyong did not want to say, "Your Majesty, I will take the people to stay. You take the queen and them to escape."

Wei Qing said coldly, "Their purpose is for me. If I take people away, none of them can escape. Hurry up or there will be no chance."

Hearing that, Wei Zhiyong was cruel, rode a horse and ran next to a carriage, shouting, "The guards listen to my orders and break through from the south!"

The soldiers guarding near the carriages heard orders. Immediately prepare for a breakthrough to the south.

A noble and glamorous woman in a purple palace dress stepped out of the carriage and asked, "Where is General Wei, my emperor?"

This is the queen mother named Wei Qingqing.

Wei Zhiyong replied, "Your Majesty will stay and hold these card soldiers."

Wei Qingqing said coldly, "As the lord of a country, he is the future of our country, how can he stay?"

Wei Zhiyong hurriedly said, "Queen dowager, only in this way can we make a breakthrough. Don't waste time."

Wei Qingqing said, "I won't go. If my emperor is dead, then I don't want to live, and the blood of the orthodox royal family will be cut off."

Wei Zhiyong looked anxious.

A woman with a gentle temperament and a yellow dress came out of the carriage and said, “Sister, don’t fill in the mess. If you delay, no one can leave. Now the queen has not given birth to any children. Choose a new king from the sidelines."

She is also a toffee named Wei Wenning.

Seven women came out of another carriage. A woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face reprimanded herself and said, "We have not given birth to royal children. We are willing to stay and die with Your Majesty."

She is the queen guard Zi Yao.

The other people and women are also princesses, and they also said, "We are willing to stay and die with your Majesty."

Looking at these people, Wei Qingqing sighed, "You don't have to do this, let's break through with General Wei!"


There was a loud noise, and Wei Qing slammed out a long spear. A huge force turned into a blue dragon, rushed forward, and knocked out a card soldier.

A man with yellow hair appeared in the air, looked at Wei Qing with a stab, and slashed Wei Qing away.

Wei Qing got up from the ground and quickly attacked the yellow-haired man with a spear in his hand.

Seeing this, Wei Zhiyong understood that there was no time to waste, and immediately shouted, "Break to the south together!"

Wei Zhiyong rode his horse and rushed to the south first, swiping the big sword in his hand continuously, bringing out a few blades and slashing several card soldiers. Many soldiers also rushed forward following Wei Zhiyong.

The card soldiers also wanted to gather in that direction, and wanted to prevent them from breaking through. The two sides fought fiercely together.

A soldier rushed forward on a horse. The long spear in his hand pierced a soldier's chest with a strong stab. A card soldier shot an arrow hard, and the arrow flew out, shooting a soldier down from the horse.

A card soldier waved his sword and cut off the leg of a horse, causing a soldier and the horse to fall to the ground together. A soldier waved his sword, and a sword chopped off the head of a card soldier. Gushing out.

A card soldier also rushed towards the soldier on a horse. With a strong wave of the long spear in his hand, he shot a soldier flying out. Another card soldier was holding a long knife and slashed a soldier. The blood shed a lot. Ground.

A general in the card world, seeing this, threw out a card, and the card flew out and shot into the ground. Numerous thorns quickly grew from the ground and stopped many soldiers.


Many arrows flew out, shooting through the body of each soldier, splashing blood, and screaming constantly.

Wei Zhiyong swung a long knife to fly several arrows. One arrow drew an arc and hit Wei Zhiyong's arm. The front was blocked by many thorns. Wei Zhiyong looked ugly and exclaimed, "Turn around and break through from the west!"

The soldier who heard the order immediately turned around and headed out to the!

The yellow-haired man slashed out, and a huge blade of light slashed towards Wei Qing with amazing power.

Wei Qing's spear was held horizontally.

The knife light slashed on the spear, and there was a sound, and the ground under Wei Qing's feet shattered, and Wei Qing's feet softened and he half-kneeled on the ground.

The yellow-haired man appeared in front of Wei Qing and slashed at Wei Qing.

Wei Qing hurriedly hid to the side, but a wound was cut out on his shoulder, blood flowed out, and Wei Qing shot the yellow-haired man with the spear in his hand. The yellow-haired man kicked Wei Qing away.

Wei Qing fell to the ground, vomiting a big mouth of blood, and his face became pale.

The yellow-haired man sneered, "You are dead!"

Wei Qing stood up hard from the ground.

The yellow-haired man sneered and continued to attack Wei Qing.


After a few moves, the yellow-haired man slashed out and cut off Wei Qing's chest. Blood splashed and Wei Qing fell to the ground and died.

Many soldiers cried out sadly, "Your Majesty!"

Watching Wei Qing being killed, Wei Zhiyong also looked angry and hated, and slashed the card soldiers in front of him. He wanted to take the soldiers to break out and embrace the royal blood.


An arrow cut through the void and shot through Wei Zhiyong's body extremely quickly. Wei Zhiyong looked down at the arrow that hit the heart with an incredulous expression, and fell from the horse powerlessly.

"Msang Gong!" a beautiful woman in armor and a beautiful face cried sadly.

The king and the general died consecutively, which was a heavy blow to the team, leaving many soldiers without morale, and even some soldiers wanted to escape.

The yellow-haired man said with a smile, "Kill them all and leave them alone!"

Many card soldiers continue to attack many soldiers, and many soldiers are no longer able to resist card soldiers.


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