The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3207: Royal

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Seventy One

Yu Qiye couldn't bear to say, "Help them!"

Zhao Fu nodded and flew forward quickly.

The yellow-haired man watched Zhao Fu fly over, and immediately felt a danger, and swiped it with all his strength, a huge sword with a violent wind.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change, and he punched hard.


A huge explosion sounded, the sword strength was blown, a huge wind blew away, countless rubble dust blown out, and some card soldiers were also blown down.

The yellow-haired man shook his body and took a step back, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. Exclaimed with an ugly face. "Attack him together!"

Numerous card soldiers, exuding a wave of strength, are about to gather their strength,

Zhao Fu took the lead with a sneer, and saw that Zhao Fu fell on the ground, slapped a palm on the ground, a powerful evil force gushing out, many pale rhizomes grew out, and sharp rhizomes pierced the chests of card soldiers. .

Numerous soldiers screamed in pain and blood splattered everywhere. This scene was terribly bloody.

Zhao Fu's attack disrupted the power that many card soldiers wanted to gather.

Seeing this scene, the yellow-haired man did not hesitate and shouted, "Retreat!"

Many card soldiers got the order and hurriedly backed away, knowing that Zhao Fu was definitely a terrifying powerhouse, and he did not dare to stay here.

Seeing the many card soldiers running away, Zhao Fu didn't bother to chase him.

Many soldiers looked at the card soldiers who were running away with a sigh of relief, showing a surviving expression.

Wei Qingqing and the girls got out of the carriage, looked at Wei Qing's body, and ran over and wept. Everyone was surrounded by them, with grief and sadness on their faces.

After a while, the female general, the beautiful woman in armor, named Wei Huabao, walked up to Zhao Fu and said gratefully, "Thank you for your help!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "No thanks!"

The two Yu Qiye also flew down, watching the scene in front of them, and sighed slightly. This is the current situation of the Apocalypse World.

Wei Qingqing's daughters also came over, "Thank you for saving us!"

Zhao Fu looked at Wei Qingqing with a pair of eyes and said with a smile, "I saved you, do you want to pay me something?"

Wei Qingqing said, "We will pay you naturally!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I want you to be paid!"

Hearing that, the faces of the women changed, and they didn't expect that they would meet the evil tiger after escaping from the wolf's mouth. Now Zhao Fu is even more terrifying than the group of card soldiers.

Wei Qingqing said coldly, "How can we agree to your request as a concubine?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then you are also to blame for me!"

Wei Qingqing said angrily, "You can try, I won't let you succeed if I die."

Yu Shaoling couldn't help saying, "You still promise him! This is also for your good. Now you people will die at any time. As long as you promise your safety, your safety will be guaranteed."

Wei Qingqing said with an arrogant expression, "If so, we are willing to die!"

Wei Wenning stepped forward and looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I am willing to promise you and ask you to bypass them."

Everyone looked surprised and didn't expect that someone would really agree.

Wei Wenning was also more helpless, because only in this way would they not die and the kingdom inheritance would not be broken.

Wei Qingqing said with a cold face, "Wen Ning! How can you do this?"

Wei Zi Yao said, "I am willing, now I am a useless person, as long as you can promise to guarantee the safety of the royal family, I am yours."

Wei Qingqing was angry, but she didn't expect her daughter-in-law would also agree.

Zhao Fu chuckles, "No, I want it all, I will give you 20 minutes to prepare!"

Hearing that Zhao Fu was so domineering and tyrannical, the women stared at Zhao Fu angrily.

Yu Qiye looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, not knowing what to say.

Twenty minutes later.

Zhao Fu brought the girls to the grass. There were more than two hundred in total. The girls looked at Zhao Fu with cold expressions. After 20 minutes of thinking, they finally agreed to Zhao Fu's shameful request.

Time flies quickly.

Zhao Fu hugged Wei Qingqing and smiled, "You are the woman I like!"

Wei Qingqing gave Zhao Fu a white look.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Now you have paid, and neither of us owes anyone. I'm leaving!"

Wei Huabao grabbed Zhao Fu and said angrily, "You fellow! Don't you protect us as long as we promise?"

Wei Huabao thought about her husband's death to protect the royal family. She also wanted to continue to protect the royal family and accomplish what her husband had not done. So she was agreeing to something like this, but Zhao Fu wanted to leave after playing with them. How could she not angry.

Zhao Fu said like a scumbag, "I haven't said that before. I have no time to take care of your affairs."

Wei Huabao scolded angrily, "You **** scum, I'm fighting you!"

Wei Huabao got up and pressed Zhao Fu to the ground, Zhao Fu sneered.

A few minutes later, Zhao Fu held Wei Huabao in his arms and said with a smile, "I just made a joke with you. I will guarantee your safety."

Wei Huabao's face was ruddy and he snorted softly.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "There is a sect near this place, UU reading, you just said I let you go, the lord there is very good, and he will protect you."

Wei Qingqing said coldly, "What about you bastard? Why don't you protect us yourself?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I have to go to the waters to have something to do!"

Wei Zi Yao said gratefully, "Thank you!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You're welcome, it should be."

Wei Wenning looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes and asked softly, "Who are we now? I hope you can give us a name instead of being a random woman."

Zhao Fu nodded, "I will take you back to be my wife!"

Wei Wenning blushed and said, "My husband! We will ask you to take care of it from now on."

Wei Qingqing felt a little unhappy, and watched Wei Wenning yelling, but now things are like this, as his wife is the best choice. Looking at Zhao Fu next to him, Wei Qingqing’s heart beats extremely fast. I have to admit Zhao Fu's powerful charm.

After everyone cleaned up,

Wei Qingqing looked at Zhao Fu, who was about to leave, flushed, and shouted, "Msang Gong! You come back soon."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, smiled at her and nodded.

Wei Wenning smiled and said, "His identity is very unusual. As his women, we will have unexpected benefits and can even restore our country."

Wei Qingqing nodded, now I understand why Wei Wenning did this.

Wei Huabao thought about what had just happened, his cheeks were also blushing, he felt a little in love with Zhao Fu, but he felt sorry for his husband.

Everyone also came to that sect.

Shi Kun looked at the women with a look of astonishment. He had just left these women for a while and he had a premonition that many people would come to his sect.


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