The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3208: genius

Volume One, Chapter 172


With a sound, a powerful shock wave dissipated, and the three of Zhao Fu who were flying in the sky were also stopped by the shock wave.

Zhao Fu looked forward, and the fighting direction should be right ahead.

Continue to fly forward.

I saw two people fighting in the sky, one for the alchemy tribe, a young man with a metal face, named Jin Qi, and the other for Apocalypse, a young man with a cold temperament in black, named Leng Mu.

Both of them are very powerful, absolutely belonging to the genius level. In addition to the two of them fighting in the sky, there are two groups of people on the ground, one of the alchemy tribe, and the other of the apocalyptic world.

"Brother must win!" a girl in a blue dress called out loudly.

Leng Mu was holding a black sword, his body was spinning like a black whirlwind, and an astonishing wave sent out, attacking the Jin Qi.

Jin Qi raised a hand, and countless golden powers condensed in his palm to form a golden spear, exuding a powerful force.


Jin Qi projected the long spear in his hand, and that long spear, with many sharp rays of light, shot at the black whirlwind like a broken bamboo.


The long spear shot in the middle of the black whirlwind, and the powerful sharp force penetrated the black whirlwind, the black whirlwind dispersed, the cold wood was knocked out, and the corner of the mouth showed a trace of blood.

Jin Qi showed a disdainful smile, "This is the strength of your Sect Young Master? I think that's the case."

Many alchemists laughed happily and shouted, "The young patriarch is too powerful! The young patriarch is mighty, the young patriarch is the strongest! The people in the world of Apocalypse are just a bunch of rubbish, and they are not worthy of the young patriarch's shoes."

Leng Mu looked at Jin Qi with a cold face.

The people on the side of Apocalypse also looked angrily at the alchemists on the opposite side. The girl was so angry that she wanted to rush over, but she was still stopped by someone.

Jin Qi sneered and said, "Do you want to continue? It's impossible to defeat me with your strength, or go home and practice for a few more years! Oh forget! Maybe there is no chance, because your sect will soon be ours The Jin family is destroyed, now you beg for mercy, I can consider not killing you in the future."

Leng Mu said coldly, "Don't deceive people too much!"

Jin Qi smiled contemptuously, "Why did I bully you? You people in the Apocalypse World are just a bunch of trash, and it's hard to find an opponent!"

Leng Mu felt angrily and was about to rush over.

At this time, a voice sounded, "You are a little too confident!"

Zhao Fu originally didn't want to care about it, but when he heard Jin Qi insult people in the Apocalypse World, this together with him was also insulted, making him a little unhappy.

Jin Qi looked at Zhao Fu and smiled, "I'm so confident. Looking at you, do you want to compete with me?"

Zhao Fu showed a slight smile, "As long as you get me with three internal injuries, then I will kill you."

These words were so arrogant that everyone present was very surprised.

People on this side of the Apocalypse world looked at Zhao Fu curiously, and began to talk about who Zhao Fu was and how could he say such things. Their seniors are not opponents so powerful, and this person in front of them is Jin Qi's opponent?

Everyone on this side of the alchemy world is very angry.

"This person is mader than our young master, doesn't he know the power of our young master?"

"Hahaha, joke, who is this person? Something that lives and lives."

"Three moves can't hurt him? I think our young master can kill him with one move."

"Yes! With the strength of our young patriarch, he can be killed easily. I just want to see how he died."

"Dare to say such madness, and later chop up his body and feed the dog."

Jin Qi snorted, "Are you sure?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "OK!"

Jin Qi said with a smile, "Then I'll see, you have some ability."

Jin Qi was rushing to attack Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stood there and said, "Wait!"

Jin Qi gave a chuckle. "Why are you afraid? It's too late for you to beg me."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I'm just reminding you that I will stand still and let you attack. There are only three opportunities. Don't waste it."

Jin Qi was angry in his heart, disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of Zhao Fu. A golden sword in his hand emitted a strong sword light. With a full swing, that sword brought terrifying power to the Zhao Fu battle zone, as if it could The mountain is cut open.

At this dangerous moment, an energy mask emerged from Zhao Fu's body, wrapping Zhao Fu's body.


The sword slashed on the defensive cover, many golden rays of light shot out, an astonishing wave spread, everyone felt the power, their bodies became cold, showing a surprised expression.

Although this sword was terrifying, it still didn't break Zhao Fu's defensive cover.

Jin Qi stepped back, his face became serious, and he understood that the person in front of him was indeed very powerful, otherwise there would be no way to resist such a powerful sword.

Many alchemists looked at Zhao Fu in surprise.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "First trick!"

Jin Qi snorted coldly and raised a hand. Many metal forces gathered together to form a metal spear, and a powerful force enveloped him.

Jin Qi just defeated Lengmu with this trick.

Leng Mu also watched carefully. As a person who had personally experienced this trick, he understood how terrible it was.

Everyone was also nervous at this moment.


With a huge roar, Jin Qi projected his spear with all his strength, and that spear with a metallic light, generally shot at Zhao Fu by Thunder Wanjun.


The spear shot on the defensive cover, and a wave of light scattered with amazing power, like a strong wind, blowing the trees swaying, and everyone was blown back. This move was more powerful than the last time. terrible.

The power of the metal spear gradually weakened, and finally dissipated into many opinions. Zhao Fu's defense was still not broken.

Zhao Fu looked at Jin Qi with a smile, and said with a smile, "Second trick!"

Everyone looked surprised, feeling that Zhao Fu's strength was so strong that such a terrible blow hadn't broken the defense. If they had died long ago, the body would not be left.

Leng Mu also admired Zhao Fu a little, he simply couldn't stop this move.

Jin Qi looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes and felt pressure. The strength of this man really surprised him, and now there was only one last move left.

Jin Qi exhaled, closed his eyes, and put the golden sword in his hand upright in front of him. All the power poured into this sword, and the golden sword ignited a golden flame and a huge might It fell down, pressed on everyone, making everyone feel their bodies sink.

This is the last resort, the power radiated is several times more terrifying than before.


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