The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3209: Holy Sky Slash

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three

Jin Qi suddenly opened his eyes and shouted coldly, "Holy Heaven Jinyan Slash!"


Jin Qi cut out with a sword, and a long flame of sword light slashed towards Zhao Fu and smashed on the defensive cover. Countless golden flames swallowed Zhao Fu, forming a huge golden fireball, and a terrifying force dispersed.

The void seemed to be distorted and blurred, many trees and stones shattered, and the ground could not bear to crack.

Everyone also quickly deployed their defenses, feeling a strong fear, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Few of them had such a strong fear.

Leng Mu looked surprised and had to admit that Jin Qi's power was indeed stronger than him. Jin Qi had just fought with him, and he might not have used his full strength. Now this strike is Jin Qi's true strength.

The huge golden fireball slowly diminished, and finally disappeared.

Zhao Fu still didn't seem to be hurt at all, and stood there calmly. Everyone looked shocked, and this did not cause harm? How could this person's power be so powerful?

Jin Qi looked stunned, and suffered a blow in his heart. He was extremely bitter. His reputation in the card world was not small at all. He was a genius that everyone admired, but he tried his best, but he couldn't hurt anyone else's hair. .

His strength is indeed strong, but he doesn't know who he is facing, but Zhao Fu has reached the critical point of the mortal world.

Zhao Fu smiled, "The third trick!"

Now it became quiet. Zhao Fu said before that Jin Qi could hurt him with three moves, so he wouldn't kill him. Now Jin Qi's three moves didn't hurt Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu hit out with a palm, and a powerful force hit Jin Qi.

Jin Qi immediately used the sword in a gear, but was still blown out by this palm, and the aura in his body was confused and became very uncomfortable.

Many alchemy masters hurriedly shouted, "Young patriarch, let's run!"

Hearing that, Jin Qi didn't hesitate, turned around and flew back.

The alchemists on the ground also dispersed, none of them dared to stay.

Many people in the apocalyptic world watched the alchemists flee in embarrassment, showing a happy smile and feeling a breath of illness.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu with admiration and admiration.

Leng Mu flew to Zhao Fu's side and said, "Thank you for your help just now!"

Zhao Fu smiled, "You're welcome!"

Leng Mu curiously asked, "Your Excellency is from Emperor Dao Academy?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "No!"

Leng Mu had some surprises in his heart. He thought that Zhao Fu was so powerful that it was definitely someone from the Emperor Dao Academy who smiled and said, "Our sect is nearby. How about going to our sect?"

As soon as Zhao Fu thought about it, he said, "I have nothing more to do!"

Zhao Fu then took Yu Qiye and two of them to continue flying forward.

Others were curious, and the girl asked, "Who is this brother? I feel that he can definitely be ranked in the top ten among our human races, but I have never heard of him."

Leng Mu shook his head, "I don't know, but he brought two people from the aquarium, maybe from the water!"

The girl nodded clearly, "If people in the waters haven't heard of it, it's normal!"

At night, there are no stars and no moon, and the sky is completely dark.

The three of Zhao Fu stopped on a hillside and lit a bonfire to rest.

Yu Qiye snuggled in Zhao Fu's arms and sighed.

Zhao Fu asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Yu Qiye said worriedly, "I don't know what will happen in the clan going back. If it weren't for you, I would never want to go back."

Yu Shaoling said complicatedly, "If the patriarch really wants blood sacrifice to our clan, I don't know what to do. Should I announce the events of the year? But the patriarch controls the whole clan, and maybe no one will believe it."

"I didn't bring back the Bafang Water World, and the patriarch will definitely abolish me. I don't know what to do?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have everything."

Yu Shaoling looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, "Although you are a bit of a bastard, I believe you, if you become our patriarch, it will be fine, and our family will definitely rejuvenate and become stronger."

Yu Qiye smiled and said, "Well, with you, the son of apocalypse, we really don't have to worry, but you have to promise us to try not to harm our people."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem!"

Yu Qiye looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, his cheeks flushed, and he whispered softly, "Manny!"

Zhao Fu smiled slightly and understood what she meant.

Yu Shaoling's face also blushed.

At this time, many voices sounded, Zhao Fu looked over, only to see a team of people coming from one side.

A young man in black named Mu Ding said, "Madam! This is relatively remote, let's rest here for one night!"

A moving voice rang from the carriage, "Well, then rest here."

The group of people stopped not far from Zhao Fu and the others. There were only a few hundred in number, and they looked like people from a certain sect.

Mu Ding led people to light a bonfire and set up a tent. There were also gorgeously dressed people from the carriage. There were old and young, and some beautiful women.

What I just talked about was a beautiful woman in a white dress who had a very good temperament from UU reading www.uukā Her name was Mu Wanwan. She was the wife of the Mu Yang sect. Unfortunately, their sect was also destroyed. And only a small number of people escaped.

Mu Wanwan also noticed the three Zhao Fu people next to him, and said kindly, "Now it's dangerous in the wild, you tell them to come too!"

Mu Ding nodded.

Zhao Fu looked at Mu Wanwan's daughters with his eyes.

With a hint of jealousy, Yu Shaoling pinched Zhao Fu lightly, "Everyone else is here, I can't get up!"

Zhao Fu stood up with a smile and looked at Mu Ding and asked, "Anything?"

Mu Ding said, "Our sect master's wife is afraid that something will happen to you, let you join us, now you go over!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "We know!"

Muding didn't say anything and turned and left.

Zhao Fu brought the two to Mu Wanwan and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Sect Master!"

Mu Wanwan smiled, "You're welcome, are you going there?"

Zhao Fu replied, "We are going to the waters!"

Mu Wanwan smiled unexpectedly and said, "We happen to go in that direction too!"

Zhao Fu asked, "I don't know what direction Mrs. Sect Master is going to do?"

Mu Wanwan sighed, "Our sect has been destroyed, and we want to return to our family."

Zhao Fu said with concern, "Madam, look a little away, now you are the most precious thing in the sect."

Mu Wanwan smiled slightly.

A beautiful woman who was wearing a red palace dress and had a more **** figure looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Okay! Don't tell him more."

Mu Wanwan looked at Zhao Fu apologetically, "You can live in the tent next to it!"

Zhao Fu nodded, "Thank you Madam!"


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