The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 220: First kill

Serefina moved further into the castle and she conjured a white butterfly again. Along the way, she tried to compose herself and to focus on the matter at hand and on her mission.

But the little boy's face kept coming into her mind, fused with the image of Jedrek that she remembered.

Serefina could feel the sharp pain in her heart and she curled her lips into a self-deprecating smile.

Because her mind was in such a mess, she was not careful enough when she turned at the end of the corridor that she almost got hit by a flying chandelier.

Thanks to her outstanding reflex, she was able to dodge it in time and turn it into dust before it could actually hit her. At the same time, the white butterfly disappeared, which means she had met with the Luna.

And right before her was another battle with a golden-furred Lycan in charge, facing the famous witch head on, baring her fangs and snarling dangerously. Surrounding the golden-furred Lycan were dozens of Lycan warriors, growling and trying to attack the witch in an attempt to protect their Luna.

Serefina squinted at the witch that those Lycans were fighting against, it was Fabian. No doubt!

What did those wizard hunters give him that he couldn't remember who he was? And whatever it was, Serefina needed Fabian to throw it up.

The situation would turn for the worst if kept this way. It was impossible for Serefina to stop them from fighting by showing herself.

To do that, she needed her normal condition and more power to stop them, which was precisely what she lacked right now.

Thus, she was trying to find the right chance for her to be able to interfere and end the battle.

Those Lycans didn't realize that Serefina was there because their focuses were elsewhere.

From behind the ruined wall, Serefina stared at them with her lime green eyes as she squeezed her brain to find a way out of this situation.

No matter how hard Serefina tried, she couldn't find anything that she could use to stop it.

Fabian wasn't in his right mind and the Lycans wouldn't mind killing her along with Fabian if she was going to attack them.

In this situation, the only way was to gain more power and blast them with magic, a shocking attack, and the only way to increase her power in a matter of seconds was to find Raine.

A guardian angel wasn't hunted for centuries for nothing and that's the only solution that Serefina could think of.

Serefina narrowed her eyes. She didn't know if her guess was right or not, but she should at least try as her options were limited.

Once again, she conjured the magic white butterfly and let it fly in the air, slipping her body away from the battlefield undetected.

Serefina didn't see the baby so she assumed Raine would be with the baby, though she was unsure about this too.

How did Raine end up with the baby? And why would the Luna entrust her son to someone that she didn't know?

But Serefina's mind was in a mess, so she just followed her instinct and put aside those thoughts as she walked down the corridor.

# # #

Raine looked in horror when the fire ball shot straight towards her and in the last second, using all of her strength, she turned around to cover the baby and gave her back to be hit by the magic fire.

She held the baby tightly in her embrace and waited for the pain to come as she readied herself and gritted her teeth in case the pain becomes too unbearable.

However, nothing happened. She didn't feel the pain that she expected. The only thing that she felt was warmth around her body.

Raine gradually opened her eyes and almost screamed when she saw her entire body engulfed in red fire. The fire was so wild yet she wasn't burned.

There was a loud laugh that echoed around the room. The sound of it made Raine feel sick. It was the wizard hunter, laughing to his heart's content, throwing his head back because he thought he had succeeded to kill the Alpha's son and this insignificant girl, who foolishly tried to protect the baby.

Without him knowing, Raine was fine and wasn't the least bit hurt.

Thinking that they had misunderstood the situation, Raine took advantage of it and played along with their assumption. She just hoped the baby wouldn't make a sound and give away their true condition.

It must be the horn of unicorn that had protected her, again and again. Raine really needed to thank Serefina because this thing had saved her life many times.

She would do that after she survived this situation and managed to find her. It sounded like a long-term plan.

When the fire around her body was extinguished, the wizard slightly frowned when he saw Raine's body. His fire ball should have left burns on the girl's body, but this confusion was overlooked by the wizard hunter.

The wizard hunter, with his smug face, walked over towards Raine, who he thought had died by now. He squatted down and faced Raine.

He didn't have any suspicion when he saw Raine's fair skin because he thought the fire had killed her, not caring whether her skin burns or not as he lack knowledge about witch's power and spell.

"I will bring the baby's head to my Master as a gift." The wizard hunter enjoyed his own thought.

Meanwhile, Raine gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself, because the next thing that she had to do was something that she would never have imagined, even in her nightmare.

Raine could hear the wizard hunter draw his dagger and felt him come closer, and the moment he touched Raine's hand to take Torak from her arms, Raine opened her eyes and glared at the wizard hunter.

This action of course took him by surprise and he fell on his back, looking flabbergasted.

Raine took this one-off chance and abruptly charged towards him, snatching the dagger from his hand and stabbing it right at his chest.

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