The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 221: If you hurt him, i swear i will kill you

It was not only the wizard hunter, but also Raine, who was shocked with such action, which she managed to pull through.

She had stabbed the wizard hunter! She really did!

Even the young witch was flabbergasted by the sight before his eyes. The girl should have been dead by now, but she actually moved freely and now had attacked her attacker.

Did his magic not work on her? But why? He saw for himself that her body was engulfed with the fire that he had conjured, yet from the looks of it, she wasn't even slightly burnt.

How could something like that happen?

"You!?" The wizard hunter groaned in anguish. He was shocked but the pain in his chest reminded him about what was happening.

The wizard hunter stretched out his hand and was about to strangle Raine when she moved even faster, pulling out the dagger and thrusting it again on his chest. Blood spluttered from the opened wound and sprayed on her cloak and face.

Raine's whole body was trembling when she did it again for the fourth time before she stopped. She saw that the wizard hunter had died with his eyes opened wide, as if he could not believe that the way he would die would be like this, in the hands of an insignificant girl, who he had underestimated.

Raine pried her fingers open from the hilt of the dagger and stared in horror at the dead body of the wizard hunter.

Was it true? She did that?

Though her mind was telling her she had done the right thing by killing him, she couldn't calm her thumping heart and breathe normally.

She kept telling herself that if she had not killed him, then he would be the one who would kill her. So she did that to protect herself and the baby.

After all, she had sworn to herself that she would protect the baby at all cost.

Raine scrambled back and brought the baby into her arms, holding him tighter to stop her body from shaking uncontrollably. As if the baby also felt her discomfort, he started to cry.

Suddenly, Raine felt uneasy but when she glanced behind her, there was nothing there.

"Impossible… why does it not work?" The young witch mumbled to himself and backed away when Raine stood up and slowly walked over towards him. "Why doesn't itwork?"

"Scram!" Raine growled in a deep voice as she prowled closer to him.

The witch was in shock and was so scared to be able to comprehend the situation. He waved his hands frantically to stop Raine from moving closer to him.

He lifted a dinning chair with his magic and threw it at Raine.

As Raine did not expect this, she tried to dodge it but another chair was thrown towards her and it was too late for her to evade this second attack.

Raine's body tumbled backward. She lost her balance and when she readied herself to be hit by the chair, the flying chair was suddenly engulfed within a dark shadow.

It stopped mid-air and then was thrown back to the witch across the room.

The witch was stupefied and didn't have time to dodge it. In his desperation, he chose to blow the chair into dust. The blast sent him flying a few steps back.

However, the young witch had not yet regained his composure when tendrils of shadow wrapped around his body tightly and in a matter of seconds, his entire being was covered with dark shadow. He could do nothing but scream at the top of his lungs before the same shadow covered his mouth, swallowing the rest of his voice. He felt nothing but agony.

Raine watched in consternation and fright when the shadow...

… consumed the young witch and then, there was nothing, not even a drop of his blood was left where he had been.

She felt her knees were so weak and she fell on the ground with a loud thud. The only thing that kept her mind from losing consciousness was the cry of the baby.

When everything was over and everything turned eerily quiet, a man that Raine had known for some time appeared in front of her.

He had dark eyes and curly hair that reached his shoulders. He was no other than Aeon, the shadow warrior from the village of angel.

"Are you alright?" Aeon squatted down and reached out his hand. He tenderly brushed away a strand of hair from her face. "Are you hurt?" He asked softly.

"Aeon..?" Raine's voice was raspy and scratchy as if she was having a bad cold.

"It's me. I came to protect you." Aeon caressed Raine's face, wiping away the blood that tainted her beautiful face. "It has been a long time since I touched you…" He sighed in relief.

"But… how?" Raine thought that when Serefina had burned her mother's diary, Aeon wouldn't be able to come close to her again, especially when Serefina had put a spell on her and around the house.

"In this realm, you are free from her protection spells." Aeon explained.

However, his reply only answered one of Raine's questions while it added another to the hundreds she already had, such as, how could he also travel back to the past like her?

Yet, before Raine could ask further questions, Aeon's dark eyes turned even darker when they landed on the baby in Raine's arms.

"This baby is Torak." It was a statement, not a question. "We should get rid of this baby. You are better off without him." His voice had turned very cold.

"No." Raine swatted Aeon's hand from her face, suddenly aware of the killing intent that sparked in his eyes.

"Raine, trust me. You are better off without him." Aeon tried to touch Raine again, but she evaded his hand.

"You don't need him Raine. He will never be able to protect you." Aeon said firmly and repeated his words. "You are better off without him."

And before Raine could say anything, a shadow crept on her arms and engulfed the baby.

Raine was alarmed. Aeon had done the same thing towards the young wizard earlier.

"If you hurt him, I swear I will kill you." Raine stated with a voice that sounded like it came from the deepest part of hell.

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