The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 679: Don't look!

Jedrek didn't have any idea about the consequences of the deal that Janus made with the devils. He had no idea that it could lead them to this catastrophe. How his father could became so stupid like that, and bend his knees willingly in order to save his mate? That was such a stupid decision a lycan king had ever made.

Jedrek despised the fact that he had to accept having Lilac in his life. No, he loathed even to the idea of having a mate. Yet, he couldn't help it at all. It was hard for him to admit that he was starting to fall into his fate. He surrendered himself to it. He couldn't deny that he couldn't hurt Lilac, at the very least, not after the bond between them got stronger. As the days went by, it had gotten even stronger.

His anger rose, and reached his throat. He was furious beyond words. One thing that he didn't know, someone had gone the extra miles for him. Similar thing that Janus did for Diana. Exhausted by his overwhelming anger, he realized that he was about to lose his temper. Thus, he let go of Lilac's hand, not wanting to crush that fragile hand again.

The memory of that time when he broke her hand flushed to his mind. It was an accident, and the beast inside him almost killed him with the pain, and agony because of it. He did not need to feel that way at times like this.

Meanwhile, Lilac was following Jedrek back into the previous chamber. From inside, they could hear another explosion. It was a minor blast that sounded like a small bomb. The lycan king who had just let go of Lilac's arm, now he was flinging his arms over her head. He pulled his mate closer into the chamber when a big piece of the tunnel's ceiling fell straight to the ground.

At the same time, Eaton grabbed Airin's shoulder. He pulled the girl away from the imminent danger, as the ceiling collapsed, and blocked their way. The next thing that happened, the both of them were standing in the dark, gazing at the solid wall of breaking stone. And that was how they got separated from Jedrek, and Lilac.

"Jedrek! Are you okay!?" Eaton tried to move the big piece of stone to get to him, but he was forced to stop after looking up to the ceiling of the tunnel. It could collapse in any moment from then if ever he kept on pushing the big stone.

Inside the chamber, Jedrek gritted his teeth when he examined Lilac's body. He looked at her terrified face. But then, the tension in him loosened when he was sure that she was okay. It was a close call. "I am fine!" Jedrek shouted back to Eaton who was on the other side of the collapsed stone wall. "Stay there, I will find a way to get to you!"

On her foot Lilac stood there, while blinking her eyes to get back to her senses. What just happened to them was simply too terrifying. And only then she realized that they had been separated from Eaton and Airin. After thinking she then said, "I think I can lift these rocks." 

"And risk another rock to collapse with the emerging roots from the ground? No. You are not going to lift any of these rocks, we have to get you out from here." said Jedrek sternly without leaving any room for another possible argument from Lilac.

The guardian angel was annoyed now. She swatted Jedrek's hand that was about to drag her again. "And what? Are you saying that we are leaving them here?!" Lilac asked in disbelief. "No. I am not going anywhere."

Jedrek glared at her. However, their argument didn't last long. It had to stop the moment Lilac's eyes widened in horror as she watched the sight of whatever it was behind Jedrek's back. A monstrous looking creature, all scaly, and gigantic in size. Its body was slithering on the ground.

"Jedrek!" she shrieked.

Even before Lilac called his name, he knew this creature was there. That was why he said what he said about getting her out of that place.

His nimble hand pressed Lilac's head to his chest in no time, preventing her to look at that creature for another second. He could feel his mate's body trembling. She was beyond terrified now by the sight of that monstrous creature from hell. Jedrek knew what was happening behind his back through the reflection of the shadow on the stone wall.

"Stay here!" Jedrek said while looking all serious. "I mean it. Stay. Here." He emphasized each of his words, so that Lilac would understand how critical the situation was, and to make sure that he really meant it.

"What is that?" her voice cracked in fear. She might grew up somewhere else, but she knew that it was not a normal, earthly serpent.

"It's a Basilisk," said Jedrek through his gritted teeth. The creatures that came out from Tartarus were getting even more monstrous. Things were getting worse, and worse.

Lilac was panic-stricken when Jedrek turned her body around so that she faced the stone, and then he let go of her. She knew what a basilisk was, and what this monster was capable of. In a matter of seconds, Lilac could hear the vicious growls, and snarls from behind her back. It came from Jedrek, who just shifted into his beast form. And then he started to fight the monster.

She didn't have any idea how he did it, as no one could see Basilisk's eyes.

However, Lilac had another important task in her hand.

There was a loud explosive sound behind her. And then, she could feel that there was something heavy hitting the wall near her. It must be the serpent's body. Even though Lilac couldn't see it, but, she could hear its body slithering heavily across the dusty ground.

If the banging, and the fight kept on going, that place would collapse in no time. She had no choice, she had to use her power, and do something about it. She bent her knees, putting her palms flat to the ground, and did what she thought was necessary.

The ground was shaking, but this time, it wasn't because of the monster that emerged from Tartarus. It was from Lilac, and her unstoppable power that she gathered. The ground seemed to move with immense waves. Just when the serpent hit the wall again, and the ceiling almost collapsed, there were branches, as thick as python sprung from the ground and hit the ceiling.

Boughs, and twigs spread, holding the crumbling stones firmly. Lilac narrowed her eyes, concentrating her power to keep them steady. Not only inside the chamber, had Lilac also extended her power beyond. She made sure that Eaton, and Airin were safe on the other side.

"What is happening there!?" Eaton demanded any answer from them, but Lilac could barely speak in her current state. Centering all of her energy to the branches, and twigs to hold the ceiling was already too much for her.

However, the next thing she knew, she felt someone grabbed her arms, and spun her body all of a sudden. Lilac shrieked, but then realized who that person was. It was Jedrek.

"Don't look," Jedrek said sternly when he bent his body and put his strong arms behind her back, and her knees to carry her. Obeyed him without any doubt, Lilac did what she was told, and buried her face on the crook of Jedrek's shoulder. But unintentionally, she took a glance at the scaly body of the basilisk just to find out that the monster was still alive.

Jedrek carried her away. And only the moment when he put her down on the ground, Lilac could feel the breeze of the wind caressing her skin. She came back to her senses.

"Go now," Jedrek said rigidly.

"What? No, I…" Lilac was about to argue with him, but Jedrek kissed her deeply before he let her go. And then, he slammed the door from which they came from.

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