The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 680: She will hurt you

The door was gone.

Lilac couldn't believe her eyes. She swore that a second ago the door was there. And then, it was gone once Jedrek disappeared behind it. But how could that be possible to happen? Was that magic?—she thought, while kept on staring at the empty space in front of her. She knew what she saw. The door disappeared along with Jedrek. What kind of magic was that?

All of a sudden, someone called out her name, "Lilac." Surprised, she jumped out of her skin the moment she heard the unexpected voice of a stranger. Out of instinct, she turned around in alertness, and ready to strike the stranger if ever it turned out to be another battle. However, that stranger was no stranger to her. This was a person that she knew.

"Tordoff..?" She fell to the ground, shocked by the sight that she saw. Everything seemed to make no sense at all. Nothing at all. In front of her now was Tordoff, all flesh and blood. The same man that she thought was killed by Jedrek. At least that was what the lycan king told her. But now, the man that was claimed to be dead, was standing before her eyes all well.

Is it another dream? Did Jedrek put me inside another illusion? Is it not really happening?—she thought.

"But Tordoff, I thought you were…"

"Dead." Tordoff continued what she was going to say. "No, I'm not dead." He shook his head. "His Majesty the Alpha king didn't kill me."

Her head was suddenly spinning with the information being fed into her head so abruptly. She was having a hard time processing it all.

Tordoff approached Lilac, "Come on, I will tell you everything on our way to safety." but she moved away from him, seemingly still trying to comprehend this situation. "Lilac, we have no time. We need to go to the southern region."

Lilac ignored him as she observed her surroundings. She saw the large green leaves, and twisted trunks of a jungle. An unknown place to her eyes. Oh great! What am I supposed to do now? I don't even know where I am!—she said to herself.

The strange sounds of insects, and some eerie howls from the distant, greeted her ears. The smell of rich soil, and vegetation permeated the air. A deep growl came from behind the thick plant, a gigantic dark lycan emerged from behind the leaves, and branches. Behind that dark-haired beast, there were a bunch of other beasts, and other lycanthropes in their human skin.

"Don't worry Lilac, they're with us." The defensive stance that she took, got him to explain further. He knew better that it was not the time to undergo another battle with this girl. Better not to cross this guardian angel, especially when she was deep in confusion. "They are His Majesty the Alpha king's guards."

Lilac blinked her eyes, shifting her attention back to Tordoff. He was standing only three steps away from her while those hordes of beasts, and human-skinned beasts remained on their spot. They were just a few meters away from her, sensing clearly her distress.

"The king's guards? Then what are they doing here, when their King is in danger somewhere else!?" without knowing, Lilac snapped at Tordoff.

The basilisk was still alive. Airin, and Eaton were still trapped inside the tunnel. But on top of all, Jedrek was stubbornly pushing her away! Without asking for her approval! How could she not fumingly mad?

Poor Tordoff could only grimace the moment the guardian angel was shouting at him. "But this is His Majesty the Alpha king's order."

Not many people knew about Tordoff being alive all this time. But they all knew the sign of when they must abandon the kingdom. From then, they had to move to the Southern Region where they would be joining Warlock, Rowan, Kyle, and Sebastian.

"Well he is not my king. And I will not do as he ordered you," Lilac said grimly, and she turned around. She was about to leave. She could see the spire of the castle in the distance, thus she didn't need to ask for direction.

However, before she could go further, the black beast leapt over her head. He landed with a soft thud in front of her, baring his fangs threateningly.

She glared at the beast, it was clear to see that she didn't fear him for a bit. Instead, she was offended. How dare this beast block my way!?—she thought.

Fear for his fellow general's life, Tordoff quickly warned the seventh general, "Step back Theo! She will hurt you. Trust me, you won't win against her. Besides, we're not here to fight her. " 

The beast glowered. And then, he shifted back into his human skin. "Hurt me?" he raised his brows to Tordoff. "How could she hurt me?" he asked defiantly.

"Well, the six of us fought against her at the same time, and she was able to hold us back. But, if you're insisting to have a one-on-one fight with her, you can. Just not now. Do it later." Tordoff shrugged his shoulder.

If this had happened any other time, Lilac would have laughed to hear their banter. The general named Theo scoffed. He was about to grab Lilac by her arm, but then she dodged his touch swiftly. "First, you don't touch me. Second, I am going there, and I will." Lilac pointed at the direction to the castle. "With you, or without your permission." she said coldly. She started to walk to where she was heading.

"You don't have to worry about the Alpha king! He will go out from there alive!" Theo shouted at her.

"Excuse me! Who said I'm worried about that jerk!!?" Lilac turned around, and snapped at him. She was somehow amused by the shock in their face when they heard how she called their king a jerk. A call that nobody in their right mind would ever address him with. "I have a friend who is trapped under the ground, and I am going back to save her!"

Lilac wasn't completely lying. Airin was still trapped under there, though she had not yet considered Eaton as her friend because he was one of Jedrek's most loyal subjects, but the special servant was the one who took care of her, back when she was still living in the north wing.

Theo looked at Tordoff. "Now what?" he asked in confusion. Just like what Tordoff said, they couldn't drag Lilac to follow them without a fight. And if ever that must happen, not only it would slow them down, there would absolutely be some unnecessary casualties. "She's the first person who insults the king, and we don't even know what to do with her."

Tordoff shook his head, he was getting a headache. "I say we follow her."

"Then that would make you disobey the king's direct order!" Theo raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh! This will not be the first time." Tordoff winked at Theo.

Theo was the first general who found out that Tordoff was actually still alive, despite all the rumors about him being killed by Jedrek himself, after allegedly disobeying his direct order, and breaking out of the prison with the guardian angel.

"I hope the king will not kill you for real this time, my friend." Theo commented sarcastically as he gestured to the other guards to follow them.

"Well, I hope not." Tordoff sighed deeply. He stared at Lilac's back. There, he could feel her determination to go back to the castle. Thus, there was nothing he could do about it.

The guardian angel was like a sweet little flower. But her determination always mesmerized him. This was also what Tordoff felt about her that moment when he decided to break her out of the prison a year ago. Although it ended up causing Jedrek's wrath that he feared the most.

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