If Fang Zheng found out that he was hiding in Fang Ze's place, even if Fang Ze had a hundred mouths, he couldn't tell.

At this time, Ye Nanxian frowned slightly, some wondering what Fang Zheng meant by this move? Did he find himself hiding here?

Or who betrayed him?

Ye Nanxian thought of Qingluan, but then shook his head.

Even if Qingluan doesn't like Shen Mange, even if she is a little bit against Shen Mange, she still has confidence in him that Ye Nanxian will not rebel.

So why did Founder come here?

Ye Nanxian couldn't understand.

Fang Ze didn't know Ye Nanxian's worries, and it didn't matter at this time, but there was a touch of sarcasm in his eyes.

He kept saying that Shen Mange was the father of an outsider. He didn't even believe his son, and he wanted to find something from here to contain him.

This is the love of the heavenly father and son.

It's ridiculous!

Fortunately, he didn't expect anything about it, otherwise he didn't know if he would be sad again.

Seeing Fang Ze just faintly flashed to the side, Fang Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly as he didn't hinder his actions.

Did he guess wrong?

It was not Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian who rescued Mo Yunqing?

And is Fang Ze okay with them?

All kinds of questions flashed in Fang Zheng's mind, but Fang Ze's expression was indifferent, and he did not hinder his behavior. This is also because he didn't know that Ye Nanxian was so calm here. If he knew he was here, Fang Ze I am afraid it is not so indifferent.

The guards on patrol walked in quickly, and Fang Ze arched his hands and began searching the palace.

Ye Nanxian's hearts were pulled together tightly.

At this moment, he felt that his sleeve was tugged.

Ye Nanxian suddenly turned around to fight back, but was stunned when he saw Shen Mange.


Ye Nanxian had surprises in his heart, the joy of regaining lost, but also interesting worries and tension.

It would be great if Shen Mange appeared before Fang Zheng came, but now she appears to be dangerous for herself and her.

"follow me."

Shen Mange seemed to know what Ye Nanxian was thinking, and said softly, and dragged him.

Ye Nanxian didn't doubt that he was there, and quietly retreated following Shen Mange, but his eyes were a little surprised, this should be a secret road.

How could Shen Mange know?

But Ye Nanxian didn’t ask. He followed Shen Mange and left Fangze’s palace very confidently. After walking out, Ye Nanxian saw a sweet girl standing there and saw Shen Mange and the others come out. In one breath.

"You finally came back, how? Didn't my father find out?"

Fang Yueyue asked worriedly.

Shen Mange shook his head and said gratefully: "Princess Six, thank you."

"You are the second brother's person and I will naturally protect you."

Fang Yueyue smiled lightly.

Ye Nanxian immediately understood Fang Yueyue's identity. It's just that he was a little surprised, how could Shen Mange get involved with the Six Princesses?

Seeing that he had a lot to say, Shen Mange whispered: "Princess, let's go back first."

"it is good."

Fang Yueyue didn't stop him.

Ye Nanxian followed Shen Mange into the room, and when he saw that Mo Yun was well, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mange, what's going on?"

Facing Ye Nanxian’s doubts, Shen Mange whispered: “We didn’t wait for Qingluan’s people when we were in Yinyangkou, but we encountered the patrol team. We were afraid that Qingluan would be pulled in, so my aunt and I hid. I didn’t expect to be rescued by Princess Six. Princess Six is ​​a cousin’s person, so we are all safe."

Shen Mange's words caused Mo Yunqing's brows to wrinkle slightly, but he quickly receded.

This foolish woman is actually protecting Qingluan, can't she tell that Qingluan wants to replace her?

I don't know what to think.

However, Mo Yunqing rarely interferes with other people's feelings.

Ye Nanxian was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Didn't Qingluan do it?

He looked at Shen Mange's eyes and said word by word: "Mange, you are my wife, do you remember what I said? No matter what, anyone, don't let yourself be wronged."

"I didn't feel wronged. I was telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask Auntie."

Shen Mange threw the pot to Mo Yunqing.

Mo Yunqing was speechless.

What does it mean to pull her into the water at this time?

Help this stupid woman deceive Ye Nanxian together, help that Qingluan?

"I'm back to my room, and your husband and wife talk slowly."

Mo Yunqing got up and left, so she didn't want to wade in this muddy water.

Ye Nanxian did feel that Mo Yunqing was a little inconvenient here. Seeing that Mo Yunqing was gone, he carefully checked Shen Mange and he was relieved to find that she was not injured.

"Did Qingluan find someone to do to you?"

"No, are you still so worried about your own people?"

Shen Mange directly denied it.

Qingluan is kind to Ye Nanxian. She can't let Ye Nanxian fall into ungratefulness. Her struggle with Qingluan is a struggle that is lost to a woman, and there is no need to pull Ye Nanxian in.

Ye Nanxian still didn't believe it.

"Then why did you turn off positioning?"

"I'm afraid you're anxious to find it and expose the position of the sixth princess. Everyone here thinks that the sixth princess does not ask about the world. If people know that he is his cousin's person, then it will hurt others. Besides, just now, if not Liu The princess told me that you are in danger, and I don’t know there is such a secret passage that can pass through the cousin’s palace to take you out."

Shen Mange was still chatting with Mo Yunqing in the room before, and he heard Jingzhen come to her and said that the princess was looking for her for something.

She was a little surprised, but still went, but heard Fang Yueyue call her Shen Mange, and then told her the identity of herself and Ye Nanxian, and told her that Fang was searching for the palace, it is very likely that Ye Nanxian would be in danger. , Let her follow this secret path to save people.

Originally, Shen Mange was still half-believing, but when she saw Ye Nanxian, her heart started to stir.

She never thought that Ye Nanxian was actually there!

"By the way, aren't you at Qingluan? Why did you go to my cousin's palace?"

Shen Mange was a little surprised.

She believed that Qingluan would protect Ye Nanxian well, but she didn't expect Ye Nanxian to run out.

"You still said? You are not here, you are missing, how can I stay there? I will never leave you alone in the future. Whatever **** rules are not as important as you."

Ye Nanxian was shocked when he thought of the consequences if Shen Mange hadn't been rescued by Fang Yueyue.

Shen Mange was enthusiastic, leaning against Ye Nanxian's arms, and said with a smile: "I thought you and Qingluan would have a lot to say, after all, you haven't seen each other for many years."

"You can't say anything when you're away, what if you get jealous?"

After Ye Nanxian was relieved, he also had the thought of joking with Shen Mange.

"I won't be jealous. My husband loves me so much. Why am I jealous?"

"is it?"

Ye Nanxian provoked Shen Mange's chin, forcing his eyes to look directly at his eyes.

"Tell me, did Qing Luan do anything to you?"

Shen Mange's heart moved slightly, but his face did not show.

"What do you mean? You want her to do something to me, don't you? I think you want to kill me with a knife, so that you can marry someone else?"

Shen Mange slapped his hand off with some irritation, and pushed Ye Nanxian away, pretending to be angry.

Ye Nanxian was taken aback for a moment, then sighed, walked over to hug her, and whispered: "What nonsense, you know I didn't mean that."

He and Qingluan have been together for a long time. Naturally, he understands Qingluan's personality better than Shen Mange. When Xiao Cui told him that he had not received Shen Mange, Ye Nanxian had more guesses, and even thought that Qingluan might take advantage of it. Taking this opportunity to take the knife to kill someone, that's why he was so anxious, so flustered, and even said such a break.

But now Shen Mange told him that it was not Qingluan's fault, that she ran away by herself. Ye Nanxian didn't believe this.

In this palace, Shen Mange only has Zhang Yu as a chess piece. Now Zhang Yu is seriously injured and unconscious, and Fang Ze's palace is far away. The only thing she can rely on is herself and Qingluan. How could she leave by herself?

Unless something is forced to avoid her having to do so.

But why doesn't Shen Mange say?

Why do you want to hide it for Qingluan?

Ye Nanxian couldn't help but feel distressed when he thought of his entanglement with Qingluan.

This silly woman wronged her because she was thinking of herself.

He had never hoped that Shen Mange would be wronged by himself, but now she is still wronged, which makes Ye Nanxian very uncomfortable.

Shen Mange didn't know Ye Nanxian's heartache at this time, still pouting his mouth and said: "I don't know what you mean, and I am not the roundworm in your stomach."

"Are you going to be a bug? It's disgusting, but if you want, I will do it for you."

Ye Nanxian crossed his handsome face, opened his mouth and took a bite on Shen Mange's face.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

Shen Mange pushed Ye Nanxian away, somewhat depressed.

When did this man become so naive?

Ye Nanxian laughed softly.

"I want to eat you, didn't you say to be the roundworm in my stomach? What do you do if you don't eat it?"

This is a bit sly.

Shen Mange's face suddenly turned red.

"I'm poor with you. You haven't told me how to go to my cousin."

"Look for you."

Ye Nanxian answered simply.

Even if he thought this way, Shen Mange was still a little moved when he heard Ye Nanxian say this.

"It's too dangerous here, you won't be able to act alone anymore."

"Then you can't leave me either."

Ye Nanxian couldn't forget the fear of knowing Shen Mange's disappearance, and he held her hand tightly.

Shen Mange nodded.

She will never leave Ye Nanxian again.

Crisis is everywhere here, and there is a Qingluan who is eagerly watching. How could she let Ye Nanxian go?

"By the way, let's go back, otherwise Qing Luan should be worried."

Shen Mange's words immediately stunned Ye Nanxian.

go back?

What is this stupid woman going to do?

Didn't she know that going back to Qingluan is equivalent to getting into a tiger's mouth? She actually volunteered to go back?

"Shen Mange, your mind is flooded, right?"

Ye Nanxian frowned slightly, but his words made Shen Mange a little speechless.

He actually scolded her!


Do you want to cry for him?

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