When Shen Mange was struggling, he heard Ye Nanxian say: "How is the relationship between the six princesses and Fang Ze?"

Shen Mange, who was planning to cry or not, paused when he heard the words, and then shook his head and said, "The two of them just formed an alliance, or more precisely because of my alliance. In comparison, I think Qingluan is safer. Some, at least she won't do anything to you."

This made Ye Nanxian feel very uncomfortable.

"You will be wronged if you go there."

"It's not certain who is wronged."

Shen Mange smiled faintly, Ye Nanxian moved slightly with the light under his eyes, and then smiled and said, "Okay, but if she bullies you, you must tell me."

"Of course, you are my protector."

Shen Mange hugged Ye Nanxian's arm coquettishly, rubbing against his soft body, Ye Nanxian felt that the heat all over his body was hooked out.

"What do you want to do?"

His voice was hoarse, but Shen Mange quickly saw the surging clouds in his eyes, quickly evacuated, and then smiled and said, "Get used to it."

"I don't mind your habit at night."

If it weren't for the wrong timing, how could Ye Nanxian spare her? Now she can only sigh with excitement.

Shen Mange smiled stupidly, but said nothing.

"By the way, if we want to leave, hurry up, I'm afraid this Sixth Princess will not be reliable. I'll go to Aunt Mo."

Before Ye Nanxian could say anything, Shen Mange ran over, thinking that he was like a scourge.

He shook his head with a smile, but his face became serious.

When he left Qingluan's place, he spoke so decisively. Now he takes Shen Mange back, will Qingluan resent Shen Mange?

Thinking of this, Ye Nanxian was somewhat depressed.

At this moment, Qing Luan called.

"Boss Ye, where are you? My father went to the second brother's place, and I will go over. You took the opportunity to hide in my guard and I will take you away."

Qing Luan's voice was rushing.

For Ye Nanxian, Qingluan was reluctant to let him suffer a little bit of harm. Fang Zheng went to Fang Ze's suddenly, frightening Qing Luan. Although I was a little dissatisfied with Ye Nanxian's break with him, he couldn't take much care of it now.

Hearing this, Ye Nanxian said in a low voice, "No need to go there. I'm not with Fang Ze. I will bring Mange over. If you find it unacceptable, we will find another place to stay."

The implication of this is that I will pass if you can tolerate Shen Mange, if you can't, forget it.

Qing Luan was a little stunned, but immediately became more jealous.

For the woman of Shen Mange, Boss Ye was stern and harsh to her again and again, and now he was guarded against himself, which Qing Luan did not expect.

It seems that this song of Shen Man really has a place in Ye Nanxian's heart.

If she had to insist on it with Shen Mange, it is estimated that Ye Nanxian will be farther away from her, and even their original friendship that had been condensed during the artillery battle would disappear. This is Qingluan's advantage, she absolutely can't let Shen Mange take away her advantage.

Thinking of this, Qing Luan quickly said, "Boss Ye, what are you talking about. Since I am a sister-in-law, I will treat it with my heart. I will send someone to pick you up."

"it is good."

The sister-in-law made Ye Nanxian's heart pressed, but he did not relax his vigilance.

He remembered that the fight between women was silent, and he would stay firmly beside his wife at this time.

When Shen Mange came out with Mo Yunqing, Ye Nanxian also ended the call.

"Can you pass?"

Shen Mange understood it with his heart. Although he responded in his heart, he didn't show it. Instead, he was so generous that Ye Nanxian couldn't understand it.

However, Ye Nanxian can see the current situation clearly. If he wants to save the lives of Shen Mange and Mo Yunqing, it is really only Qingluan that is safer.

Mo Yunqing looked at Shen Mange, then at Ye Nanxian, and said in a low voice: "If there is nothing wrong, let's go. I'm afraid it's wrong to stay here for a long time."

"it is good."

Shen Mange took the initiative to take Ye Nanxian's arm, and the three of them walked out.

Fang Yueyue was not surprised when he saw them coming out, and said with a smile, "Are you leaving after the negotiation?"

Shen Mange's heart twitched.

She always felt that Fang Yueyue knew everything, so she was particularly upset. The other party has figured out her own family background, but she hasn't found anything about them. This phenomenon is really disturbing.

Ye Nanxian squinted and looked down at Yueyue. Nothing could be seen from her face. This woman was either hidden well or really innocent, but Ye Nanxian felt that he did not believe the latter statement. Sure enough, the women in the palace are all powerful people.

"Yes, we are leaving. Thank you for taking care of my wife during this time. I will pay back this kindness when I look back."

Ye Nanxian is very official. As long as the other party has a plan, he still thinks he can get along.

Fang Yueyue smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take this down, but for the time being, I don't have much room for you. Wait later, maybe it will really trouble you."

This remark made Shen Mange entangled, but the current situation also made her not have a choice.

"My cousin is all right there?"

Now that Fang Yueyue has found out all of her family history, it would be boring to hide herself, Shen Mange simply jumped away.

"It's okay, my father won't do anything to my second brother. Don't worry, besides, the second brother has already agreed to cooperate with my cousin, and my father will not embarrass the second brother because of the face of my cousin."

Fang Yueyue was very happy and even a little proud when talking about her cousin Ling Qianyu.

Shen Mange secretly wrote down the name, intending to let people find out what this man came from.

"How do you go? Do you go by yourself? Or should I send someone to send you off?"

Fang Yueyue looked generous and generous.

"Let's go by ourselves, so we won't bother you."

Having said that, Shen Mange knew that he just didn't want Fang Yueyue to know where he had gone. But in this palace, Fang Yueyue's intelligence network is really awesome.

"You are going to the fifth sister, right? In this case, you don't want to go through the Yin and Yang mouth. There is a way to go directly."

Fang Yueyue didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and pointed out another way to Shen Mange and the others.

There were no patrols or guards on this road, and it was relatively close to Qingluan's palace. At first glance, you knew how bad intentions Qingluan was when he let them go through the Yin and Yang mouth. But now Shen Mange also knows nothing, smiled and said to Yueyue, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, it's all a family."

Fang Yueyue still asked Shen Mange to send them out of the palace, and evacuated after going to the small road.

Ye Nanxian had a gloomy face since he knew that he could not go through the Yin and Yang mouth.

It seems that she has not wronged Qingluan, she really wants to do something to Shen Mange.

Thinking of this, Ye Nanxian grabbed Shen Man and said in a low voice: "I'll contact Nan Fei in a moment and ask him to come and take you and Aunt Mo away."

"I do not go."

Shen Mange knew that Ye Nanxian was worried about him, but He Nanfei was undoubtedly taking a big risk when he came in.

The three of them don't know if they can go out, so why bother to involve another person in?

Besides, for this woman, Qingluan, Shen Mange will see everything she said. No one can change this, not even Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian was a little depressed.


"Let her stay, just send her away like this, she can't figure out what she thinks of you and Qingluan in her heart. Instead of letting her go back to the madness, it is better to let her meet your Hall Master Qingluan, her I feel more at ease."

Mo Yunqing couldn't help but open his mouth when seeing them both look like this.

Ye Nanxian sighed and said, "I have nothing to do with her, and nothing will happen."

"Then why are you afraid of me staying?"

Shen Mange's eyes were filled with resentment.

Ye Nanxian really felt that this situation was a bit out of his control.

"I'm afraid she will hurt you, I'm afraid you will be wronged."

"It's not certain who is wronged."

Shen Mange was like a warrior in armor at this time, a man who swears to defend his marriage and himself, no matter how powerful the Qingluan is, let him go, she is not afraid of her.

Seeing that Shen Mange was so stubborn, Ye Nanxian said nothing after all.

The three of them went straight to Qingluan's palace along the path.

When Qingluan saw Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange coming in from this road, his face changed slightly. At the same time, he quickly looked at Ye Nanxian and found that Ye Nanxian was also looking at her, her beautiful Danfeng eyes flickered. With a hint of disappointment and anger, Qing Luan suddenly became a little depressed.

Who on earth told them this way?

It was undoubtedly sold her.

But Qingluan didn't say anything at this time, but looked straight at Shen Mange.

Sure enough, she looks seductive.

Qing Luan commented in her heart, but her face didn't show up.

This is a master.

Shen Mange’s first impression was this. She had imagined many appearances of Qingluan, but she did not expect this woman to look so beautiful and so lonely, like a winter plum on a mountain, blooming in the wind, making people unable to ignore her beauty.

Such a woman is thinking about her husband, and Shen Mange feels very stressed.

Ye Nanxian could also perceive the instability factor in the air, and coughed and said, "This is my wife Shen Mange. Mange, this is the little sister Qingluan I told you about."

Shen Mange took the initiative to smile, and stretched out his arm towards Qingluan.

"Hello, Qingluan, I will trouble you to take care of me during this time."

"Good to say."

Qing Luan held Shen Mange's hand, but quietly used force.

The contest between the two began when they hit the eye, and now feeling Qingluan's provocation, Shen Mange smiled and secretly put his strength on his arms and wrists.

Seeing Dianguang Flint, Qing Luan suddenly let go. Everything seemed very normal, but Shen Mange's strength was somewhat confiscated, and his body staggered forward involuntarily. Suddenly a pair of powerful arms around her waist encircled her in time, and a gentle voice sounded in her ears.

"Are you hungry? I think you can't stand still."

Ye Nanxian's eyes were gentle and watery, but as if he had been fed a poisonous dagger, he pierced Qingluan's heart deeply.

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