The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1350: Where does her face come from?

Since joining F country, Ye Nanxian has almost had no good expressions on Qing Luan, and Qing Luan couldn't help but feel wronged.

She didn't do anything, but just let go in advance. If Shen Mange didn't compete with herself, how could this happen?

Sure enough, she is a scheming woman!

Qing Luan gave Shen Mange a bit resentful.

Shen Mange naturally knew Qingluan's thoughts. She took a handful of Ye Nanxian's sleeves and said with a smile: "I'm hungry when I'm hungry. What do you think Qingluan's sister is doing? Does my sister cook for me?"

This sounded like a joke, but in Qingluan's ears, she couldn't bear it.

This scheming girl still wants to let her cook for her?

Where does her face come from?

Ye Nanxian thought that Shen Mange wanted to eat the meal made by Qingluan, and could not help but said softly: "Qingluan cooking is very delicious, and I haven't eaten it for many years. I don't know if I was lucky enough to eat it last time. ?"

Qingluan suddenly had mixed emotions, mixed with five flavors.

Once she did learn to cook for Ye Nanxian, and was willing to cook for Ye Nanxian, but now this situation is obviously because Ye Nanxian wanted to vent Shen Mange's anger. Qingluan was very uncomfortable, but I have to do it again.

"Boss Ye joked, isn't it right to cook for you."

"Your sister-in-law wants to eat it."

Ye Nanxian bit the word Sister-in-law very hard.

Since entering the door to the present, Qingluan has never called Shen Mange a sister-in-law, not even a title, this is a disagreement with Shen Mange.

He knew that forcing Qingluan was a bit too much, but wouldn't Shen Mange be wronged?

She knew nothing, did nothing wrong, why should she pay for her kindness?

Qing Luan gritted her silver teeth tightly and smiled reluctantly.

"Yes, my sister-in-law wants to eat, I will do it now."

After talking, Qiang Chao turned and left.

Xiao Cui was a little surprised. In this palace, no one had ever dared to treat the princess like this, and the princess would not bow her head for anyone, but the man in front of him made Qingluan prefer to guard his grievances and smile to welcome him. Xiao Cui couldn't help but glanced at Ye Nanxian more, but still chased Qing Luan quickly.

"Princess, it's better for me to come, when have you been in the kitchen, you Jinzhiyuye?"

"No need, didn't you hear? Boss Ye wants to eat the food I cooked, you can help me."

Qing Luan has adjusted his mentality and even has a hint of joy.

She was willing to do anything related to Ye Nanxian, it was a big deal to ignore that woman.

Shen Mange looked a little depressed at the development of the plot, sighed lightly, and said to Ye Nanxian, "You did it on purpose? You know I didn't mean it."

"She should have an attitude towards you. You are a sister-in-law. This is an unchangeable fact."

Ye Nanxian did not deny that he didn't want to have a secret in Shen Mange.

Mo Yunqing did not expect that Ye Nanxian would do this. Shen Mange told her about the matter between him and Qingluan. He thought that men would complain of kindness to his wife. After all, his wife is a wife and his benefactor is Outsiders, but Ye Nanxian didn't care about these things, on the contrary, she protected Shen Mange very tightly, and didn't even want her to suffer any wrongdoing.

Mo Yunqing was a little envious of such feelings.

She couldn't help but think of Huo Zhenning again.

Huo Zhenning used to be so polite and indifferent. I still remember the first time he and he participated in the school celebration to climb the mountain, she got a foot and Huo Zhenning carried her down the mountain.

Huo Zhenning didn't know her true identity at the time, and treated her tenderly, leaving her a heart on this man. Even if Huo Zhenning knows her identity in the future, she still has the same attitude towards her and will not bow to her like other men. She will cherish the friendship between them even more.

However, Luohua deliberately flows ruthlessly.

She is not the one that such a good man like Huo Zhenning finally fell in love with.

If the person he fell in love with was her, would he be as happy as Shen Mange?

Mo Yunqing didn't know, but felt that his heart hurts so badly that he even wanted to cry. I think it's because I'm getting older, so I can't see the excitement of spreading dog food like this.

"I'll go back to my room and rest first. Call me when I'm eating."

Mo Yunqing coughed and asked the maid to take him away.

Shen Mange did not ignore the loneliness that flashed through Mo Yunqing's eyes, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Aunt Mo?"

"Nothing. Maybe I'm tired."

Ye Nanxian glanced at her, smiled lightly, but understood a little bit in his heart, but who can tell the truth about feelings?

Mo Yunqing and Huo Zhenning have no destiny. This is also helpless. Even after so many years, Huo Zhenning still has a soft spot for Xiao Yao. Even if he loses certain functions, he hopes Xiao Yao will live well.

The feelings between them have withstood the baptism and test of the years. If possible, Ye Nanxian also hopes that they can go to the white head.

Seeing Ye Nanxian's distraction, Shen Mange pinched Ye Nanxian's brows slightly.

"My wife, you belong to domestic violence."

"Then you go sue me!"

Shen Mange glanced at him. Ye Nanxian was willing to have a lot of styles?

"It's impossible to sue you, but I can get it back in other ways."

While speaking, Ye Nanxian put his hand on Shen Mange's body and walked, but she slapped him off.

"Don't talk about these useless things, you haven't said it yet, was it on purpose just now?"

"You know what the answer is, what do you still ask me to do?"

Ye Nanxian feels that his wife is so fierce now, and the milk is fierce, but it makes people feel a little itchy.

Shen Mange was suddenly depressed.

"You are making me hate. The first time I met her, can't you let us get along?"

"Get along well? Wife, you are a fair man, and you are not blind. What was the situation when you shook hands just now when I couldn't tell? She just wanted to give you a slap in the face and embarrass you. I don’t know. Now that I see it, can I still ignore it? What's wrong with the princess? She is a sister-in-law with you, shouldn't she serve the sister-in-law?"

Ye Nanxian's words were plausible, but it made Shen Mange very ironic.

"Don't give me ecstasy soup, you take the initiative, afraid that I will hurt your little sister, right?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, it's too hard for me to be like you wife."

Ye Nanxian wailed.

Shen Mange pursed her mouth, some of the smile that couldn't be suppressed by her lips, the slightest unhappiness that was embarrassed by Qing Luan just disappeared quickly.

After the two sat down, someone came forward to make tea for them.

Shen Mange looked around and whispered: "I heard Zhang Yu is here, where is he now? Can I go and see?"

"I'll go with you when I finish eating. Now Zhang Yu is my person, so he is safe when you go with me."

Because of the maid around him, Ye Nanxian would not speak too plainly, but Shen Mange finally understood.

"it is good."

The two of them were drinking tea and chatting, and it was a little pleasant.

Qingluan couldn't help being a little angry when she learned about their current situation.

What a scheming girl!

This is showing off.

She just wanted to tell herself that she was successful. She held Ye Nanxian tightly in the palm of her hand and asked Ye Nanxian to stand for her.

Qing Luan's eyes suddenly became cold.

Xiao Cui also stepped on some clues from the conversations and remarks of several people. After having been with Qing Luan for so many years, he naturally knew Qing Luan's mind.

"Princess, do you want to put something in this meal? You know, many things can be quietly put in without being noticed."

In the palace, such things are not uncommon. It is too easy to kill a person silently.

Qingluan was full of murderous intent, but thinking of Ye Nanxian's care and determined gaze, her last trace of reason defeated jealousy.

"No. I'll win that woman openly and let her get away from Boss Ye obediently. This is not my style."

Qing Luan's words made Xiao Cui a little shocked.

How many people in this palace don't need any tricks?

Moreover, in order to achieve his goal, Qing Luan is not such a noble person, but now that it is said so, it is enough to see the status of Ye Nanxian in Qing Luan's heart.

Xiao Cui thought about it in his heart, but didn't say anything, and quietly stepped aside to beat Qing Luan.

The cooking time of a meal is neither long nor short, exactly one hour.

Shen Mange drank tea very slowly, leaning on Ye Nanxian for a while on the way, and when Qingluan brought the food, Shen Mange was still asleep.


Ye Nanxian cautiously made a silent gesture towards Qingluan, and then sat there motionless. And Shen Mange leaned on his shoulder, sleeping soundly.

Qingluan's eyes were a bit dazzling and irritating to see the beauty of such a good day.

She couldn't see Shen Mange's tranquil appearance, let alone her leaning on Ye Nanxian, who was unmovable but motionless.

This used to be a scene she dreamed of, but now she let others take the lead. How can she be willing?

But Ye Nanxian had also said that he was not allowed to speak out, even if Qingluan was dying of hatred, he could only endure it at this time.

At this moment, the sound of firecrackers suddenly came to mind outside.

Shen Mange suddenly woke up cleverly.


Ye Nanxian quickly patted Shen Mange on the back, as if he were treating a child.

Qingluan has been with Ye Nanxian for so long, when have you ever seen Ye Nanxian look so gentle?

She couldn't help but stare at it.

Shen Mange shook his head subconsciously and asked, "How do you set off firecrackers during the day? Is it a holiday today?"

"Today is the National Day of our country F."

Qing Luan was very dissatisfied with Shen Mange's side, and her tone was tinged.

Only then did Shen Mange realize where they are now, and his love rival is still standing in front of him.

She couldn't help but cheer up, sat up straight, smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm so tired, I actually fell asleep. How are you? Are you okay? Why don't you know how to wake me up?"

Shen Mange glared at Ye Nanxian angrily.

Ye Nanxian smiled and said, "It's okay, I just have a numb waist. You can beat me when you come back to the room."

This was a little ambiguous, and Shen Mange's face turned red.

However, seeing this scene in Qingluan's eyes, it is even more sure that Shen Mange is a scheming woman who serves Israel.

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