The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 972: She can't have an accident

"I don't know about this, but you can try it at the Heng Yu Club. It is said that he likes to be there."

Fang Ze's words made Ye Nanxian pause, and then hung up.

Seeing Fang Ze stunned by the phone, Cindy couldn't help asking, "Why do you care so much about Shen Mange?"

She is beautiful, but a married woman, what are you doing to provoke her? "

"You do not understand."

Fang Ze picked up the phone and immediately opened the quilt to get out of bed.

"Why are you going?"

"Go to Shen Mange.

She can't have an accident. "

Fang Ze's actions immediately angered Cindy.

"When is it that you still care about that Shen Mange, look at what you are like?

Besides, is she not taken care of by her husband?

Why don't you bother about this business. "

"I am not looking for her because I like her, you don't understand the things inside."

"If you don't understand, you can tell me! Fang Ze, I'm your agent. You don't hide everything from me. I can't deal with the aftermath.

Cindy felt that Shen Mange was really annoying.

Since she appeared, the trust between him and Fang Ze has plummeted.

When did Fang Ze tell me something?

But now, Fang Ze has everything around this Shen Mange, even ruining his face and reputation.

They finally came to today, he must not allow Fang Ze to self-destruct the future for a woman.

Fang Ze looked at Cindy's angry eyes and couldn't help but sigh: "Cindy, Shen Mange is very important to me."

"How important is it?

Just a woman.

What kind of woman do you want?

Why do you have to hang on this tree? "

Cindy felt that Fang Ze was really enchanted, and she couldn't help but hate Shen Mange.

Fang Ze couldn't help being shocked to see Cindy's hatred flashing through his eyes.

"Cindy, should Shen Mange disappear this time have anything to do with you?"

"No, I haven't done anything to a woman yet."

Cindy's eyes were frank, but Fang Ze was still a little uneasy.

After thinking for a while, he whispered: "Shen Mange is my sister, sister."

Cindy was stunned.

"what did you say?"

"I didn't know that soon, she had many shadows of my mother.

You also know that my mother died a few years ago, and the only wish before death was to find my sister. "

Fang Ze's voice was sobbing.

Cindy didn't expect this kind of plot to happen, so he couldn't help asking.

"You are not like her at all, how do you know she is your sister?"

"Remember a few days ago I asked you to talk to her about signing a contract, and then let you quietly get a trace of her hair?"

Fang Ze's words made Cindy pause, then nodded.

At that time, in order to get Shen Mange's hair, he stood up deliberately and dragged the button to Shen Mange's hair, for which Shen Mange was quite unhappy.

Now that Fang Ze said this, Cindy suddenly understood.

"Did you go for a paternity test?"

"Yes, the test result is out, she is my sister."

"But she looks nothing like you."

Fang Ze smiled and said: "I checked. She had plastic surgery for some things five years ago, so she has no similar features on my face, but the appraisal report will not be wrong.

Cindy could hardly digest the news.

"how could be?

Why did she become your sister? "

"I'll talk to you later, I'm going to find her now.

If something really happened to me, I would feel guilty in my life! "

Fang Ze was about to go out after being said, but was stopped by Cindy.

"You just can't go out like this, don't forget, you are a public figure now, in case it is seen by someone, it will be more than worth the loss."

"But ..." Fang Ze said what more, he saw Cindy took out a suit and handed it over.

"Even if you want to go out, you have to dress up."

"Thank you, Cindy."

Fang Ze rubbed Cindy's head.

Fifteen meters of Cindy's cheeks suddenly turned red under Fang Ze's hands, the shy look made Fang Ze's lips slightly raised.

"Stop being jealous?"

Cindy suddenly didn't twist.

"What nonsense, I'm just your agent, for your sake, what jealousy?

Moreover, both of us are men, so that others do not hear well. "

Fang Ze's eyes were softer.

"Just because I am a public figure, so you guessed it carefully, hiding my feelings for me all day long, and daring not to reveal it. Are you afraid that I will hate you when I know it?

Still afraid that I will change you after I know? "

Cindy was stunned.

"Fang Ze, I ..." "I'm just like you.

Cindy, I don't like women. "

Fang Ze said this very abruptly, and Cindy froze for a while.

He had hoped this way, but he felt so disgusting and disgusting.

Fang Ze is a popular lover, and there is never any black material on the screen. If you let others know that Fang Ze does not like women, then Fang Ze will be destroyed.

Cindy took a step back quickly and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm going out first."

After he had escaped, he seemed to leave.

Fang Ze looked at his background and squinted slightly.

For so many years, if it were not Cindy, he would not go to this position today.

It was Cindy who saved him, and it was Cindy that accompanied him. No matter how hard the future is, he will never give up.

But now his main thing is to find Shen Mange.

Thinking of this, Fang Ze disguised himself, put on a mask and went out.

Shen Mange didn't know anything about her disappearance, she just felt like she was going to be hungry.

I don't know when I passed out, and then woke up again.

Here is like a static space, no one enters, and no one tells her where it is now, what time, she is thrown here like a deserted person, no one cares.

Shen Mange is really hungry, and feels dizzy.

"anyone there?

Who bound me?

Come out quickly! "

Shen Mange thought it was a kind of torture.

She tried hard to calm herself down, but hunger and darkness made her a little calm.

If someone is looking for revenge, they will definitely come to fight against her, but after so long, why is there no one?

Shen Mange felt uneasy in her heart and did not know when it would end.

Sitting in the private room of the clubhouse, A Hui saw Shen Mange panicking and helpless from the computer video, and could not help but whip up his lips.

"Boss, just leave her alone?

Do nothing?

The younger sister's hatred ... "" Hungry for two days. "

This woman is said to be a little skilled, and when she is hungry, I can't help it. I see how she resists.

I will get back from her little by little everything Qing Qing had endured. "

A Hui's eyes crossed a trace of ruthlessness.

Seeing that A Hui had his own plans, the men did not intervene.

"Let the boss give me some fruit plate and another beer."

A Hui whispered.

The men immediately followed suit.

The boss knew that Ah Hui would not count how much he ate. He was depressed for a while, but he had to give it. After all, Ah Hui still had some influence in this piece.

Ye Nanxian personally brought someone when the boss was twitching the fruit bowl.

"Which private room is A Hui?"

A Fei came to the boss and asked in a low voice.

The boss suddenly looked up and saw that all the people in black were unable to drain the water surrounding his clubhouse.

Ye Nanxian's breath of killing the whole body was chilling.

The boss is aware of the current affairs and quickly said: "In the 302 room."

Afei asked others to surround this place, and then moved a chair to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian sat down coldly, and Fei went to Room 302.

"Damn it, why didn't the fruit plate and wine come?

Does this boss want to do it? "

A Hui scolded.

A Fei kicked the door open.

"Are you Hui Hui?"

It wasn't a day or two since Ahui was on the road. When she saw Afei's action, she couldn't help but feel a bit stunned, but she said with a sneer: "Where did the fearless thing come from, how dare I lie in front of Huige?

What are you waiting for, beat me out! "

Seeing that there was only one person in A Fei's hands, several men suddenly swarmed up.

A Fei sneered, quickly punched and punched his legs, and gave them uniforms without two hits.

A Hui frowned tightly.

"Brother, which way?"

"Our boss is looking for you."

Ai Fei did not give A Hui the opportunity to speak, and stepped forward to buckle his arm.

A Hui only felt that his arms were sore for a while, and he couldn't make any effort. The whole person was dragged out by A Fei like a dead dog.

It was only after several people came out that they discovered that the entire clubhouse was cleared.

All the men in black in the hallway were fierce and evil, which made people feel terrified.

A Hui couldn't help but feel upset.

A few men are now terrified to urinate, and can only follow the way to the boss's office.

"Mr. Ye, people brought."

A Fei threw A Hui in front of Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's eyes sank a bit.

"who are you?

looking for me?

I'm a bit powerful in this movie, it's better to think about the consequences after moving me! "

A Hui is still struggling to die.

The person in front of him doesn't look like a Daoist, but he looks like a businessman from the upper class.

This kind of person came to him just because of some small things, he wouldn't have trouble with such a **** of wealth.

A Hui thought so, and just wanted to stand up, he was kicked by Ye Nanxian on the knee bone.

With a thump, A Hui knelt again in front of Ye Nanxian.

This foot Ye Nanxian exerted enough energy, so that A Hui did not slow down for a long time.

"What's your special ..." Before he said anything, he was directly punched by Ye Nanxian on the nose, and the warm nosebleed spewed out instantly.

A Huilian lost two with his teeth.

The thick **** smell in his mouth made him suddenly understand that Ye Nanxian in front of him seemed not to come to him to deal with the matter.

Ye Nanxian squatted down directly, fingers clasped A Hui's chin tightly, and the force made him feel that his chin had to be removed.

"who are you?

What do you want me to do? "

He asked word for word, a trace of fear crossed his eyes.

Ye Nanxian's eyes did not have any pity and temperature.

"Where is Shen Mange?"

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