A Hui frowned as soon as he heard Ye Nanxian asked about Shen Mange.

"Who are you?"

A Hui's words just fell, and Ye Nanxian's hand was thrown away.

This slapped A Hui was a little dazed.

While Ye Nanxian asked Shen Mange, someone quietly came to the place where Shen Mange was held.

After so long, Shen Mange finally heard the voice of someone coming in.

"What the **** do you want?

To kill or to slap a happy one? "

Shen Mange is hungry and thirsty, and now his voice is hoarse.

The coming person didn't speak, and took a whip directly towards Shen Mange.

When the whip went down, Shen Mange suddenly groaned.

What a terrible pain! The clothes turned over, a blood stain splattered out of the blood, and the air smelled bloody.

Shen Mange smoked all over.

She was blindfolded because she couldn't see who was in front of her, but the other party didn't speak, should she have hatred against herself?

But who can be the one who has hatred against her?

"who are you?"

Shen Mange asked tightly, her second whip greeted her.

This whip is harder than before.

Shen Mange felt like she was about to cry, but she couldn't.

Doesn't the other party want to see her crying?

She couldn't do what they wanted.

Shen Mange's nose sensitively smelled a scent of perfume.

The smell of this perfume seems familiar.

Shen Mange froze in his heart.

"Shen Peipei?"

When she shouted the name, the third whip had been thrown onto Shen Mange.

Shen Mange almost fainted this time.

The whip was barbed, which showed that the other party hated him.

This time, Shen Mange almost didn't come up in a single breath, an old blood stuck in his throat, and it hurt painfully.

"Shen Peipei! You are Shen Peipei!"

Shen Mange is very familiar with Shen Peipei's perfume, so he can only hate himself so much that he can only kill himself.

When Shen Peipei saw Shen Mange called out his name, and raised his whip to prepare to give Shen Mange another whip, there was a sudden footstep outside.

"Miss, someone is here, let's go quickly."

Shen Peipei looked at Shen Mange angrily and said coldly, "I'm going to kill her!"

"The person coming is Ye Nanxian! Miss, we can't leave without we leave!"

The other party almost dragged Shen Peipei away.

Shen Mange was sore with pain all over his body, and his body swept involuntarily.

Shen Peipei, she will get back the three whips today.

There was finally noisy footsteps outside.

"Mrs. should be here."

When he heard A Fei's voice, Shen Mange finally fainted.

Ye Nanxian kicked the door open.

When he saw Shen Mange covered in blood, the whole person was going crazy.


He stepped forward to untie Shen Mange's hands and feet.

Shen Mange fell directly into his arms like a rag doll.

The strong **** smell made Ye Nanxian's blood flow.

He quickly and carefully picked up Shen Mange and ran away with his feet up.

, "Quick drive to the hospital!"

Afei was also calmed down by the scene in front of him.

Fang Ze, who was informed by the news, felt a terrible pain after seeing Shen Mange look like this.

"Mange her ..." "Get off!"

Ye Nanxian's eyes are scarlet, like an irritated beast.

Cindy was wronged for Fang Ze and wanted to say something, but was blocked by Fang Ze.

Ye Nanxian's car was in the front, Fang Ze's car was following, and the group went to the hospital in a mighty way.

When Shen Mange was pushed into the emergency room, Ye Nanxian had to go in. The doctor failed him and gave him sterile clothes.

After Ye Nanxian entered, the doctor was about to cut Shen Mange's clothes, but the blood water stuck the clothes. When he touched Shen Mange, it hurts. Although he was comatose, the body's sensory nerves were sharp.

Seeing this, Ye Nanxian had the heart to kill.


Ye Nanxian's expression was solemn and scary. Both the doctor and the nurse felt that the surrounding air had dropped to freezing point, and the cold sweats were lingering, but they dared not start.

Xiao Nianwei heard that Shen Mange was going to have an operation, and rushed over as soon as possible. He frowned slightly when he saw Ye Nanxian in the operating room, but he still replaced the doctor.

"Let me do it."

With Xiao Nianwei leading the sword, Ye Nanxian's attitude eased a little, but his eyes never left Shen Mange.

These three whips are almost completely flicked, and the bone can be seen in the last whip.

Ye Nanxian's teeth gurgled.

He must give this man a thousand pieces! Xiao Nianwei's eyes also squinted for a while, and the mobile phone device slightly opened Shen Mange's clothes, and began to disinfect and sew.

The surrounding nurses quickly took out a tissue to wipe Xiao Nianwei's sweat.

The operation lasted for more than three hours, and the fibers inside were slightly removed by Xiao Nian.

Ye Nanxian felt that his back was soaked.

Although it was not his own operation, his distressed heart would be broken after the operation.

Shen Mange was pushed to the intensive care unit.

"Take care of tonight, don't let her have a fever."

Xiao Nianwei knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, and could only tell Ye Nanxian to leave.

Ye Nanxian looked at Shen Mange, who was pale and paper-like, and accused herself of being too careless.

He said to Afei outside: "Collect evidence of Ahui, send him in, and find a few people to go in. Don't let Ahui die all at once, I will get everything that Mange bears back."


A Fei knew the feelings of Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange, and when he saw Shen Mange's appearance, he couldn't stand it to be honest.

A Hui did not know what she did, nor did she know that Shen Mange ’s husband was Ye Nanxian, but he wanted to take revenge for Liu Qingqing, but did not expect to make himself into it.

Fang Ze wanted to take a look at Shen Mange, but the intensive care unit had limited access, Ye Nanxian never came out, and he couldn't get in.

The people here come and go, he can't stay here, he can only go back with Cindy.

Lan Ling'er heard that Shen Mange was in trouble, and hurried over as soon as possible. When she saw Shen Mange lying on the bed like a rag doll, she blamed herself.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't take her down the alley."

"It has nothing to do with you. The other party purposefully came to Mange. Even if you don't walk the alley, there will be other opportunities to deal with Mange. I'm sorry, I didn't protect her."

Ye Nanxian's voice was dumb.

Lan Linger saw affection from Ye Nanxian's eyes, she hesitated and asked, "Who is the other party?"

"Liu Qingqing's man."

"Who is Liu Qingqing?"

"The woman who let Mange misunderstand me before."

Hearing Ye Nanxian say this, Lan Ling'er was silent for a few seconds, and then whispered, "What's the matter with Liu Qingqing?"

At first, Mange thought you were the object of cheating, but then she said she did n’t believe you were cheating, but there must be a secret between this woman and you, and this secret must be related to Mange, Ye Nanxian, I do n’t know you Why do you want to hide the song, maybe you are good for her, but is it really for her to hide her?

If you tell Mange the truth from the beginning, will Mange be vigilant and such a thing will not happen?

Of course, all I say is if. "

Ye Nanxian was silent.

What Lan Ling'er said, like a sharp dagger, penetrated deeply into his chest.

Is he really wrong to hide Shen Mange?

Seeing Ye Nanxian thought deeply, Lan Ling'er said nothing. Some words would be fine until now. Besides, it was a person like Ye Nanxian.

"I'll go back to the crew and arrange the song first. Mange must be unable to continue playing Guzheng like this.

Anyway, I have to say it. "

"I have sent you a professional guzheng master in the past, your album will not delay shooting, and your crew will not stop working.

You are a newcomer that Mange wants to promote, and you have signed a contract with Jiangshan. Naturally, you have to proceed. "

Ye Nanxian's words made Lan Ling'er stunned.

Ye Nanxian knew Shen Mange's every move, showing that his feelings for her had not changed at all.

So what kind of inside story can't tell Shen Mange?

Lan Ling'er was really curious, but she also knew that curiosity killed the cat. She nodded and left the ward.

Xiao Nianwei walked out of the hospital, and Shen Mange was always hurt in his mind.

No matter who the other party is, it's too cruel.

And Shen Mange is her good friend. How can you not let her good friend be bullied like this?

Xiao Nian thought for a while and called Liang Shaojing.

"Please do me a favor."

This was the first time Liang Shaojing heard Xiao Nianwei asking for help from himself, and he couldn't help but feel a bit stumped.


"Go home and talk, I will go home in half an hour."

"it is good."

Xiao Nianwei hung up the phone, sighed and drove back.

(Xiao Nianwei and Liang Shaojing, please see "One Child, Two Phoenixs, Wife and Grandpa are too arrogant") Ye Nanxian held Shen Mange's hand tightly after everyone left.

A Fei knocked on the door of the room and whispered, "Yong Zong, there is a new situation."

Ye Nanxian glanced at Shen Mange and got up and went out.


"It wasn't Ahui's man who beat the wife."

"what did you say?"

Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly squinted.

A Fei hurriedly said: "A Hui did find someone to tie his wife, but their idea was to be hungry for three days, wait for the wife to be weak, and then take photos of the wife's clothes, so that the wife's reputation would be damaged. Start. "

When talking about this, Ye Nanxian's murderous spirit spread uncontrollably.

What a vicious plan! Ye Nanxian's eyes are cold and frosty, saying one by one: "Then let him experience this feeling for himself."


Afei naturally knew that Ye Nanxian would not let Ahui down, but he went on to say: "The surrounding surveillance was destroyed by someone, but I have found someone to repair it. The person who beat the wife is Shen Peipei!"


Ye Nanxian was shocked.

A Feibi respectfully said: "Shen Peipei! Yu Feng's woman, it is also Yu Feng's relationship that she can come out of prison this time.

In addition, Shen parents gave gifts to them. "

Ye Nanxian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Shen's parents?

Have you been a good parent to Shen Mange, can you be so true to your adopted daughter when you turn around for your own daughter?

Shen Peipei is also a bold courage! I really think that Yu Feng can support it without fear?

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