"The order of the Zhongche Mansion is His Majesty's favored courtier, and the grass people dare not make a move on Lord Zhao."

Tian Hu directly refused Fusu's request.

Killed Zhao Gao in Xianyang City, I am afraid that if he didn't have the opportunity to be a hero at all, he was cut by the old man of Yingzheng.

This Fusu must be uneasy and kind, he is not convinced by Tian Yan, and he wants to give his woman power.

And the woman who gave him himself?

Think of beauty, Lao Tzu is not comparable today.

"I want to say, only the two of you here today will be able to leave alive?"

Tian Hu pulled out the tiger spirit, "Let me see how good you are."

Zhao Gao's face darkened.

This Tian Hu is really the best.

"Gongzi wants to kill me, just do it directly, there is no need to work so hard."

Zhao Gao still didn't want to reveal his true skills.

Fu Su smiled and said, "I don't know if Lord Zhao has a way to restrain wolf poison.

"What does Gongzi mean by that?"

Zhao Gao was shocked in his heart, could it be that there was something wrong with the tea he drank just now?

But he didn't smell anything special inside.

"With Lord Zhao's skill, it may not be difficult to suppress it, but there is no antidote for this thing, I just don't know how long you can hold on."

"I will impeach you before Your Majesty."

"You can't see my father now, and your life and death are now completely in my hands."

Zhao Gao secretly ran his internal force, and he was instantly shocked.

He found out that he was really poisoned.

The toxin is spreading rapidly.

"Fusu, you actually played tricks."

"To deal with you, of course, you have to use a trick, if it is someone else, I still don't bother to use it, how many times have you used it on me, I will use it once in a while."

"Want to kill me?"

Zhao Gao suddenly burst out and attacked Nuomin, who was closest to him.

As long as he caught someone today, he could leave Xianyang safely.

Fusu's eyes narrowed.

This Zhao Gao's speed is so fast, it is almost like himself.

Sure enough, he is a master who hides deeply.


There was suddenly one more person in front of Nuo Min, who was Xiaomeng of the Taoist Tianzong.

Zhao Gao quickly stepped back.


The big commander ordered, frightened the salamander, and blocked the way out.

"Master Zhao, don't do a death throes, you can't escape today."

"Fusu, do you dare to fight with me."

Fusu said with a smile: "With so many people, why should I take the risk."

Zhao Gao gritted his teeth angrily, he didn't expect Fusu to be so shameless, and he sent so many masters to besiege him at once.

Just when Zhao Gao was relying on countermeasures, Xiaomeng, who was holding the Qiu Li sword, had already begun to write the getaway.

The more recipes you write, the more powerful you are, and if you can write all of them, you can destroy the world.

These are still told by Xiaoyaozi to Zhao Gao.

As soon as Zhao Gao's figure moved, he attacked Xiaomeng.

However, what he didn't expect was that Nuo Min behind Xiaomeng suddenly stood in front of her, wanting to resist Zhao Gao's attack.

Golden opportunity!

A smile appeared on Zhao Gao's face.

His hand quickly touched his waist, and a sword was pulled out by him.

Fu Su was shocked in his heart, this guy actually had a sword hidden on him.

This sword is very peculiar, less than two fingers wide and more than a foot long, and the body of the sword is looming.

This sword is similar to Yan Lu's cold light sword.

The salamander said in amazement: "See the shadow but not see the light during the day, see the light without seeing the shape at night, and the night practice of one of Kong's swords." "

This sword is still the first time she has carried out a mission when she joined Luo Net, and helped Zhao Gao get it.

The master of the night training is also a master, but he is still a little worse than himself.

Zhao Gao's figure arrived in front of Nuo Min in an instant, but Zhao Gao still underestimated Nuo Min's strength.

Although Nuo Min's strength is not comparable to Xiaomeng's level of master, compared with the shocking salamander, her gap is not very large.

Zhao Gao quickly attacked more than a dozen moves, but none of them took Nuo Min.

He was a little anxious in his heart.

If you continue to consume, you may really not be able to leave.

Tian Hu, who was watching the play on the side, was stunned.

If he goes up, I am afraid that he can only be used as a hostage.

Zhao Gao faced Nuo Min at the same time, and the attack of the salamander was able to maintain the upper hand.

Da Si Ming has been gathering internal forces, waiting to give Zhao Gao a fatal blow at any time.

The three fought for about a quarter of an hour, and Nuo Min and the salamander gradually lost their minds.

And Xiaomeng's getaway is almost at its limit.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiaomeng shouted loudly and swung a sword towards Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao was shocked in his heart, he may not be able to block this blow.

Even if he blocks it, his strength will be greatly reduced, and there is a Fusu who is no less than him who has not yet made a move.


The only thought in Zhao Gao's mind.

Looking at Xiaomeng's imposing getaway, Zhao Gao changed his figure continuously, and he was able to avoid this fatal blow.

"Got you!"

The voice of the Great Commander suddenly sounded from behind Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao's goosebumps all over his body rose.

When did this big master come behind him, he was clearly standing at the door just now.

Da Si Ming slapped a palm on Zhao Gao's back, and at the same time, a Six Souls Fear Curse came.


Zhao Gao, who fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, at the moment when he was about to faint, the supper in his hand was directly thrown at the unprepared Xiaomeng.

Xiaomeng's blow just now, although it did not hit Zhao Gao, it made him show flaws and provided an opportunity for the big commander to sneak attack.

However, her internal strength had also consumed nearly eighty percent, and the sword thrown out by Zhao Gao was as fast as lightning, and it was very difficult for her to dodge.


A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Xiaomeng.

Zhao Gao's sword was directly blocked by the strange sword in his hand.

This black shadow is none other than Fusu.

Fusu looked at Zhao Gao with a gloomy face, "I have to reverse the scale sword and need your blood."


The anti-scale sword pierced directly into Zhao Gao's thigh.

"Ah..." A

miserable scream entered the sky.

Zhao Gao, who had just fainted, was directly woken up by pain.

He glared at Fusu in horror.

This sword was actually sucking his internal force.

In less than half an hour, Zhao Gao's internal force had been sucked by it.

Tian Hu, who was standing on the side watching the play, was so frightened that he trembled.

This sword is too devilish, if this thing pierces his body, I am afraid that it will not end up with Zhao Gao.

When the anti-scale sword stopped sucking, Zhao Gao was about to turn into a skeleton frame.

"The Great Master ordered to use soul control on him."

Tian Hu pedaled back several steps.

People have become like this, and they even use soul control techniques?

This Fusu is also too ruthless.

Why do you have to follow Xianyang?

Zhao Gao, who had no internal strength, was quickly controlled by the soul control technique of the Great Commander.

"The Great Si ordered to go to Zhangtai Palace with me, Xiaomeng stayed here temporarily, Nuo Min, you take a few people to Zhao Gao's mansion and empty all his things there."

"What am I doing?"

Tian Hu didn't want to stay here for a quarter of an hour.

He found out Fusu's secret and wondered if he could leave alive.

Fu Su smiled and said, "The hall master of the field should not see it, it won't be that he wants to slip away, right?"

"I definitely don't plan to do that."

"You go with Nuo Min."

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