Coming to Zhangtai Palace, Huan Zheng was surprised to see Fusu bringing a strange skeleton man in.

"Fusu, who is this person? How it doesn't look like a living person.

"Father, this person is Zhao Gao."

"Zhao Gao?"

The government was horrified.

This hunger meal or two has no such effect.

Fu Su explained: "Father, he has already won the soul control technique of the Great Commander, and he will answer anything you ask. "


Huan Zheng frowned, "Zhao Gao, what is your relationship with Zhao Wang Qian?" "

This issue is the most concerned of the government.

If he is really a member of the Zhao royal family, then this Zhao Gao died unjustly.

"Zhao Qian is my brother, I am the King of Zhao Mourning, the eighteenth son of Zhao Wei."

The corner of Fusu's mouth twitched, eighteen? Then come to Daqin, pit Huhai, right?

Ying Zheng's face was cold, but he didn't expect that Zhao Gao was really a member of the Zhao Guozong Sect.

"Why did you come to the Qin Kingdom?"

Ying Zheng asked more than a dozen questions in a row, and Zhao Gao had all the questions and answers.

The angry Ying Zheng was angry, because he trusted Zhao Gao so much, after so many years, he still couldn't let go of the hatred in his heart.

The Kingdom of Zhao has perished, is it not good to follow him to establish Wan Zai Daqin?

Besides, Zhao Qian didn't seek revenge on himself, you are a son with no inheritance qualifications, but you want to avenge Zhao Guo.

Huan Zheng looked at Fusu and said, "You find a suitable result for Zhao Gao."

Just as Ying Zheng's words fell, Zhao Gao suddenly protruded a mouthful of blood, and then died violently.

Huan Zheng raised his eyebrows, I asked you to kill Zhao Gao, but I didn't say that you would kill here.

"Father Emperor, Zhao Gao knows that he has sinned deeply and died after taking poison, isn't this a good ending."

Huan Zheng's face sank, and he called Zhang Wei and ordered: "Zhang Handan, you let Li Si issue a notice to announce the world, Zhao Gao committed suicide by poisoning himself in Zhangtai Palace because of deceitful kings, indiscriminately killing innocents." "


After Li Si learned the news of Zhao Gao's death, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

It is said that he committed suicide by taking poison, but everyone with discerning eyes knows that this is His Majesty's killing intention.

The net of the net was wide and wide, but it had little effect, which made His Majesty feel dissatisfied.

What made him even more unexpected was that Fusu directly copied Zhao Gao's house, and found a large amount of gold and silver jewelry in Zhao Gao's house.

When Fusu returned to the house, the salamander came to his residence urgently, "Gongzi, you said that you wanted to tell my mother the news."

"Before, he was called Fujun, but now that Zhao Gao is dead, do you want to admit it?"

Tian Yanqiao's face turned red, and he said in a low voice: "Husband!

"I have already asked Zhao Gao, when he saw your mother, she was already a dry bone, holding a shocking salamander sword in her arms, but whether that dry bone was your mother, no one knows."

Tian Yan asked with a shocked expression, "Where is it?"

"More than ten years ago, even if the place is still there, I am afraid that the dry bones have turned to ashes."

Fusu took Tian Yan's hand and said, "Come with me to Zhao Gao's mansion." The

two came to Zhao's mansion.

Nuo Min had already left this place half-empty.

"Did you find something?"

Nomin shook his head.

Fusu had previously instructed her to look for the Chengying Sword among Kong's swords.

However, she rummaged through the entire Zhao Mansion and could not find this sword.

"The thing must be here, take me to Zhao Gao's room."

He felt that there must be a dark room in Zhao Gao's room.

Coming to Zhao Gao's room, Fusu looked at Tian Yan and said, "Search with Chayan to see if there are any secret doors."

Tian Yan nodded, and then used his internal force to urge him to observe Yan.

After a long time, Tian Yan put away his internal strength and walked to a wall.

Several slightly protruding stones on the wall, under her regular pressing, actually opened a door.

Nuo Min said: "Gongzi, I'll let the silver wolf go down and take a look."

Nuo Min patted the silver wolf's head, and then it sneaked straight in.

After a while, the silver wolf ran out.

Nomin said; "Gongzi, there is no organ below."

Fusu nodded and walked in.

But he's not stupid enough to let his guard down.

After walking for less than a quarter of an hour, Fusu looked at Tian Yan and asked, "Do you remember clearly, which direction did we go?"

Tian Yan said: "The slope of the stairs is very small, it seems to be downward, but it is actually heading east, and the length of each step is close to one step, but the height is only about an inch. "

With the footsteps of a few of them, walking for a quarter of an hour, it was almost three or four miles away.

From Zhao Gao's mansion, three or four miles to the east, isn't that where Zhangtai Palace is located?

Fu Su frowned, this Zhao Gao dug the tunnel under the Zhangtai Palace, what was this planning to do?

As they walked, they turned a corner and suddenly brightened.

"Be careful!"

Fusu quickly ran his internal force, extinguished the torch, and then looked ahead warily.

In front is a splendid hall, the fire light illuminates here as if it is daytime, although the hall is only a few feet long and wide, but it is not easy to dig such a large palace underground.

There are also several rooms, and I am afraid that the space inside is not small.

Tian Yan was surprised: "This Zhao Gao will really enjoy it." "

Building such a small palace underground, I'm afraid it won't take more than ten years.

There is one room on the left and right of the stairs.

Fusu looked at it and said, "You two follow behind me, don't walk around." Coming

to the first room on the left, Fusu found what he was looking for.

There are no less than ten famous swords placed here, which should have been collected by Zhao Gao for so many years.

The inheritance he wants is also among them.

"Is this the Longyuan Sword?"

Tian Yan looked at a delicate sword placed on the table, and above the sword body, there were seven pearls.

With the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, Fusu was a little disdainful of Chengying.

"Take them all!"

There happened to be a wooden box in the room, and Fusu packed all the swords and let Nuomin carry them.

Walking to the room on the right, Fusu found that the outer room was empty, but there was a large iron door inside.

Tian Yan started to observe the words here, and when she saw the contents clearly, her heart was horrified.

"Husband, inside is a group of children."


Fu Su frowned, what is Zhao Gao doing with children?

Could it be that he still practiced evil arts?

Fusu opened the iron gate, and the children who were detained inside saw Fusu with a puzzled expression.

"Who are you? What about my Master?

Fu Su asked in surprise, "Who is your master?"

"Zhao Wang Gao!"

I grass....

Fusu looked surprised.

Zhao Wang Gao?

Fuck, he was even king.

"Are you an orphan of Zhao Kingdom?"

"I'm not from the Zhao Kingdom, I'm from the Qin Kingdom."

"I'm from the Chu Kingdom!"

"I'm from Yan Country!"

"I am..."

Fusu listened with black lines all over his head.

These children must have been detained here by Zhao Gao in order to train them.

Zhao Gao is dead.

Fusu also did not want to tell them the truth.

These children only knew that Zhao Gao was their master.

Others, even if they explain more, I'm afraid they won't listen.

However, Fusu did not intend to release them all, which was not a small hidden danger.

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