After Fusu exited the room, he locked the door again.

Coming to the door of a room in the middle, not only Fusu was a little excited, but Tian Yan on the side was also a little excited.

Zhao Gao's mansion has been searched everywhere, but there is no news of her mother, maybe this last room can find clues.

Tian Yan's internal force once again urged her to observe the words, but the things in the room disappointed her.

Here is simply a crime, and several spirit cards are placed on it.

After Tian Yan confirmed that there was no danger, Fusu directly pushed the door and walked in.

There were a total of three tablets on the table, and in the middle was Zhao Mo Xiang Wang Wei, the other two he had never heard of, it should be Zhao Gao's mother and adoptive father and the like.

The space in this room is not large, barely able to stand more than ten people, and there is no secret passage at all.

Tian Yan sighed in disappointment, his eyes were red, and he slowly retreated out.

Nuo Min on the side said in a low voice: "Gongzi, it seems a little strange here. Fusu

nodded, there were only a few famous swords and a few Zhao Gao's apprentices, but there was no capital that could make Zhao Gao king in the future.

Could it be that Zhao Gao still expects to steal the treasury?

Just when Fusu was puzzled, he found that the table where the spiritual seat was placed seemed to have traces of movement.

Fusu's eyes narrowed, and then he began to fumble.

After a while, he found a mechanism, and the three tablets turned at the same time, and the entire table moved backwards, and also drove the wall behind.

Sure enough, there is a hole in the sky.

"Ah Yan!"

Tian Yan, who was secretly crying outside, heard Fusu's call and hurriedly wiped his tears and walked in.

Seeing the secret passage in front of him, Tian Yan was surprised and delighted, and he was a little worried in his heart.

I don't know if there will be something I want in this.

Nuo Min and Silver Wolf walked in first, and Fusu pulled Tian Yan to follow.

The passage was not very long, and soon the three of them came to a fork in the road.

"Gongzi, let's explore one by one."

Nuo Min was worried about Fusu's safety, so he let the silver wolf lead the way and took the leftmost passage.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, you have to be careful."

Fusu let Tian Yan take the right passage, while he took the middle passage.

If there is danger, this intermediate passage is the most dangerous.

However, with his strength, no mechanism could hurt him at all.

Not long after Fusu left, he found that he seemed to be walking up in the middle of nowhere.

Then the stairs begin to appear.

Fusu's urging ability quickened his pace, and soon reached the top, the top was pressed by a stone, Fusu gently pulled the bracelet on it, and then moved away.

He walked out of the tunnel and was stunned by what he saw.

This turned out to be the dormitory of Ying Zheng, and at this moment, Ying Zheng was having fun with a few concubines.

After taking his elixir, Ying Zheng's body gradually recovered.

But looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help frowning, he wouldn't change from being obsessed with pills to being absurd...

Fusu hurriedly retreated.

"Your Majesty, Prince Hu Hai is really filial, and he even spared no expense to transport us from the Chu Kingdom to Xianyang so that we could serve."

When Fusu was about to close the secret door, he suddenly heard such a sentence, which made him instantly alert.

This Hu Hai is really awesome, in order to please Ying Zheng, he actually gave his mother concubine green.

"It is said that the beauty of the land of Wuyue is like a cloud, and one day, I will definitely go to the land of Wuyue when I am on the eastern tour."

Forget it.

No more eavesdropping.

I wish you an early death!

After Fusu closed the mechanism, he returned to the three forks, and at this moment Nuomin had returned.

"Gongzi, my road leads to the treasury!"

The corner of Fusu's mouth smiled slightly.

That makes sense.

"Is Tian Yan back?"

Nomin shook his head.

Fusu hurriedly rushed to the passage on the right.

With Tian Yan's strength, he has not returned for so long, and he must have encountered trouble.


Fusu suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

After a while, he and Nuo Min came to an empty hall, where there were less than two hundred square meters.

Four men in black were besieging Tian Yan, and there were six corpses lying on the ground.

And at this moment, Tian Yan's state is not good, she really wants to lose her internal strength.

"Gongzi, I'll help!"

"Be careful, there is the corpse god curse of the Yin-Yang family here."

Fusu suddenly found that there were many bright spots on the surrounding walls.

This should be the corpse god curse of the Yin-Yang family.

It seems that Tian Yan followed the other party's way.

How could Zhao Gao be cursed by the corpse god, could it be that the Yin and Yang family cooperated with him?

The few people who fought with Tian Yan used the exercises that were also from the Yin Yang family.

What the hell is going on here?

Could it be that the Yin Yang family followed behind them, and then took advantage of their separation to attack Tian Yan?

Those who can use the Corpse God Curse must have an unusual status in the Yin-Yang family.

"Nuo Min, you guard the entrance of the cave, there is no corpse curse here, I will go down and help."

Fusu picked out a Chengying sword from Nuo Min's wooden box and rushed out.

The four men in black, under Fusu's attack, did not last for two rounds, and they were all cut to the ground by him.

Tian Yan stumbled to Fusu's side.

"Husband-kun, these people can perform yin and yang spells."

"They laid the corpse curse?"

Without waiting for Tian Yan to answer, a gloomy voice entered the ears of the two.

"I didn't expect my disciples to be able to kill you."

A young man wearing a black robe with purple edges and a purple crown on his head walked out of the room with a gloomy face.

Fusu's eyes narrowed, isn't this person the Yin-Yang family's soil minister Lao Xiangjun?

This bastard has long since lost his tracks, why is he here?

Could it be that he and Zhao Gao still have some shady business?

"Xiangjun of the Yin-Yang Family!"

Xiang Jun is here, so is Mrs. Xiang also here?

"You actually know me? But I don't know you. "

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