The army went out of Wuguan and passed by the old capital of the State of Chu, Xingdu.

Fusu let the army rest here for a day.

Early the next morning, when Fusu was about to set off again, many civilians suddenly came outside the camp.

Nuo Min came to Fusu Battle and said in a low voice: "Prince, the people of Xingdu, after hearing that you lowered the price of salt, they came to thank you one after another. When

Fusu came to the outside of the camp, he saw the people kneeling on the ground and constantly buttoning their heads, and he felt a little emotion in his heart.

This only lowered the price of salt, so grateful to Dade.

If he lowers the price of grain, will he be escorted by tens of thousands of people wherever he goes in the future....

"Fellow villagers in Xingdu, I can assure you that lowering the price of salt is just the beginning, in the future, all taxes will be reduced, military service and labor service will also be improved, you must live well, and when I return from Baiyue, I will play Your Majesty."

"Thank you to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for being considerate of our poor people."

"Thank you, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is the savior of the people of the Six Kingdoms!"


Fusu was stunned because he was delayed by these people for a day.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Fusu ordered the army to set off.

In a carriage of the Great Army.

Mother Yan looked at Tian Yan lying in her arms, and a pleased smile appeared on her face.

The daughter has found a good husband.

If Fusu can take over the government in the future and take charge of this great Qin Jiangshan, he will definitely be more outstanding than the government.

"Mother, the husband said that Duanmu Rong of the medical family is in Baiyue, and after I get there, I will ask her to remove the tattoo on your body for you."

Every time he saw the tattoo on his mother's body, Tian Yan felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

These thorns were all human names, the names of everyone she killed.

It was Zhao Gao who ordered people to stab it, and every time he returned from a mission, his mother would have one more or more tattoos.

Zhao Gao said that this is the price of betrayal.

It's a pity that Zhao Gao died too easily.

Otherwise, she would definitely give Zhao Gao to Ling Chi.

Yan's mother helped Tian Yan straighten her unkempt hair and said, "You better consider your own affairs."

"My thing? What's going on?

Tian Yan looked puzzled.

The affairs of the peasant family were temporarily handed over to several hall masters.

As long as it's not a big deal, you don't need to go through her.

And he doesn't need to worry about being erected.

Mei Sanniang is absolutely loyal to herself, and Katsuki is the one who supports Su.

Although the Lieshan Hall is now managed by Tian Ci, Tian Ci only listens to himself.

"Silly girl, don't you have a round house yet!"


Tian Yanqiao blushed.

Fusu is not in a hurry, she is in a hurry.

Once the room is round, then she really can't escape Fusu's palm.

"My mother was confused back then, she delayed her life for the sake of Luo Net, and delayed you, don't follow my old path."

Thinking of Wei Wuji, Yan's mother couldn't help but sigh.

If it weren't for that nameless awakening herself, maybe she would still be a murderous demon now.

The peasant family wanted to go the way to rebel against the empire, but fortunately, Fusu appeared in time to let Tian Yan restrain himself from the precipice.

Otherwise, she would end up no better than herself.

"Mother, if I stay by Fusu's side every day, then who will accompany you?"

"I've been here for so many years, do I still need you to accompany me? Isn't there still Ah Ci?

"Where can he talk to his mother."

Tian Ci's IQ is seriously worrying, and it is impossible to make Yan's mother happy.

Mother Yan's face sank, and she scolded: "No, I can't live anymore, right?"

"Mother, while I still have time, let me accompany you for a few more days."

"If you stay with me again, the crown princess will be someone else's."

"I'm not a rare crown princess."

Just as the two were whispering, a head suddenly stuck in.

The two were shocked, completely forgetting that they were first-class killers.

"Sister, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince let you pass."

Tian Yan gritted his teeth angrily.

Can't you just shout and come in again?

"I see."

"Hurry up, don't make people wait."

Yan's mother helped her straighten her hair again, and urged her to leave.

Tian Yan jumped several times in a row and came to Fusu's carriage.

"Husband, what are you looking for me for?"

"Come first!"

Tian Yan lifted the curtain and went straight in.

Fusu pulled her into his arms and said, "It's Changsha in front, and you let the master of the peasant family go to find the location of Xiaoxiang Valley." "

It is not safe for Lianyi to stay in the prince's mansion alone, Hu Ji was left in the prince's mansion by him, and after Xiang Jun became a puppet, he was also handed over to Hu Ji to control.

Otherwise, it would be very simple to ask Xiang Jun to provide him with the location of Xiaoxiang Valley.

"Xiaoxiang Valley? What is that place?

Tian Yan looked at Fusu with a wary expression.

From the name, you can feel that it is definitely not where the men live.

There are so many women around them, and they are still messing with flowers everywhere!!

"Won't your mother's vendetta be rewarded?"

"Isn't Zhao Gao dead?"

Tian Yan's face was full of doubts.

Could it be that Fusu didn't kill Zhao Gao and hide him here?

However, it shouldn't be.

Since it is hidden, he must know the place.

"This is Xiangjun's residence."


The big commander on the side coughed twice and said, "Which of you is revenge, it is clearly revenge."

"What do you mean?"

Tian Yan looked at Dasimei with a puzzled expression.

"Xiaoxiang Valley is the residence of Xiang Jun and Lady Xiang among the five great elders of the Yin and Yang family."


Tian Yan frowned.

"Husband, is it that the Great Commander can't satisfy you, you just call me here!"

"What do you say!"

Dasimei glared at Tian Yan with an angry expression.

"Okay, Ah Yan, you let the disciples of the peasant family go and find the location of Xiaoxiang Valley."

"I asked Ah Chi to kill her!"

"I approve of this!"

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