"Zifang, there is news from Xianyang City that Zhao Gao is dead."

In a certain deep mountain and old forest, Gai Nie, Zhang Liang, Wei Zhuang, and the people of Quicksand gathered together to discuss what to do next.

After Fusu let them leave, he did not give them a specific course of action.

I didn't say I wanted to recruit them, nor did I say I wanted to let them go, which made them a little embarrassed.

Fusu single-handedly killed Luo Net, which they did not expect at all.

After Zhao Gao's death, Fusu delivered a message to all the members of Luowang, telling them not to act rashly for the time being.

Zhang Liang was the last to leave Xianyang City, and he did not even receive a notice from Fusu.

"Alas, Fusu went to Baiyue, I'm afraid that they will be in danger in the dawn."

Zhang Liang sighed, Fusu did not continue to chase and kill Tianming, but Tianming and Shaoyu went to Baiyue.

Once Tianming is impulsive and shows something excessive, I am afraid that it will anger Fusu.

"Xiaozhuang and I have now fallen under the spell of the Yin-Yang family, although luck does not have much impact, but Fusu said that once the mood is unstable, it will fall into madness, and maybe it will hurt the people around us, so this hundred more things, you have to go hard in the sub-room."

Zhang Liang hesitated, if he went to Baiyue, he would definitely have to inform Fusu, otherwise he would rush to Baiyue, once Fusu misunderstood himself and thought that he was going to help the Xiang clan, I am afraid that there would be more trouble.

"I'll leave for the land of Jingxiang!"

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang don't know what to do now.

Anti-Qin? The Mo family and the Xiang clan all went to Baiyue to find a woman.

I'm afraid they don't have the heart to oppose Qin now.

Peasants and Taoists have already turned to Fusu.

Zhang Liang is also ambiguous now, afraid that if it is not Confucianism, he will also turn to Fusu sooner or later.

"Xiaozhuang, where do you go?"

Seeing Wei Zhuang without saying a word, Gai Nie turned his head and left, and hurriedly stopped him.

"I haven't investigated Han Fei's death clearly, so I decided to investigate it again."

"The Anti-Scale Sword is now on Fusu, it may be easier for you to find him."

"To Baiyue?"

Just now, Zhang Liang was sent to Baiyue, and now he wants to leave for Baiyue?

However, it is nothing to go to Baiyue to meet the old friend, maybe she has amazing news there.


Not far away, two figures fell directly to the ground.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang looked at Bai Feng in surprise.

"These two people are very strange, as if they have been monitoring us."

Wei Zhuang frowned, these people's attire did not seem to be a net.

Gai Nie came to the two and checked their physical characteristics, and was immediately surprised.

"People from the Yin-Yang family!"

Wei Zhuang sneered, "It seems that they are still planning to surprise us." "

They have been very careful when they come here, they didn't expect to be topped.

It can be seen that the means of tracking people by this Yin-Yang family are much more clever than Luo Net.

Xianyang City Zhangtai Palace.

Huan Zheng looked at the elixir sent by Yunzhong Jun in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

To eat or not to eat?

Xiaomeng's pill was too effective.

Could it be that the Yin-Yang family really planned to plot against themselves?

Star Soul, who was hiding in the shadows to observe, discovered the abnormality of Ying Zheng.

When he sent him pills before, Ying Zheng was very eager.

But now the government has become less enthusiastic.

Could it be that Fusu said something to Yingzheng?

Star Soul calculated in his heart.

It seems that it is impossible to rely on pills to control the government for a long time.

Other approaches are necessary.

Sooner or later, Yunzhong Jun will be cleaned up by Ying Zheng or Zefusu, and he will have to find another way out.

Catch the remnants of the Six Kingdoms?

Now only the two from Ghost Valley know their whereabouts.

After Star Soul made up his mind, he left.

"Your Majesty, the girl in the imperial womb asks for a meeting."

Huan Zheng frowned, what is Lianyi doing here?

Changpingjun's rebellion made him have a lot of prejudices about Lianyi.

Although Fusu promised that Lianyi would never follow in her father's footsteps, she was the son of an anti-thief after all.

"Let her in!"

"I've seen my father!"


Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows.

His father is really cheap.

Why can a woman come out of Fusu call her father and emperor.

"Lianyi, you are not staying in the Taiwo, why do you have to walk around, have you forgotten your original vow?"

"My husband has something important for me to transfer to my father!"


After Ying Zheng let people take the things in Lianyi's hand, he looked at the white fine particles in his hand with a puzzled expression.

"What is it?"



What does salt look like?

You sit on this dragon chair every day, don't you know this thing?

Seeing that Yingzheng didn't believe it, Lianyi immediately explained: "Father, this is the coarse salt purification that the husband said before leaving, and this is the fine salt that was finally purified. "

Fine salt?"

Ying Zheng looked at the temple people on the side and said, "You taste whether it is salt or not." Without

hesitation, the temple man squeezed a little and put it in his mouth.

"Your Majesty, it is indeed salt!"

Ying Zheng was surprised, and he also pinched a little and put it in his mouth.

Just that little, it has a very salty taste.

And the miscellaneous taste is much less than coarse salt.

"It's a good thing indeed."

"Father, the husband also said that the use of this salt is not only for eating, sweating too much, drinking more salt water can relieve a little fatigue, but it is not easy to use too much, otherwise it will harm the body."

"How much coarse salt can make a pound of fine salt?"

If not a lot, he can accept it.

After all, it takes manpower to make this thing, and I'm afraid it's not that simple.

The cost is too high, so what is the difference with the previous salt price.

"More than three catties!"

"My husband also said that he needed his father to issue an edict that in the future, he could only sell fine salt when he discarded coarse salt, and fine salt only needed to eat half a catty per person per month, which was harmful to the body."

Ying Zheng nodded.

Fine salt tastes better, and after the price reduction, even if it is three or four times that of coarse salt, it is not much expensive, and the average person accepts it.

"Did Fusu tell you how to make fine salt?"

"The husband said that the father does not need to care about the production method, the prince's office will be in charge, and when the technology is mature, an exclusive department will be set up to make fine salt."

Ying Zheng was speechless for a while, isn't this just trying to make some benefits from it!

"Father, before my husband left, he gave me a drawing, saying that when Chang'an City was being built, the East Palace would be built for him to be bigger."

Huan Zheng took the brocade handed over by Lian Yi, and couldn't help frowning.

The East Palace is really the East Palace, and it chose to be at the intersection of Bashui and Weishui, which is the easternmost location of Chang'an City.

The Chang'an City that he asked Meng Yi to plan did not dare to go to the Weishui River.

This Fusu's heart is also too big.

"Okay, I know, I'll send someone to Meng Yi later."

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