Chun Yuyue said: "If the power of the DPRK is controlled by traitors, who can overthrow them?

"My Daqin officials are all loyal ministers, how can I overturn the county system that has been in place for several years because I have already speculated?" According to Lord Chunyu, how can the princes attack each other in the future?


"Hmph, what nonsense."

Huan Zheng snorted coldly and glared at Chun Yuyue with an angry expression.

Meng Yi said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is fighting abroad, compared to this, he does not know about this, why not send someone to ask the Crown Prince's opinion?" Meng

Yi wanted to let Ying Zheng know that Fusu was not involved in this matter.

Even if he participated, he would dissuade Fusu from admitting it.

Ying Zheng said: "This world is a fool, ask him what to do, the division system is not allowed to be mentioned by me again."

Meng Yi wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Wei Yi on the side.

Now that His Majesty is angry, he can't let His Majesty misunderstand Fusu because of this.

Li Si said: "Your Majesty, all the sons and hundreds of families pay attention to respecting the teacher, and use ancient irony to make the commoners ignorant, and the ministers feel that the works of the sons and hundreds of families are not desirable, if the people of the world are taught by officials and everyone understands the law, why worry that the world will not be able to live for a long time."

Meng Yi and Wei Yi were shocked into a cold sweat.

What is this bastard trying to do?

He would not want to suggest that His Majesty promote Legalism and despise other schools.

Ying Zheng's face sank, and he said, "Then burn all the teachings of all the sons and hundreds of schools for me."

As soon as these words came out, Chun Yuyue's face suddenly changed.

"Your Majesty, you are cutting off your arm."


"Come on, drag Chun Yuyue out and cut it for me!"

After Chun Yuyue was taken out by the guards, Huan Zheng said: "Li Si, you are responsible for this matter, give me all the books of all the sons and hundreds of families to Xianyang, and I will let Fusu personally burn these." "


Meng Yi and Wei Yi looked at each other, and they did not persuade anything.

They still understand the temper of the victorious government.

At this time, they must not be persuaded, otherwise, they will also follow in the footsteps of Chunyue.

After a few people left the Zhangtai Palace, Meng Yi found Wei Yi and said carefully: "This matter is very strange, that Chun Yue is the prince's master, and suddenly mentioning this matter, someone must be behind the manipulation."

Wei Yi said: "We must inform the prince as soon as possible so that he can be mentally prepared." "

You are familiar with Lady Lianyi of the Prince's Mansion, or will you go?"

Wei Yi nodded and walked towards the Prince's Mansion.

Meng Yi hurried back home and wrote a letter to his brother, telling him to only take care of the affairs of the frontier, and unless Fusu wrote it himself, no one else would believe what he said.

"Madam, Lord Lieutenant is here."

Lian Yi, who was inspecting the salt making by the peasant disciples, suddenly received a report from the next person, so he hurried to the council hall.

"Is there something going on here, Lord Lieutenant?"

Wei Yi explained the things in the court to Lianyi simply and clearly.

Lianyi couldn't help frowning, this Chun Yuyue she also knew, and she was also half of her own teacher.

When she was in Xianyang, she often followed Fusu and listened to his teachings.

However, now Fusu's style of doing things is the same as that of Fusu, who she knew back then.

This is definitely not something that Chun Yuyue's old master can teach.

"Do you think the prince is involved in this matter?"

"I don't think the prince should be so confused, someone must have instigated in the middle, making Chun Yuyue feel that His Majesty canonized Fusu as the prince because he wanted him to oversee the country, and Fusu will definitely be able to decide in this matter."

Lianyi thought for a while and said, "In this way, I will ask people to send a letter to the prince to ensure that the prince can respond in time."

Wei Yi nodded and left the East Palace.

He can't stay here much longer, lest His Majesty detect the abnormality.

Lianyi came to Hu Ji's residence and said, "Sister Hu Ji, someone wants to disadvantage her husband.

"What's going on?"

Lianyi told what she knew.

Hu Ji couldn't help frowning after hearing this, the purpose of this planting was obvious.

However, the affairs of the court, because of her status, could not be involved.

"Sister, or I will let Zhuanlu Soul Destroyer go to Baiyue and tell my husband about this."


With the order of Ying Zheng, the whole world was shocked.

All the teachings of the Hundred Schools of Heaven were confiscated, even Taoism and Confucianism.

This action of the victorious government caused certain unstable factors to completely erupt.

The principals of the hundreds of families gathered in Xianyang one after another, wanting to meet with Ying Zheng and ask him to cancel this decree.

But Yingzheng didn't want to hear what they had to say.

He summoned Li Si to the Zhangtai Palace and ordered, "The Taoist family should not send people first, and when Fusu returns, he will go in person." "


Li Si was supported by Yingzheng, and his actions became even more brazen.

As long as they dared to secretly hide the teachings of the hundreds of families, all of them were imprisoned by him.

For a moment, the whole world complained.

Fusu's army marched day and night, and in five days, it reached Changsha County.

Fusu let the army hide in the nearby mountains and forests, and then came to the city with Xiaomeng, Shaoshimei, Dasimei and others.

"Help, help!"

"This is the family letter that my late husband left me!"

"Please, don't take it away, it's really not the doctrine of the sons and daughters."

Fusu frowned, what is the situation?

The Great Qin Shipai is collecting the teachings of the sons and sons?

But he hadn't heard of this in Baiyue.

Moreover, this did not happen in several counties south of Changsha City.

It won't be that Ying Zheng just gave the order.

Is the book burning going to happen?

"Stop me!"

Fu Su stepped forward, kicked over the group of pawns a few times, and said angrily: "Who gave the order." However

, the pawn did not know Fusu.

"When you commit murder on the street, you dare to beat the Daqin pawns, kill them for me!"

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