Fusu's face sank.

As soon as the big commander on the side stretched out his hand, all the weapons in their hands were sucked away.

"After seeing the prince, I still don't kneel."

Those soldiers looked terrified, he was the prince Fusu?

How can it be.

Prince Fusu fought in Baiyue, how could he come here.

Fu Su made a cold face and asked, "Why do you want to rob them of their books?" "

Yes, it is the order of the county guard, His Majesty said that the doctrine of the sons and hundreds of families is not conducive to the continuation of Daqin, and all works must be confiscated and sent to Xianyang."

Fu Su was shocked in his heart, and it was indeed a book burning pit.

Daddy, is this going to play Death Daqin?

Which bastard suggested it?


At this moment, Tian Yan hurriedly came to Fusu.

"What's going on?"

Fusu looked at Tian Yan suspiciously.

"The big thing is not good, His Majesty suddenly ordered that the teachings of the sons and sons and hundred schools be confiscated, and all the books in the peasant family's collection were confiscated by Li Si."


Fu Suqi's face was livid.

Isn't this provoking public indignation.

"Ah Yan, you inform Meng Li and let him lead the army to Hangu Pass quickly, and the disciples of the peasant family must be pacified, and they must not be allowed to cause trouble."


Fusu took Xiaomeng and Dasimei to rush back to Xianyang first, and the others followed the army.

Originally planned for half a month's trip, Fusu quickly stepped up all the way, and ran to Xianyang City in less than five days.

However, at this moment, Xianyang has long been bloody.

In a fit of anger, Ying Zheng killed the corrupt Confucian who had proposed a separate sealing system in the first place with Chun Yuyue.

All of them were of the Nine Tribes, and none of them slipped through the net.

This move of the government once again intensified the contradiction between the Six Kingdoms and the Qin State, and the contradiction between the Confucian Law of the World and the Law of the Great Qin.

Fusu, Xiaomeng, and Dasimei came to the outside of Zhangtai Palace together, looking at the guards in front of the door, and couldn't help frowning.

In the past, there were not so many soldiers, was there a problem with Zhangtai Palace, or was it a replacement?

"I want to see my father!"

"Your Royal Highness, Your Majesty has already gone to bed, come back tomorrow."

Fu Su frowned, this was just dark and already bedtime?

Xianyang City is like this, can you sleep?

Something big is about to happen in the world, are you at ease?

"Go in and report!"

"Your Royal Highness, don't embarrass us."

When Fusu was about to break in, a person suddenly walked in the distance and said in a panic: "Your Highness, Your Highness, don't break into the Zhangtai Palace." "

The person who came was the temple servant who served the government.

Since Zhao Gao was killed by Fusu, those temple people who were suppressed by Zhao Gao before were very grateful to Fusu.

Zhao Gao had many henchmen, and in the process of hostility with Zhao Gao, Servant Hui was one of the few who survived by luck.

Later, Ying Zheng reused him and let him take Zhao Gao's position and sat in the order of CRRC.

"Lord Servant, is my father really asleep?"

Servant Hui pulled Fusu aside, scanned the surroundings, and then said in a low voice: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has been a little abnormal recently. "

Huh? What abnormality?

"The old slave also found out occasionally, and the concubines sent by Prince Hu Hai often fed His Majesty some tonics, although they could make His Majesty alive, but afterwards, His Majesty was like losing his soul and was at the mercy of those concubines."

"Are they inside now?"


Fusu's figure suddenly disappeared.

Servant Hui was shocked in his heart.

Although he did not know what method Fusu used.

But he could guess that Fusu must have entered His Majesty's residence.

I'm afraid it's not going to be a big deal.

He had to inform the imperial lieutenant and Xianyang Ling as soon as possible.

Fusu came to Yingzheng's dormitory, and Yingzheng was bathing at the moment.

Six beautiful concubines stood beside him and served.

Fu Su took a Qin half-two from his body, then pinched it into a round ball, aimed it at the unsuspecting Yu Zheng, and bounced it directly.

The ball just hit Yingzheng's neck, causing him to pass out directly.

"What man!"

Fusu's actions immediately disturbed several beauties.

Before they could react, Fusu had already come to them.


Several people instantly emitted a black mist, wanting to block Fusu's approach.

But since Fusu absorbed the three-legged golden crow, he has been invincible, and this poisonous mist cannot stop him at all.

He slapped them one by one and directly knocked them all unconscious.

Fu Su probed their pulses one by one and found that the strength of these six people was not very high, that is, ordinary martial arts practitioners.

"The Great Master ordered them to use soul control techniques to control them."

Daishimei nodded, and then a yin-yang pattern appeared on her palm.

Since these people were close to ordinary people, in less than half a quarter of an hour, they were all controlled by her.

Fu Su carried the two beauties and ordered, "Order the four of them to continue with each other." "

The Great Commander gave them an instruction in his heart, and then Xiaomeng used the Dream Butterfly Escape to teleport directly out of the Zhangtai Palace.

With Xiaomeng's current strength, it was still completely fine to teleport them to the East Palace.

Fusu threw the two beauties on the bed, looked at Dasimei and said, "Wake them up and ask me all about their origins and plans." "

Your Highness, Lord Meng Yi and Lord Wei Yi ask for a meeting."

Fusu, who had just been idle, suddenly received the arrival of the two and hurried to the council hall.

"Your Highness, why did you come back from Baiyue?"

Meng Yi looked at Fusu with a worried expression, the current situation was not favorable to him, if he violated Qin Law here, His Majesty would definitely punish him.

"Such a big thing happened in Xianyang, how can I not come back?"

Wei Yi asked: "Your Highness, with all due respect, the county system is abolished and replaced by a sub-sealing system, is Your Highness involved?" "

Abolish the county system? Who proposed this? "

Chun Yue!"

Fu Su frowned, sure enough, it was this old bastard, this guy was the source of chaos in the world.

"Although I knew about this before, but after thinking about it, it was absolutely inappropriate, so I gave up this idea."

"That's good, that's good!"

Wei Yi looked relieved.

As long as Fusu is not involved.

Meng Yi persuaded, "Your Highness hurry back to Baiyue." "

Go back? Do? The Hundred Vietnam War is over.

"It's over..."

The two looked confused, it's only been two months, how to explain?

Could it be that His Highness beat up the soldiers?

But they also did not hear about the defeat of Fusu.

"The entire territory of Baiyue has been unified by me, and the army led by Meng Li has already arrived at Hangu Pass, and it will be possible to reach the Lishan camp in a few days."

"This..." The

two were dumbfounded.

It took five or six years for Tu Sui to conquer the Baiyue Territory, and this did not occupy the entire Baiyue Land.

It took more than two months for Fusu to unify Baiyue, which is simply a miracle.

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