In order not to frighten him, Fusu directly closed the gate of the Taishou Mansion.

"I just, what are you looking for me for?"

"Just now, a fairy sister asked me to tell you that the Mao family was not involved in this matter."

"Fairy sister?"

Ghost's fairy sister!

Where did the fairy sister come from here.

Mao Ping on the side was surprised: "Are you talking about a woman wearing a white Daoist robe?" "


Fusu asked, "Do you know?"

"She just left before the hero came."

"What are you doing here? What is your name.

"Her name is Xu Ying, and Wu Rui invited her to meet him, but she gave me half of the match, so she left in a hurry, and she left less than a cup of tea, and you came."

Fusu's brows twisted into twists.

Xu negative !!

That Xu Ji who gave Wei Leopard's Bo Ji a trivia?

Saying that Bo Ji's son had the appearance of an emperor, Wei Bao was very happy.

Who knew that in the end, Bo Ji married Liu Bang and gave birth to an emperor to Liu Bang.

How could this divine stick come to Yangzhou, shouldn't she be in Wenxian County?

She left on her front foot, and she came in on her back foot.

It seems that she knew she was coming.

And they have never met, and the other party actually knows their identity.

It can be seen how powerful this person's physiognomy is.

It is worthy of being the first master of phase art in the late Qin and Han dynasties.

Your Highness...... Your Highness....

Mao Ping looked at Fusu with a look of horror.

He is Fusu!!

"The little girl Mao Ping has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Mao Ping knelt on the ground, looking sincerely terrified.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Fusu didn't help her either, turned around and walked into the Taishou Mansion.

Mo Yu Qilin took the hundred and tenth pawn to Hengshan, I don't know if there is a problem.

If the identity of the Moyu Qilin is discovered, then they will definitely clash.

In this way, quicksand will definitely break with the Xiang family.

However, if Mo Yu Qilin died there, her skills would be wasted.

Hengshan rebel camp.

Xiang Liang came here from Songhai City all the way.

Fortunately, Fusu only took Surabaya County and Jiujiang County.

He did not send troops over the Hengshan camp.

"Xiang Huang, Xiang Guan, Zhou Lan, the three of you led the army to take advantage of the night and leave here in batches."

"Uncle, what's going on, why did you leave here?"

Xiang Tian looked at Xiang Liang with a puzzled expression.

They have been here for several years and have not been discovered by the Qin army.

Why did you suddenly leave here?

Xiang Liang explained: "Surabaya County was suddenly taken by Fusu's army, and Jiujiang County is estimated to be unable to keep it, it is too dangerous for us to stay here."

"Uncle, how many people are there in Fusu?"

"He only transferred more than 3,000 troops directly from Songhai, but it is impossible to determine whether he will transfer troops from other counties, so we should be careful."

"Only three thousand? Why should we be afraid of him, just let him come.

"Confused, even if we can defeat him, we will be exposed, at that time, in the face of a large number of Qin troops, what are our chances of victory?"

"If you don't notify the others, raise things in advance."

Xiang Liang snorted coldly and said: "The other allies are not ready, and Fusu has just returned from Baiyue, he only brought back 200,000 troops, and there are still 100,000 in Baiyue, if we raise an incident at this time, his army suddenly fights on both sides, what should we do?" Xiang

Liang ordered the three men to rectify their soldiers and horses overnight, and must cross the Yangtze River before dawn and rush to the land of Wuyue.

While the army was packing its bags, a group of men and horses came from outside the village.

"General Qiyu Xiang, Jiujiang County Shouyintong has already come outside the camp."

Xiang Liang frowned, how could Yin Tong know here?

"Bring them in."

The hundred and tenth people were taken into the village, and Xiang Liang looked at Yin Tong and said, "Yin Taishou, how did you find this place so hidden?"

"It was Shen Yuan who told me."

"So what are you doing here?"

Although Shen Yuan knew this, Xiang Liang still didn't trust this Yin Tong.

"Jiujiang County was lost, Fusu suddenly appeared in Jiujiang County, led the army into the city, and I escaped with my guards escorting Shen Yuan."

"Shen Yuan escaped? Where is he?

Xiang Liang gave Xiang Tian and Xiang Guan a look, and the two of them agreed, and quickly surrounded Yin Tong with their subordinates.

"Shen Yuan went to the Hengshan County Shoufu and informed Wu Rui to let him evacuate Hengshan County as soon as possible."

"Why evacuate Hengshan County?"

At this moment, Fan Zeng and Shaoyu came to the big village.

The two were also in a hurry, they observed the situation in Surabaya County, and then hurried to Jiujiang County.

But what they didn't expect was that the gates of Jiujiang County were all closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

The two climbed over the wall and entered the city, only to learn that Yin Tong had already begun to move.

They looked in the shadows for a long time, until Fusu appeared, the golden fire cavalry arrived, and they were blocked in the city.

They did not dare to come out of the city until it was dark.

In response to Fan Zeng's question, Yin Tong explained: "Fusu has already taken Surabaya County, Jiujiang County, and Hengshan County will definitely be affected.

"Hmph, Hengshan County Taishou Wu Rui, I don't know you at all, I know that Wu Rui is connected with us, only Shen Yuan is alone, Shen Yuan has not been arrested, Hengshan County will not have an accident."

Fan Zeng's face was cold, looked at Yin Tong, and said again: "Fusu personally led the army to arrive, can you escape?" "

Internal traitor..."

Xiang Liang's face sank, and Xiang Guan and Xiang Tian directly rushed up.

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