Bai Feng can be captured alive by Fusu.

Those who can escape under Fusu either do not want to kill, or he has other purposes.

What's more, as the head of the thief army, it is simply a miracle to be able to run out.

Mo Yu Qilin saw that he couldn't do anything, and quickly commanded the soldiers to start resisting.

And she killed outside the camp.

"Want to run?"

Shao Yu pulled out his sword and rushed directly towards Mo Yu Qilin.

Although the hundred golden fire cavalry were all elite soldiers, they did not last long in the face of the enemy army.

In less than a quarter of an hour, only Mo Yu Qilin was left.

And at this moment, the ink jade unicorn has also returned to its original appearance.

"Quicksand's Ink Jade Qilin!"

Fan Zeng, looking at the man in the black cloak in front of him, his face was instantly gloomy as water.

It was really abominable that Wei Zhuang actually helped Fusu deal with them.

Shao Yu's strength is also increasing rapidly with age.

He can now tie with Mo Yu Qilin.

Facing the attacks of Fan Zeng, Xiang Liang, Xiang Guan, and Xiang Ti, Mo Yu Qilin quickly fell into passivity.

They were bent on killing Mo Yu Qilin lest she bring the news back.

Mo Yu Qilin had multiple wounds on his body.

"It's on fire, Dazhai is on fire!"

"The granary is on fire!"

Just when Mo Yu Qilin fell into despair, a fire suddenly broke out in the big village.

"Xiang Guan and Xiang Tian led people to put out the fire, she is already the end of the strong crossbow."

They knew in their hearts that the person who set the fire must be Mo Yu Qilin's accomplices.

Taking advantage of the fact that Mo Yu Qilin was no longer able to resist, he had to kill her first.

"Chase the shadows!"

A sword shadow, like a spirit snake, suddenly rushed out from the tent behind several people.

"Uncle be careful!"

Xiang Tian pushed Xiang Liang away and was pierced through his body by the sword shadow.

The sword pierced through him was nailed to the ground, still buzzing.

"Tangxi Sword!"


Everyone was shocked in their hearts, and they quickly retreated into the army.

"Drop the arrow, shoot him!"


Countless arrows shot towards the location where Fusu was.

Although they did not see the shadow of Fusu.

But Fusu is around there.

Several tents blocked their view.

"How is it dark!"

It was suddenly dark in broad daylight.

This shocked everyone.

Fan Zeng's frightened said: "It's the Sun Covering Sword, there is a range, quickly withdraw."

However, when they withdrew from the range of the Sun Covering Sword's stunt, the Mo Jade Qilin lying on the ground had disappeared.

"Fusu did not bring soldiers and horses here, we left as soon as possible and gave up all weight."

The 50,000-strong army was reduced to pieces and dispersed among the mountains around Hengshan.

After Fusu rescued Moyu Qilin, he rushed to Hengshan County.

Hengshan County's Shoufu, but Shen Yuan was the only one there watching Wu Rui.

Fusu held the Moyu Qilin and came to Qiu County, and found that the guards guarding the city gate here had disappeared.

The whole county was panicked, and some people were ready to leave here with their luggage.

When he arrived at Taishou Mansion, Fusu found that many family members with swords had gathered outside the door.

Fu Su looked puzzled, these people didn't look like they were attacking the Taishou Mansion, but the leader himself didn't know him.

Coming to the gate of the Taishou Mansion, these family members looked at Fusu with a wary face, and the swords in their hands were pointed at him.

"What people, it is forbidden to approach here!"

"Put the sword down, he is the one you will protect."

At this moment, Mao Ping came out of the mansion and ordered the family members to put down their swords.

Fu Su suddenly realized that it turned out to be the family member of Mao Mansion.

But this Mao Ping really is...

"Gongzi, my father was worried that you couldn't stand it, so he specially sent the family members of the mansion to assist you, but I found that you were not in the mansion, so I let them guard here."

"Thank you!"

Fu Su walked into the Taishou Mansion with the Mo Jade Qilin in his arms, and Mao Ping took him to a room that seemed to hold a wedding.

"Gongzi, this is the place where Wu Rui is going to hold a wedding, but the wedding date has been changed, so it is free."

Fusu looked at her in surprise.

"Wu Rui married you, right?"

"If I knew he was an anti-thief, I would rather hang myself!"


Fusu put the Moyu Qilin on the bed, "I'm going to heal her, you go outside first." "


"By the way, help me prepare some hot water."


Fusu looked at the injuries on Mo Yu Qilin's body, and several wounds were deeply visible to the bone.

Take out a real pill and give it to her.

Then he thought about it, took out his dagger and crossed off her clothes.

Then he cut his palm to allow his blood to melt into her wound.

The wound of the Moyu Qilin was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What are you going to do!"

Mo Yu Qilin was stimulated by the pain on his body.

He saw that Fusu was dripping blood on his body, while he was lying naked in front of him.

Her extremely pale face suddenly flushed a hint of redness.

"Don't move, you're going to get hurt a lot!"

"I don't need you to treat me!"

The Moyu Qilin struggled very much, and Fusu could only order her acupuncture path.

"It won't take a day for your injury to get better, but the wound heals quickly, it will be very painful, if it hurts, call it out, and I will knock you out."

"You..." Mo

Yu Qilin was speechless for a while, what kind of treatment is this, and he fainted when he was in pain!!!

However, his blood is amazing!

Could it be that this is the dragon's blood in the teleportation?

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