The cave passage is sealed.

Mo Yu Qilin could only let Fusu fiddle with her body.

There were dozens of wounds before and after, each of which dripped Fusu's blood.

"What's your name?"

"Moyu Qilin."

"The name is too long."


"It's still called Lin'er."


I was called Lin Er by Fusu before, and now I still ask myself what my name is.

This is clearly teasing yourself.

After speaking for a long time, his name is still Lin'er.

Fusu helped her change the cup and said softly: "Don't let others see your body, I can only see it."

Lin'er rolled her eyes and closed her eyes directly in anger.

"Did you get my consent?"

"When you are well from your injury, tell Wei Zhuang, you will play in Luowang in the future, I see that your ability is more special, I will give you the black and white Xuanxuan."

"I disagree!"

"Do I need your consent? Wei Zhuang agreed.


Fusu suddenly thought of a question, and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Back then, the black and white Xuanxuan had the ability to transform into someone who killed himself, does this ability of yours have anything to do with him?"

"It's okay, I'm a kind of... Why should I tell you.

Lin Er closed her mouth angrily.

Fusu lifted the quilt, and then...


"I'll see if your wounds are all healed."

"I'll tell you!"

"I've already read it anyway, what's there to be shy about."

Within two hours, he was lifted by Fusu countless times.

Lin'er was already numb.


Fusu was surprised.

"What's wrong?"

Lin'er stared at Fusu nervously, looked up at her body, it was no different from the last time, the wound was almost completely healed.

"Won't you roll over and show me the back?"

"My acupuncture passage is sealed by you..."

Lin'er suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and she seemed to have raised her head just now.

His own acupuncture channel was unraveled.


I didn't even resist!

Fusu smiled, then covered her with a quilt and said: "It will all heal in half an hour, but although the wound is healed, it will still be painful for a few days, especially the left leg and right shoulder with deep wounds, which may not be able to exert strength for a few days."

"Thank you!"

Lin'er gritted her teeth and said, and then sat up.


A sharp pain came, instantly draining her strength.

"What for? Whoever made you move, they told you, it will be a few days. Half

an hour later, Fu Su picked up Lin'er and carried her outside.

"You, what are you doing!"

"Lin'er, help you take a bath, the smell of blood is all over your body."

"I, I'll do it myself!"

Fusu looked outside the house and said, "Who is that?" Mao Ping, Mao girl, helped to replace all the bedding on the bed with new ones. "


Mao Pinggui is a young lady of a big family and behaves like a maid.

If it weren't for the grace of Fusu Fawai, hundreds of their entire families would already be in different places and violent corpses on the streets.

"Enjoy it, I haven't taken the initiative to bathe anyone yet."

"I don't need to... Yes! Half

an hour later, Fusu carried Lin'er back to bed.

From Jiujiang County to Surabaya County, then there was Jiujiang County, Hengshan County, and finally there was Hengshan.

Helping Lin'er heal his injuries, having lost so much essence blood, Fusu was already a little sleepy.

Just as he was about to sleep with his arms around Lin'er.

"Your Highness!"

Nomin's voice sounded from outside the door.

Fusu frowned.

Have the affairs of Jiujiang County been dealt with?


"His Majesty sent General Mengxi and General Wang Li to lead 20,000 golden fire cavalry, 5,000 armor-piercing soldiers, and 100,000 ordinary Great Qin iron cavalry, and have entered Surabaya County."

"In addition, the three ladies of Shaoshimei, Xiaomeng, and Jiru Qiantaki are also here, and they are on their way here."

Fusu breathed a sigh of relief that it was finally safe here.

"You go and inform Shao Siming and Ji Ru Qianlong, let the two of them assist Meng Tian and Wang Li, and hunt down Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, and Shaoyu for me."


Shao Siming and Ji Ru Qianlong both have the ability to divination, and they have obtained the true biography of Chu Nangong, and it is still no problem to calculate the position of several people.

When the 50,000 army is together, they can resist for a while, and if they are separated, they will wait to be defeated one by one.

"Mao Ping, you also go to rest, there is no need for guards here, let your family members go back, and you must not participate in the anti-Qin forces in the future."

"Thank you Gongzi Kaien!"

Fu Su shook his sleepy brain, walked to Lin'er's bed, and then directly hugged her and slept.

Lin Er looked at Fusu with a look of horror and wanted to push him away, but Fusu Lou was too tight.

"You're hurting me!"

But Fusu did not react in the slightest.

Lin'er frowned.

Is this asleep or passed out?

Probing Fusu's snort, Fusu's mouth suddenly bit her finger.

Shocked, she hurriedly took it back.

"You're a disciple!"

Fusu directly lifted the quilt and got in.


Lin'er wanted to raise her foot and kick him down, but the pain made her gasp.

Forget it, wait until I'm healed.

Lin Er, who was not sleepy, was face to face with Fusu, carefully looking at the Great Prince Qin in front of him.

At such a close distance, he could actually fall asleep?

Lin Er grabbed Fusu's right hand and looked at the wound on his hand and found that it had healed, but there was still a red mark that was tasted.


Fusu's hand suddenly fell on her chest.

"You... In the end, sleep or not! "

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