"Let's swing our oars, and the boat pushes the waves..." In

the backyard of the county shomoru, the two rowing in the tub sang moving songs in different pieces.

"Your Highness, be careful of the cold, let's go to bed."

"This water temperature has always been hot, how can it get cold, let's wash it for a while."

Early the next morning, Fusu got up early and went to the council hall of the county shou mansion.

"Yu Zizhi, you go and inform all the officials of the county guard and let them come to me to discuss matters."

Half an hour later, all the officials directly under the prefecture and county guards arrived here.

This is the first plenary meeting since the establishment of the Yangzhou Assassination Palace.

As long as Fusu is not absent, no one dares to be absent at all.

"The Yangzhou Assassin History Mansion will conduct examinations in various counties and townships in half a year, I wonder what suggestions do you adults have?"


Everyone's eyes turned black.

They are only now figuring out the policy issued by Fusu.

This exam was obviously despised by them.

They didn't expect Fusu to ask this.

The people of the Qin State, who does not know Qin Law and Qin History?

As for the people of those six countries, they love to learn, and no one persecutes them if they don't want to.

Anyway, the officials of the Qin State have nothing to do for them.

People who think about restoring the country every day, still expect them to be officials in the Qin Kingdom, and there will be anti-thieves in the future.

"Your Highness, the exam can be tested for Qin Law and Qin History, what is there to talk about?"

Li You was the first to ask the doubts in his heart.

Fu Su said in a deep voice: "Didn't you read the order I issued? Qin Law, Qin History, and the Hundred Schools of Doctrine must be examined. "


Li You thought carefully for a moment, and then asked Cao Shen on the side, "Master Cao, is there such a rule?"

"Lord Li, as the eldest son of Xiangguo and the descendant of the Legalist family, would actually neglect this?"

Li Youlao's face turned red.

The bed at the post station is really too hard.

He didn't sleep well all night.

There was simply no time to look at the decrees issued by Fusu.

Xiao He suggested, "Your Highness, I think we should inform the counties first, so that those people who want to contribute to Daqin can understand what they will learn. "

This suggestion is good, Li You, you take someone to copy Qin Law a thousand sets, Mengfu, you take someone to copy Qin Shi a thousand sets, everyone who wants to take the meritorious name, distribute it to them."


"Within ten days, copy it all."

"Ten days?"

Li You was stunned.

That's too urgent.

"I'll arrange a thousand people for each of you!"

"No..." A

thousand people, one person copied it in ten days, which is also quite okay.

"Cao Shen, you select a few diligent officials in the prefecture capital, investigate the children aged thirteen to six in each county, and give me the results within ten days, don't make us look like human traffickers, I just want them to learn the written word for free."

Fu Su was afraid that these people would misunderstand his meaning and turn his good intentions into evil intentions.

When the time comes to survey the population, all of them will increase, like family planning.

"Learn words for free?"

Everyone looked puzzled.

Someone said: "Your Highness, the legalists once said that chivalry is forbidden by force, and Confucianism is chaotic with law, and if they all learn words, I am afraid it is not easy to manage."

Fu Su said in a deep voice: "Confucianism is divided into corrupt Confucianism and great Confucianism, chivalry into evil and righteous heroes, how can it be generalized, only by improving the quality of the people, and everyone understands the law and knows the law, can we break the law less."

Li You asked, "Which language does His Highness plan to let them learn?" "

Mixed accounts, of course, is to learn the Qin State script, my father and emperor unified the six kingdom scripts, is it used to talk?"

Li You looked depressed and thought, who knows if you will let them learn the Six Nations language.

It is really difficult for people to figure out how you are now so protective of the people of the Six Kingdoms, as well as the hundreds of families.

Xiao He asked, "Your Highness, do you want to forbid these people from learning the Six Nations Language?"

Fusu shook his head.

"What is forbidden to do, select officials to give priority to those who know the Qin State script, recruit soldiers, give priority to recruiting those who do not know the Qin State script, and give priority to those who know the Qin character when promoted by soldiers, I don't believe they still have the leisure to read the script of the Six Kingdoms."

"Of course, I won't say that I won't hire the script of the six countries, as long as they can write Qin characters, Qin characters must be known, the six languages they want to learn, even if they communicate privately, they can use the six languages, but to communicate with the officials of the Qin state, they must use the Qin national script."


Fusu gave his own requirements and let them discuss them in detail.

Anyway, the Qin script should be Mandarin, and other Chinese characters should be regarded as dialects.

A meeting lasted until noon, when everyone's stomachs were grumbling with hunger, and Fusu let them go.

Want to eat at the Gunsho Mansion? Impossible.

He also has to accompany a few ladies to dinner.

"Xiao He, you take all the adults to find a place to eat, and the state government will manage this meal today."


Fusu came to the backyard, and Nuomin was already resting.

Looking at her complexion, Fusu knew that her strength must have improved a lot for the first time.

"Your Highness, Madame Ying called you over."

Nomin still plays her role as a guard.

"Just call me husband-kun when no one is around."

"It is my honor to be His Highness's guard, and I will only address His Highness as a husband in the room."

Fusu was helpless, so he had to go with her.

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