The female hero sat in front of the copper mirror, arranging her hair while thinking about her future plans.

Fusu said that she was free, that the fire poison curse of the Great Commander had been lifted, and that the corpse curse had also been lifted.

What surprised her even more was that her strength had increased a lot.

Can you do that kind of thing and improve your strength?

What are you going to do in the future?

Xiaoxiang Valley is a sad place, and she doesn't want to go back.

Stay with Fusu? This seems to be so faceless.

When she was stunned when she thought about it, Fu Su quietly came behind her and put his arm around her.

"What do you think? Are you reminiscing about last night?


The female heroine's pretty face suddenly turned red and hot.

However, after Fusu's reminder, she couldn't help but think of last night's madness.

Her body couldn't help but rub into Fusu's arms.

"It seems that I was really thinking about last night."

Nuying looked up at Fusu, her eyes full of anger.

But in the anger, there is still a little expectation.

Fusu bowed his head slightly, and kissed her delicate red lips.

"Hmm..." "

It's not good to stay in the house all the time, let's go out and bask in the sun."


"Now the moon is rising, what sun are you, I'm talking about tomorrow."

Fusu carried her to bed, and it was another sleepless night.

Early the next morning, Fusu rested a little and went out with Nu Ying.

"Husband, where are you taking me?"

"Find a suitable place and build a paper mill."

"Paper mill?"

The female heroine was confused.

She doesn't yet know what paper is.

Not to mention any paper mills.

Pulled forward by Fusu, the female Ying did not want to delve into the meaning of the paper mill.

Maybe Fusu pulled her out, not looking at any paper mill at all, just wanting to let himself come out and relax.

Fusu came to an alley behind the county shou mansion and saw that there were many houses here, all with seals.

"Xiao He, why is there a seal here?"

"Your Highness, this was originally the residence of those rebel generals, and since they came to the law, this place has been completely sealed."

"I want all this street behind the Gunshou Mansion, and those who haven't moved away will find a suitable place for them, in addition, seal this street, expand the backyard of the Taishou Mansion, and seal all of these."


Nuying looked at Fusu speechlessly.

This is also too overbearing, and it actually empties the entire street.

"Fan, go to the village outside the city, gather two thousand peasants for me, take care of the food, live and pay the wages, and within ten days, tear down all this piece and transfer it to the county guard."


From a butcher, Fan was promoted to the captain of Fusu's guards.

This is definitely a great honor for him.


A fast horse rushed straight towards Fusu and them.

Fusu's eyes narrowed, isn't this Zhong Lixiao?

He didn't stay in the army of Mengxi, how did he run here, did the army encounter any problems?

"The last general Zhong Lixiao, I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Zhong Lixiao, where is the army now?"

"According to the guidance of the two crown princesses, the rebels are being eliminated in Hengshan."

"What are the results so far?"

"The 50,000-strong army of the thief army has been cleared of nearly 30,000 people, and all but one of the important generals in the army have not been seen."

Fusu frowned.

After such a long time, it stands to reason that with the divination ability of Shaoshimei and Ji Ru Chitaki, one or two should be caught.

"What are you going to report when you come back?"

"General Meng has more than 10,000 prisoners in his army, and he can't make up his mind, and he wants to ask the prince, what about these prisoners?"

"First escort to Jiujiang County."


Zhong Liyu was about to leave when Fusu suddenly stopped him.

"It is very likely that Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, and others have already crossed the Yangtze River, allowing Meng Li to act separately from Wang Li, Wang Li is responsible for searching the south of the Yangtze River, and Meng Li is responsible for searching the north of the Yangtze River."


"In addition, recall Shaojimei and Jiru Chitaki, their mission has been completed."

Although Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, and Fan Zeng, they were not caught, but these people could not become a climate.

Those 20,000 soldiers must have been reduced to pieces, and they were hidden, and they would not be found for a while.

It is better to get them together again, it will be easier to find.

Moreover, the two of them, Shaoshi Mei and Chitaki can't be delayed in cultivation by this matter all the time.

Without the two of them, if Meng Li and Wang Li couldn't catch anyone, then they would also go back to Xianyang as soon as possible.

Fusu took the female Ying and walked around until noon, then returned to the county guard's mansion.

After Fan led people to clean up the street, the paper mill was built there.

It's just a paper mill in Xianyang, which definitely can't meet the needs of hundreds of families.

"Xiaomeng, I ordered you one thing."

Xiaomeng, who was cultivating, opened his eyes and looked at Fusu, and asked suspiciously: "I won't find you a woman like Dasimei."


Fusu looked embarrassed.

That's not what he's talking about.

Although Taoism does have a few good-looking female disciples, it is still almost interesting compared to these scourges.

"When you go back to Xianyang and lie down, secretly transfer the teachings of the sons and hundreds of schools stored in the prince's mansion to the Taoist, and you must keep it well."

"Are you worried that someone will disadvantage those books?"

"It doesn't hurt to have multiple eyes."

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