"Gongzi, good news, Your Majesty is going to tour the east."

A eunuch hurriedly came to Hu Hai's residence and informed him about the eastern tour of the government.

A trace of anger flashed in Hu Hai's eyes, this kind of thing, Li Si didn't even inform himself.

It shows that he now wants to dissociate himself from himself.

Hmph, what a wallhead.

Hu Hai asked, "Steward Fu, who is accompanying my father on the Eastern Tour?" Who is in charge of the DPRK? "

Fu Yuan, who is next to Ying Zheng, is his undercover agent, and this person has been by Ying Zheng's side for many years.

As long as Zhao Gao and him know this, now that Zhao Gao is dead, Fu Yuan's identity cannot be known by outsiders.

If there is anything wrong with Ying Zheng, he almost can't hide it from Fu Yuan.

Fu Yuan replied: "Zuo Cheng Prime Minister Li Si, Wei Wei Feng Yao, Ying Mi Wei Zhang Handan, Luo Wang leader Tian Yan, Taoist Xiaomeng in charge.

Hu Hai's eyes narrowed.

Tian Yan and Xiaomeng left Xianyang at the same time.

Does that mean that there is only a half-hanged Hu Ji left in the prince's mansion, as well as Duanmu Rong of the medical family and the snow girl of the Mo family?

"You go and inquire again to see who is following in the prince's mansion."


Prince Mansion of Xianyang City.

After Tian Yan returned from the palace, he summoned everyone over.

"Uncle Zhu family, Hua Ying, Sanniang, Liu Ji, and Second Uncle, the five of you lead the brothers in the hall to stay in Xianyang City, responsible for the safety of the paper mill and the salt making division."

Everyone nodded.

"These Your Majesty's eastern tour, there are many forces are secretly watching, I hope not to let some villains take advantage of the chaos to make trouble for us, the imperial womb, the salt department, and the paper mill are all the top priorities, the coordination in the middle, all of them are arranged by Uncle Zhu, and others must obey the order, otherwise, His Royal Highness the Prince will definitely not forgive him."

"In addition, the houses responsible for storing the books of the hundreds of families must be optimistic, and there can be no mistakes."

After Tian Yan finished speaking, he looked at Xiaomeng on the side, and Xiaomeng nodded.

The books that should have been transferred, she transferred them all.

The books placed inside are all ordinary books that are irrelevant and can be bought outside.

"Uncle Zhu, you will coordinate here, and the stewards of the prince's mansion will go to Yangzhou, if it is not necessary, please do not disturb my mother."

"Don't worry!"

"Flower Shadow Hall Master, the daily defense and production of the Salt Department will be your responsibility, Sanniang, and the paper mill will be handed over to you."

According to Fusu's request, Tian Yan now handed over part of the rights of the farm family to the Zhu family, while cultivating Hua Ying and Mei Sanniang.

Whether it is the relationship between Hua Ying and Lianyi, or the relationship between Mei Sanniang and herself, it is much more reliable than the Zhu family.

Unfortunately, the strength of the two is not satisfactory.

Especially Hua Ying, who has only begun to learn martial arts now, is afraid that if it is not the day of death, it will not surpass anyone present.

After sending away several hall masters of the peasant family, Tian Yan informed Lianyi, Duanmu Rong, Xuenu, and Xiyan of the meaning of Fusu.

In the future, the prince's mansion can only be regarded as a gathering point for peasant families.

Fusu has to stay in Yangzhou for at least two years, and they can't stay here.

Late afternoon.

When Tian Yan was about to fall asleep, Orchid came to her outside.

"Ah Yan!"

"What happened to Sister Orchid?"

"There is a message from the palace."

Tian Yan sat up, came to the door, and took the brocade in Hu Ji's hand.

The news palace was sent by the new Zhongche Fu Ling.

He wrote clearly about several suspicious things that had happened in the palace recently.

"I know this, I will arrange it before I go."

Tian Yan got dressed and went to her mother's residence.

"Mother, I have something I want to ask you."

Mother Yan said with a kind face: "Didn't you keep me here just to let me help you deal with some things?" "

Tian Yan went to Yangzhou this time, and it is very likely that he will not return for two or three years.

She left herself in Xianyang, in fact, she wanted her to secretly stare at those dark forces in Xianyang.

"Mother, there is news from the palace, recently Hu Hai has become active again, and the husband explained before leaving, he must catch his handle, and then let him have no chance to resist."

"Isn't it okay to kill it directly?"

With the power of Fusu, even if he killed Hu Hai, Ying Zheng would not be able to find him.

Unless in his heart, he always thought that Fusu would kill Huhai.

"Your Majesty will not allow it, unless the husband has conclusive evidence."

"Okay, I see."

Isn't it just to catch a piece of evidence, as long as he dares to act, he will definitely regret it.

Tian Yan came to Yan's mother, but he didn't want to leave.

The next time we meet, I don't know how long I will have to wait.

But Fujun had to let his mother stay and help him do something.

Fortunately, her identity is unknown to ordinary people.

And she didn't make a move either, and no one knew her strength.

Early in the morning of the third day.

Ying Zheng's eastern patrol team left Xianyang City in a mighty manner.

Wang Chong personally led 3,000 soldiers to send Huan Zheng outside the Hangu Pass.

Then he was escorted all the way to Yangzhou by the army of Meng Li and Wang Li.

However, Ying Zheng's motorcade went very slowly, and he went everywhere. I will stop and check the people's situation.

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