"Husband, husband, great joy!"

Fusu, who was helping Chitaki and Shaoshimei cultivate, glared at Daishimei with an angry expression.

Without even knocking on the door, he ran in, which is still a bit of a private secret.

"What is so panicky."

"Hehe, great joy."

"You're pregnant?"

Fusu glanced at her angrily.

"If only I were pregnant, it was Sister Ying who was pregnant."

"I grass..."

Fu Su shuddered.

How many times did you get pregnant?

Why didn't Shao Si Meng, Dasi Mei, and Xiao Meng have any reaction...

That's a surprise.

"Husband-kun, you are finally going to be a father."

Fusu got up with a black face.

It was really unexpected.

He thought that Da Si Mei or Ze Xiaomeng would get pregnant first, after all, the chances of these two accounted for half.

Is it possible that older age has an innate advantage?

Fusu came to Nuying's residence and saw Nüying sitting in front of the bed depressed.

She also didn't expect that she would become pregnant after less than ten times sharing a room with Fusu.

"Husband, am I very useless?"

Nuying looked at Fusu with a reproachful expression.

Fusu Khanyan, "Why do you think so, a few of them want children, but none of them, you have made a big profit."

He took the female heroine to his lap and continued: "If you come to peace, you must protect him, maybe he can take my place and become an emperor in the future."

"The Emperor? Let's become a prince first, maybe a princess! The

female hero fell into Fusu's arms and stroked her lower abdomen.

Although nothing has changed, she can feel her strange appearance recently.

This is almost exactly the same as what Daishimei said about pregnancy.

"Madam, you will have to walk around the courtyard more in the future, but you can't stay in the house all day long."

"What should I do if I move the tire gas?"

Fusu was speechless for a while.

As a master, this moving word does not exist.

When Yan's mother is pregnant with Tianyan, it is not a day when the knife head licks blood.

"Just protect it with True Qi."

"You seem to understand?"

"I'm only hearing about it."

Fusu put Nuying on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

"Wait a minute, I'll let the boss come and accompany you."

"No need, I can sleep alone."

"In the past few days, the father and emperor have to pass through Yangzhou, I have a lot of official business to deal with, I can't take care of you for the time being, if there is any need, I will tell the big si."


Fusu left the female residences and came to the front hall.

At this moment, Meng Yi, Li You, Xiao He, and Cao Shen had already arrived.

Li You said seriously: "Your Highness, Your Majesty's team has arrived in Dongjun. "

I already know this, Meng Yi, you inform Zhong Lixiao, Yu Zizhi, Nuo Min, let the three of them lead three thousand golden fire cavalry, and inspect the surrounding counties, there must be no mistakes."


"Li You, the progress of the new Assassin History Mansion must be accelerated, and the Assassin History Mansion must be built before my father arrives, and there are not enough people to continue recruiting."


"Xiao He, you go to Danyang County, Wu County, and Huiji County to inspect it, and let the local officials be ready to meet Your Majesty."


"Cao Shen, instruct all counties and counties, from today onwards, everyone who enters the county seat and county town must have identity documents, otherwise, they will not be allowed to enter the city."


Fusu issued more than a dozen orders in a row, all of which were in response to the eastern tour of Ying Zheng.

He didn't want any accidents on the way to the eastern tour.

Dealing with Yangzhou's affairs has already made him very big-headed.

If you take over the position of Zhengzheng again....

It's still a little early.

"Turning the Soul Extinguished, how is the new Six Sword Slave I asked you to train, how is it going? Can you defeat a word-killing master? The

second daughter frowned.

It's only been more than two months, how can there be such progress.

If you add the two of them, it's about the same.

"Barely able to perform some simple tasks."

Fusu shook his head.

It seems that in the near future, they will not be counted on.

The candidate for covering the sun, Fusu has already been decided.

Let Yu Ji be the right one.

Her Shushan spell, coupled with the stunt of the Sun Covering Sword, can definitely amaze the enemy.

"Lin'er, how did I practice the two-handed sword I taught you, can you defeat the two Soul Destroyers?"

Lin'er's little face collapsed, facing one is okay, two are a little difficult.

She has also been practicing day and night recently.

Hoping to be able to fully absorb the moves that Fusu gave her.

Although the strength has increased a lot, it still does not meet the requirements of Fusu.

Xuan Yi is at the top of the Eight Swords of the Yue King, and this strength is definitely not good.

Fusu glanced at her meaningfully.

If you really can't do it, take a shortcut.

Anyway, now Lin'er's body has fully recovered.

"The Six Sword Slaves are definitely not good to just practice the routine, turn around and destroy the soul, you two take them out to perform some tasks."

After Fusu finished instructing everyone, it was already noon.

Mao Ping came to Fusu and whispered, "Your Highness, Flame Lingji is looking for you."

Fusu frowned.

It had been a while since Flame Lingji came to Jiujiang County.

But except for the first time she came and said a few words to herself, she never came to herself again.

According to Li You's confession, she wanted to know who Han Fei's murderer was.

But Daishimei had already told her the answer.

If she really wants to avenge Han Fei, she should go to Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang of Ghost Valley.

The two have been investigating this matter, but Flame Lingji is staying here.

Except for cultivation, I hardly see anyone every day.

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