Surabaya Town, the county seat of Xiang County.

Duke Lu, who had just been promoted to the county commander, looked at Fusu standing outside the mansion, and was suddenly stunned.

He was looking for Fusu, but he didn't expect Fusu to come.

"I've seen the hall..." Before

Duke Lu could salute, he was stopped by Fusu.

"Duke Lu doesn't have to be polite, no one knows when I come here, you can just call me Prince Qian."

Duke Lu nodded with a little meaning, and then welcomed Fusu into the inner courtyard.

"Gongzi, I just have something to report to you."

"Huh? What's going on? "

It stands to reason that Xiangxian should be handled by Mengfu.

This Lu Gong actually wanted to directly cross Meng Fu.

"That's right, the Wang Ling I recommended to you earlier, I have news of him in the past few days, according to the county officials, he often haunts Weishan Ze."

"Micro Shanze? What is that place?

"It's a big lake, and it's said that there is an island in the middle of the lake, but no one has ever been there."

Fusu frowned, no one has been there?

How can it be.

This is not an island in the sea.

Unless someone goes and can't come back.

Fusu glanced at Shao Siming, and Shao Siming closed his eyes and began to use his internal force.

"Have you ever heard that there are other people who come in and out of this place regularly?"

Lu Gong shook his head.

"I sent someone to investigate, but the servant who was looking for him got lost in the reeds, and two days later found him drowned in the lake."

"That's fun!"

It seems that the secret of this micro-mountain is not small.

It's time to investigate.


At this moment, a young girl walked in outside the door.

The girl is slender, with lacquered hair, long eyelashes, white skin, and a beautiful appearance.

When she saw that there were other people in the house, she instantly stopped her.

Then he saluted Fusu and behaved dignified and elegant.

"Euntie, this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Lu Hen has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Although Lu Xi was surprised, he did not show the slightest nervousness.

His own father had already told her more than once about Fusu.

"Miss Lu doesn't have to be polite."

Lu Hen poured a cup of tea for Fusu very wisely and handed it over.

Then he sat next to Duke Lu, whispered a few words, and glanced at Fusu from time to time.

"This matter, you just let your mother deal with it, I have important matters to discuss with His Highness now, and His Highness's affairs here, you must not talk to anyone, not even your mother and little sister."


Lu Xi stood up, saluted Fusu again, and left quickly.

Fu Su stared at Lu He's back for a while, and then praised: "Duke Lu really gave birth to a good daughter."

"Gongzi is wrong, this girl is pampered by me, and I disturbed Gongzi, hoping that Gongzi would atone for his sins."

"I'm here to borrow a few people from you."

"Borrow someone?"

Lu Gong was confused.

There was no one around Fusu, but he ran here to borrow someone.

"I need a few servants who are familiar with the terrain of Surabaya County, come with me to the Surabaya Pavilion, and help me prepare two costumes for the servants."

"To the Surabaya pavilion? I'll do it.

After Duke Lu left, the young master ordered Fusu to lie down in Fusu's ear and said, "Husband, there is a problem with that Wei Shanze. "

Will your Soul Dragon Swim be able to get there?"

"It's too far away, maybe by the lake."

"When we get to the Surabaya Pavilion, let's take a look."

"Husband, that Lu Hen just now, I gave her a divination."

Fusu frowned.

Does this still use divination?

One hundred percent is a problem person.

The young master saw that Fusu was not much interested, so he said no more.

After a while, Lu Xi held two clothes and came to the two of them.

"Mi Gongzi, the clothes you want."

The young master took the clothes in Lu Xi's hand and looked around.

Lu Xi hurriedly said: "Madame, please follow me, I will find you a place to change your clothes." Fusu

didn't care, he directly took off his jacket and changed into the clothes of the servants.

After a while, Duke Lu came to the guest hall with eight servants.

"Mi Gongzi, I have already found the person."

Fusu was speechless for a while, where can he use so many people.

"Four people is enough."

Duke Lu had to send away four people.

After a while, the young master who had changed his clothes came to Fusu.

Fusu handed over the Seven-Star Dragon Yuan to her, and then took the Sun-Covering Sword himself and left with the people.

Lu Hen looked at the clothes lost on the ground, walked over to sort them out, held Fusu's clothes, and asked, "Father, why did His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly come here?"

"It's not clear, it should be related to the thief army of Weishan Ze."

"Then why didn't my father tell him that there were anti-Qin forces there?"

"You are not unaware of my friendship with Wang Ling, although I refused his invitation, but I can't betray him."

Lu Xi was embarrassed.

You've all been there.

After Fusu discovers the thief army there, he will definitely know what Wang Ling is doing.

Does it make sense to lie?

"Father, how about I follow me and take a look?"

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