
A harsh scream woke up the unconscious Gao Wanli.

Seeing the thief's face beaten beyond recognition, he immediately became angry.

"What do you want?"

"Help us assassinate Qin, otherwise, he will only die."

A man in black, holding a water cold sword that was gradually leaving, was only above his chest.

Gao wanted to resist, but his hands and feet were bound by fine iron chains, and his internal strength was gone.

"Do as we say, you can not only save the snow girl, but also save the thief."

"Xiao Gao, whether you do it or not is a dead end, you can't promise them."

Gao Wanli said in a cold voice: "Do you know who the masters around Ying Zheng are?

"Whoever it is, can't stop our plans."

The whip in the hand of another man in black was about to be drawn towards the thief, when a golden aura suddenly seeped into the dungeon.

It seeped in, not from the doorway, but from the wall.

Everyone in the dungeon is quietly approaching.

Gao had noticed something strange, but he wouldn't alert them.


The man in black whipped the thief's body.

However, this time the thief did not shout out.

Because he didn't feel pain.

Even the pain on the original wound on his body is gradually disappearing.

This amazed him.

What surprised him even more was that his internal strength was slowly recovering.

"You're pretty tough!"

The man in black sneered, and whipped the thief a few more times, and as a result, the thief became more and more energetic.


In front of everyone's eyes, among several people, a woman appeared.


Gao faded away and the thief was surprised.

How did Gao Yue know here.

"What people? Take her down for me! "

The six men in black in the room, although they are very frightened in their hearts, but a woman, they are not afraid at all.

Not everyone has the strength of Xiaomeng.

"Bang bang!"

Before they could rush to Gao Yue's side, the thief had already unchained and kicked several people over.

"I steal the saint, and I will actually plant it in the hands of a few little fur thieves, it's really careless."

Gao Yue smiled slightly and said, "Xiaojiao, don't hurry up and help Commander Gao untie it."

The thief smiled awkwardly, came to Gao Wan's side, and helped him break the chain.

"Yue'er, how did you know we were here? Did Ganie tell you.

Gao Wanli looked at Gao Yue with a puzzled expression.

"Commander Gao, my name is Ji Ru Chitaki now!"

"You will always be our moon."

Chitaki shook his head and said: "This group of people has reached the point of madness in order to assassinate Qin, you better be careful, Sister Xue I hope you don't bother her, otherwise Sister Rong will also be in trouble, I'll go first." As

soon as Gao Yue's voice fell, he disappeared in place.

The thief looked stunned, "Is this the month we met, or is it her doppelganger?"

"Ji Ru Chitaki, this should be the name she took after entering the Yin-Yang family, but her current strength may have surpassed our understanding."

With the ability of this hand to come and go without a trace, neither of them could help.

And Chitaki will also be separated, like herself, and she can't tell the truth from the fake.

Songhai City, on a certain roof, Ji Ru Chitaki stood on a roof, watching the distant Gao Wanli and thieves.

I couldn't help but think of my previous days in the Mo family.

"I really hope you don't make enemies with my husband."

"Chitaki, I haven't seen you for a long time, your strength has increased a lot."

In the house at Ji Ru Qianlong's feet, a woman suddenly walked out, it was the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the moon god.

"How did Lord Luna have this time here? Shouldn't it be on a mirage, see the heavenly machine?

"Is it weird? Isn't my presence here the heavenly machine of your understanding?

"There are many masters of yin and yang in Songhai City, such a big thing, you don't even report it, what is your intention?"

The moon god replied, "Isn't it more beneficial to you that Ying Zheng is dead?"

"It's better for me if he lives."

Ji Ru Chitaki gave the moon god a meaningful smile.

The moon god's face turned cold, "Lord Donghuang, please go back."

As soon as her words fell, more than ten Yin-Yang family masters appeared around.

"Does Lord Luna know the consequences of doing this?"

"The mirage has been repaired, you have to follow us away."

As soon as the moon god waved his hand, more than a dozen disciples of the Yin-Yang family rushed directly towards Ji Ru Qianlong.

However, before they could rush to her side, they stood still in the air.

The moon god snorted coldly, condensed a magic seal in his hand, and threw it directly to Ji Ru Qianlong.


The defenseless Ji Ru Chitaki was directly hit, but her body disappeared.

Doppelganger !!

Luna was shocked in his heart.

Has Ji Ru Chitaki's strength reached this point?

Unexpectedly, he used the soul dragon to swim out a doppelganger.

She quickly closed her eyes, released her internal force, and searched for traces around her.

As long as you follow Ji Ru Chitaki's doppelganger, you can find her essence.

"Southwest, chase me!"

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