"Gongzi, there is the Surabaya Pavilion in front."

Fusu led the group to the border of the Surabaya Pavilion.

Here, as elsewhere, though, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

"Take me to the home of the head of the Surabaya pavilion."

A few servants nodded, then led the way in front and rushed to the home of Zhao Fu, the head of the Surabaya Pavilion.

"Husband, let's be behind..." Shao

Si Ming turned his head slightly, and when he was about to look back, he was hugged by Fusu.

"It's okay, let her follow."

He had noticed the man behind him, and he had followed them since they left the Lu Mansion.

Earlier on the road, he pretended to check his surroundings and took a closer look.

The people who followed them, surprised him.

It turned out to be Lu He, the eldest daughter of Duke Lu.

And from the point of view of action, she can even use martial arts.

That's interesting.

A martial artist Lü Pheasant.

Who did she learn martial arts from?

The whole town of Surabaya is very interesting, and those who kill pigs can kill the internal force.

When he came to Zhao Fu's home, Fusu directly asked a few servants to wait outside.


Zhao Fu bowed to Fusu.

"Lin'er, what's so unusual about the Surabaya Pavilion?"

"There are a lot of doubts."

"What doubts?"

"Four years ago, there was a plague in the Surabaya Pavilion, and a wandering Taoist priest came here, and in the micro mountains of the Surabaya Pavilion, he put some elixirs into the water of the lake and asked the people here to drink the water in the lake, and as a result, those who had the plague were all well, and since drinking the water in the lake, their bodies have also changed."

"What kind of change?"

Fusu is becoming more and more interested.

With just a few elixirs, he can make the water in the lake change, and that is really a fairy-level figure.

"Ordinary people become physically strong, and those who practice martial arts begin to have internal strength."

Fusu raised his eyebrows, is this Nima really a god?

No wonder, Fan He, the pig killer, was able to practice internal strength.

Lin Er took out a bowl of water from the water tank, put it in front of Fusu, and said: "Gongzi, this water is indeed very unique, you can taste it, sweet and delicious, and it can also increase a little internal strength."

"You drank?"

Fusu looked at Lin'er with a look of horror.

Lin'er nodded.

"Don't make your own claims next time, do you know how dangerous it is."

Lin Er asked in surprise, "What is the danger?"

"Such peculiar water, why haven't I heard of it in Surabaya?" Didn't you think it was strange that those officials in the county did not say it either? Saying

that, Fusu pulled Lin Er and caught her pulse.

"You're poisoned!"


Lin'er looked horrified.

How could he be poisoned himself.

Why don't you feel anything at all?

Is it a water problem?

"Where did you hear the news?"

"I asked Zhao Fu's wife."

"What's her name?"


Fusu raised an eyebrow.

This monster can't be Widow Cao.

But now it should not be called a widow.

No, she's a widow now.

Lin'er has already killed Zhao Fu.

"Is the Cao family in this house every day?"

"She opened a tavern, was rarely home during the day, and only came back at night."

Widow Cao, can't run.

I just don't know if there is a problem with this Cao widow.

You've got to find a way to get some information.

There are problems with the whole Surabaya pavilion.

"Shao Shao, catch that Lu Hen outside, and make those four servants faint, Lin'er, you go to the door and watch."


After the two left, Fusu took the water in the bowl and tasted it.

It's a little sweet.

However, with his current strength, even if he can increase his internal strength, he can't feel it.

Not long after, the young master pulled Lu Xian in.

"I, I didn't mean it, I followed you with absolutely no malice, I was just afraid that you would be in danger."

Lu Xi explained a lot in a panic.

But Fusu didn't listen to a word.

"Drink this bowl of water."

Lu Hen glanced at Fusu with a puzzled expression, and then took the water and drank it directly.

"This bowl of water is poisonous."


Lu Hen directly spat out the last mouthful and looked at Fusu with an angry face.

She really had no malice, and she didn't expect that Fusu would harm her.

"Do you know what kind of poison this is?"

Lu Xi made a cold face and shook his head.

"This is Acacia poison, and it will attack within half an hour."


Lu Xiang's face turned livid.

Unexpectedly used this poison....

"If you can tell me one thing, I'll help you solve it."

Fusuichi grabbed her hand.

Lu Hen wanted to resist, but her internal strength seemed to suddenly disappear.

"What, what."

"Four years ago, a wandering Taoist priest came here, do you know?"

"Yunyou Taoist?"

Lu Hen hurriedly shook his head.

"Use mind control on her less."

"What is mind control?"

Lu Xi had a bad premonition.

But her strength is okay against ordinary little furry thieves.

If you want to resist the mind control technique of the young master, it is whimsical.

In less than ten breaths, the young master completed the control.

"Yunyou Taoist, do you know?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know the lake water that Weishan Ze can heal?"

"I don't know."

"Can your father collude with anti-Qin forces?"

"Wang Ling looked for her, but he refused."

That's really weird.

I don't know anything.

This Surabaya pavilion is really strange.

"Who do you have to learn martial arts from?"

"A man named Liu Ji in the Surabaya Pavilion, who met him two years ago, said that the martial arts I let me learn can protect myself."

I grass....

Liu Ji, the bastard, actually knew Lu He.

This guy is really not an honest person.

"Has he ever come back in the middle?"

"I used to come back a lot, and I thought my father mentioned about marrying me, and my father said that when he sat down in the farmhouse, he agreed."

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