"Your Highness, General Yu has found a group of suspicious people on the east bank and is confronting the other party. Fusu

looked at Shaoshimei and Ji Ru Chitaki.

"You two go help."

Fusu was worried about what masters were in the team.

Although Yu Zizhi's martial arts are good, they are not to the extent that they can be alone.

After the two left, Fusu looked at the moon god and said, "Go and crack the formation now?"

Luna nodded.

She wanted to get out of here early.

Although she was not absolutely sure that she could crack the formation, she wanted to try.

Maybe you can learn some of the forbidden techniques of the Yin-Yang family through this formation.

Fusu found a small boat, and then personally rocked the boat and walked in the direction of the formation.

The moon god stared at the water in front of him, and the true qi in his body was constantly running.

She was struggling with whether to launch a trick and leave.

Looking at the lake getting closer and closer, Luna was a little moved.

A little closer, she could reach the lake and buy herself time to escape.

Get closer!

Get closer!

Just when her teleportation point, ten feet away from the lake, the boat suddenly stopped.

"It's arrived!"



This Zhang Cang is really a bastard.

Unexpectedly, the formation was set here.

Can't you get any closer?

"I think it's good that we go down from the middle of the formation."

"Not to mention, you can reach two hundred zhang if you have to escape the technique."


Luna gritted his teeth angrily.

It turned out that Fusu knew that she would escape and had been guarding against herself.

The moon god looked at the lake under his feet and asked, "Why can't I feel the formation?" "

The lake is very deep, we need to go down."

Without waiting for the moon god to answer, Fusu took her hand and jumped directly.

Luna looked shocked, she hadn't inhaled yet.

Although she could store some of her internal force, it was too sudden.

Fusu pulled her and soon reached the bottom of the lake.

Then he pointed to the bottom, using the heavenly sound transmission he had stolen from Xiaomeng, and said: "This is the center of the formation, you can try it here, you can't hold back and wave at me, I'll get you some air." Luna

was extremely depressed in her heart, she couldn't bear it now, but if she calmed down and used her internal strength, she could hold on for a quarter of an hour.

"Hurry up and work, I'll help you keep an eye on the surroundings, don't have any piranhas, leeches and the like to harass you."


, goo!"

Luna wanted to open her mouth to speak, when suddenly a string of bubbles came out of her mouth.

"Don't talk, I don't want to hear anything you say, hurry up and work."

Fusu suddenly sat down on a stone and sat up.

Luna is learning something new, and he's learning something new.

He wanted to try it, through his own internal force, to force the surrounding water away.

That way, they can stay underwater for a long time.

The moon god saw that Fusu no longer took care of herself, and she also carefully checked the formation.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the moon god felt tightness in his chest and shortness of breath, and hurriedly waved his hand at Fusu.

However, Fusu was meditating with his eyes closed at the moment, and he couldn't see it at all.


The moon god grabbed a handful of silt at the bottom of the lake and threw it directly towards Fusu.


The silt suddenly stopped when it was still a foot away from Fusu.

Luna clearly saw that the silt had a sliding motion.

It was as if something was blocking it.

Just when she was confused, the water around Fusu suddenly flowed.

It was as if the pipe broke, and then water was poured.

What is this guy up to?

Luna looked at Fusu with a curious expression.

At the moment when Fusu's qi wall was broken, he woke up.

Glared at Luna with an angry face.

I finally succeeded, and when I was about to continue to expand, I was destroyed.

Fusu swam to the moon god and asked, "You don't work well, what are you doing?"

Luna pointed to his mouth with an innocent look.

Fusu immediately agreed, put his arm around the moon god and kissed him.

Luna broke out in a cold sweat.

She wanted to dodge, but no matter how much she used her internal force, she couldn't break free from Fusu's hands.

Luna hurriedly shook his head.

"Didn't you ask me to kiss you?"

Fusu kissed her red lips like lightning.

Then he sent her a little air.

After a long while, Fusu let go of the moon god's mouth.

The moon god blushed shyly and glared at Fusu, with murderous intent in his eyes.

If she hadn't been able to beat Fusu, she couldn't wait to smash Fusu's corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Within an hour, Fusu forcibly kissed her more than a dozen times with the help of the kung fu of renewing her qi.

Luna is already numb.

No one can see it under the water anyway.

When she learns this formation, she must control tens of thousands of people and assassinate Fusu every day.

After another quarter of an hour, the moon god was really uncomfortable, and turned to look at Fusu, who was close at hand.

"No gas?"

Luna gritted his teeth and nodded.

She was ready to give him a Six Souls Fear Spell when Fusu approached her.

But this time, Fusu sat there motionless.

After waiting for a while, the moon god really couldn't bear it, and when he was about to walk towards Fusu, Fusu suddenly stood up.

Frightened, Luna took a step back.

But it was this step that stunned her.

Because she found that the water around her could not be felt.

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