The moon god looked at Su Chen with a surprised expression.

Then he touched the water in front of him with his hand ... Gone.

This is no longer water, but air.

Although this space is not large, it also shocked her.

Being able to force the surrounding water under the water, this strength has really surpassed her.

Fu Su walked up to her and asked seriously, "What are you going to do when you lean on me just now?" "

Still talking?

Luna was even more shocked.

"I just, just to see if you're dead."

"I need to prove that I'm alive."

Fusu put his arm around the moon god and kissed him directly.

This time, Luna didn't even hide.

The kiss was affectionate, and the clothes of the two did not know when they were off.

An hour later.

The oxygen cylinder of the two suddenly broke.

Fusu quickly stabilized his emotions and forced the surrounding lake away again.

The moon god glared at Fusu with a complaining expression.

"You're abominable."

"Tell you a little secret, quickly absorb what I gave you, you can increase your strength a lot, maybe you will crack the magic array here in three or two days."

The moon god's pretty face instantly turned red.

"I'm not cracking it!"

"It's not okay to make a little temper, it's about family status."

"I can't crack it in a few months."

"I'll give you the practice of shielding the flow of water, and you can stay here, anyway, there is no shortage of food here."

Luna rolled his eyes, it was really abominable.

"Want to leave me here alone?

"This is the Yin-Yang family's long-lost formation, and if you learn it, it will be a big improvement for you."

"It's too slow, you caught Zhang Cang, it's not easier than this."

No matter how Fusu induces it, the moon god just doesn't work.

She knew that Fusu would not treat her like anything now.

At most, do it all over again.

"Really not cracked?"

"Unless you're here with me."

Fusu helped her get dressed, and then a black qi was thrown directly towards the center of the formation.


There was a loud noise at the bottom of the lake, and above the surface of the lake, a water column more than ten feet high instantly collapsed.

Under the powerful attack of Fusu, the French Formation actually broke.

"Dragon King!"

"You, the one who rushed out of the water is not the Dragon King."

The residents around the Surabaya Pavilion watched Fusu and the moon god rush out of the water, and suddenly began to talk.

"When the Dragon King comes into the world, something great will happen."

"Hurry up to the Dragon King, the coming year will be smooth and rainy."

On the edge of a hidden lake in Weishanze, the middle-aged man who had previously reported to Wei Wei looked at the vision that occurred in the lake, and his heart was very angry.

This Fusu actually noticed his Dharma Formation.

The Surabaya Pavilion will definitely be investigated by Fusu in the future.

Their plans are about to change again.

After Fusu left the water, he rushed towards Zhao Fu's home with the moon god in his arms, and with his speed, ordinary people could not detect him at all.

"With such a big movement, you must have alarmed Zhang Cang, and it is not easy to arrest him."

"Then you can't keep the formation to continue to harm people."

Back at Zhao Fu's house, Cao was still tied.

The Cao Clan was ordered by the young master to put a mind control curse, even if someone rescued her, she would not escape.

Fusu untied all the ropes on her body, and then said: "Go and inform all the residents of the Surabaya pavilion to go to the island in the Weishan Ze." "


After the Cao family left, Fusu looked at the moon god and asked, "Do you say that Donghuang Taiyi will send Concubine Yan?"


was speechless for a while.

The order of the Great Qin Prince, how could the Eastern Emperor refuse.

In the past, Fusu did not have much power to kill and die.

But now he is different.

Ying Zheng gave Fusu some power, and Fusu had the right to execute anyone against the Hundred Families.

Since Ying Zheng no longer eats elixirs, the status of the Yin Yang family has also plummeted in Ying Zheng's heart.

Fusu's order, the Yin and Yang family did not dare to obey.

They don't have the strength to fight against Daqin now.

The five elders of the Yin-Yang family, except for Yunzhong Jun, were all taken down by Fusu.

Now the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can command, that is, the left protector Star Soul and Minister Jin, Lao Yunzhongjun.

"What are you doing gathering all the villagers on that island, you won't kill them all, right?"

"We in Daqin are not popular to slaughter cities, but to recruit farmers."

These people must first help him with free coolies for a period of time.

He wanted to see if that dream could affect them after the formation was broken.

"Do I still need to go back to the Yin Yang family now?"

"This question, you should not ask me, should ask you."

Luna then fell silent.

Do you want to go back?

She has been in the Yin-Yang family for so many years....

Just when she was tangled, Fusu suddenly put his arm around her and asked: "Answer between three breaths, do you want to go back?"


How can there be such persecution.

How could she answer in such a short time.

"I don't want to..."

Fusu kissed her seductive red lips again.

"We continue what we didn't finish underwater."

Just as the two were lying on the bed, a middle-aged man came from outside the small courtyard.

"Today is your time to die."

As soon as the middle-aged man raised his hand, countless points of light flew towards the room.

If there are people from the Yin-Yang family, they will definitely be able to recognize it, this is their corpse god curse.

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