Dongjun, within the line of the Victory Administration.

"Your Majesty, Crown Princess Nuomin asks for a meeting."


Ying Zheng frowned and thought for a long time.

Finally thought of who this Nomin was.

One of the two women who had previously brought back from the north.

Is this also a crown princess?

"Let her in."

Nuo Min hurried to Yingzheng's residence and handed him a piece of paper.

This paper was sent to Fusu by Xianyang Paper Mill.

Ying Zheng glanced at the content above, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Damn the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, they even want to assassinate Xuan."

Ying Zheng's hand holding the paper was trembling.

They should have been killed in the first place.

What made him even more unexpected was that Fusu actually let him leave the brigade and lure the enemy to sneak attack.

"Father, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked me to remind you to deploy as soon as possible, and the thieves are likely to take action within these two days."

Huan Zheng took a deep breath and shouted, "Come, call Li Si, Feng Yu, Meng Li, and Wang Li here." The

four of them came to Yingzheng's residence and saw that Nuo Min was there, and they began to plan in their hearts.

Nuo Min is Fusu's person, and Fusu must have something important to recruit them.

Is something wrong with Yangzhou?

"The rebels of the Six Kingdoms, who planned to assassinate, were calculated by the two crown princesses using the method of stargazing and divination."


The four of them were shocked, can this be calculated?

Is there any secret about this world for them?

"Your Majesty, can you believe this?"

Li Si looked at Ying Zheng with a puzzled expression.

Feelings before Fusu did not attack him, it is merciful.

This rebellious deed, without warning, can be calculated.

If he is not good for Fusu, can he also calculate it?

Thinking of this, Lees felt a chill in his back.

This ability is really terrifying, no wonder the Yin Yang family can be so powerful.

In the future, you have to act carefully, carefully and carefully.

Never arrange people yourself.

Fusu has now grown to a terrifying point.

If Hu Hai can't turn over within a year, or something happens to Fusu.

Then in this world, it must be Fusu in the future.

Can you believe it?

Ying Zheng thought about it carefully.

He didn't know if he could believe it.

But since Fusu sent it, it means that it should be assured.

"Can believe it!"

Meng Li said: "I also believe, because when rounding up the Xiang family rebels, I have seen the crown princess use this method, and the rebels of the Xiang family who are chasing have nowhere to hide. Thinking

of Shao Si's ability, he was shocked.

However, if it wasn't for the help of the young master, he couldn't arrest so many rebels.

In less than five days, nearly 10,000 soldiers were arrested.

Wang Li, who was standing on the side, said: "I also believe that Crown Princess Ji Ru Qianlong, when she assisted me in clearing out the rebels in Hengshan, she could predict more than a dozen waves of enemies a day, which is much more accurate than the news of the scout." "

There is a guarantee of victory, and the two generals testify.

Li Si and Feng Hao had to believe this.

It's horrible.

The ability of the two crown princes is more terrifying than the assassination of His Majesty by the rebels of Liu Guo.

Huan Zheng said: "Mengxi, you are responsible for arranging the perimeter, so that the cavalry can hide and wait for the rebels to enter the net.

"Wang Li, you are responsible for the safety of the Chinese army, let your four generals patrol non-stop every day, giving the other party no chance."


"Feng Yu, you are in charge of the escort, let them check whether there are any enemy gangsters in the accompanying team."


"Li Si, you secretly go to Yangzhou with me!"

"Poof..." Li

Si spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

What does Your Majesty mean by this?

So much arrangement, but he is not in the army.

Isn't this an opportunity for the other party?

Although not many people know about this now, but in this big account, six people, except for Yu Zheng himself, who can be trusted?

"Your Majesty, why did you abandon the brigade?"

"Your Majesty, this is too dangerous."

"Because Fusu asked me to do this."

"Uh..." Everyone

was speechless.

Fusu asked you to do this, and you did it?

What exactly is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince going to do?

Is it to lure the enemy into the bait with His Majesty?

However, in case of an accident, who is responsible?

Is they responsible, or Fusu responsible.

Or maybe Fusu wants to take over the position of Ying Zheng and wants His Majesty to take risks...

Just when everyone fell into a blind thought.

Xiaomeng and Tian Yan walked in.

"Father, the carriage is ready, it is made of the domineering trick of the public loser, and it is very safe."

Ying Zheng nodded.

"Dear Aiqing, act as soon as possible."


When the government decides good things, they can't persuade each other.

After the four left, Huan Zheng looked at the three daughters and asked, "Do you know what will happen if there is an accident?"

"Then it may be that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will ascend the throne, and he will be busy in the future and will have no time to take care of us!"


Ying Zheng's face darkened.

You care about that?

"Isn't the Empress better than the Crown Princess?"

Xiaomeng said: "If Your Majesty is willing, please degrade the prince to a commoner." "

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows?

Want to grab Su with me?

There are no doors.

Believe it or not, I abdicated directly....

Ying Zheng was shocked in his heart, how could I have such thoughts.

"Go down and get ready."

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