Those who can dodge Fusu's sword.

You have to be a first-class master.

A second-rate expert like Tian An is not a person.

You can only wait for death.

Fusu's sword pierced his chest, and Fusu also came to him.


A kick flew Tian An.

Then he shouted, "Those who kill themselves on the spot can be exempted from the Nine Clan!"

The people around were embarrassed.

Shouldn't it be that the descending does not kill?

How did he become a self-murderer exempt from the Nine Tribes.

The death of their leader.

These people did not want to resist.

But hearing Fusu's words, they had to fight to the death.

Li Si, who was sitting in the carriage, heard Fusu's words.

After you stabilized the thief army, you are trying to kill them.

Now that they are still surrounded and say such things.

These people's livelihood is cut off, how can they drop their weapons.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really messy, which will make the thief army even more crazy."

Huan Zheng's face sank, and he said coldly: "Fusu is right, these people must die, and they must also blame the Nine Races. "

It is abominable that you dare to assassinate him.

At that time, Jing Ke was instructed by Prince Dan of Yan to assassinate himself, but he did not slaughter the people of Yan Kingdom.

If they didn't do something, they thought it would be easy to assassinate me, and the cost would be small.

"Li Si, you go and inform Fusu, let him catch a few live mouths, I will interrogate him personally."

Lees shook his legs in fright.

Arrows are flying outside.

Wouldn't it be very unjust if anyone shot himself without opening his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the Yin-Yang family can control people, there is no need for interrogation at all, we only need to rely on the crown princess."

Zhao Jie, who was hiding in the chaotic army, saw that they had lost their best opportunity, so he commanded this soldier to begin to retreat.


In the distance came the sound of war horses galloping.

Zhao Jie was horrified in his heart.

The cavalry of the Qin army came.

You have to escape as soon as possible.

He directly abandoned the brigade and ran towards Junozawa.

"I'll chase!"

Lin Er rode and rushed to the direction where Zhao Jie fled.

Fusu came to the carriage of Yingzheng.

"Father, the thief army has withdrawn and is being hunted down by the army of Mengxi."

Li Si walked out first, looked at the situation outside, and helped Huan Zheng get off the carriage.

Ying Zheng looked at the corpse on the ground, his face was extremely ugly.

"This group of rebels, you have to kill them all."

"Father, I have already informed the army to let them set off, they will come here in less than two days, do we wait here, or go to Yangzhou first?"

"Surabaya Town Taishou is a blessing."


"Send someone to inform Meng Fu and let him prepare to take over."

Fusu nodded, then asked Yu Ji to go back, informed Yu Zizhi and Meng Fu, and asked them to lead the soldiers to escort.

Ying Zheng asked, "Who is the leader of this gang of thieves?" "

Tian An, the son of the State of Qi."

"Tian An?"

Huan Zheng thought carefully for a moment, then looked at Li Si and asked, "It's the sixth son of Qi Wang Jian, right?"

"Your Majesty's memory is really good, it is the sixth son of Qi Wang Jian."

"Hmph, after capturing the State of Qi back then, he said that if he wanted to manage the capital of the State of Qi for Xuan, there would definitely be no one to rebel, but I didn't expect that he dared to deceive Xuan, and all the remnants of the State of Qi were arrested for me, and the corpses were divided into five horses."


This kind of thing, Li Si will not discourage.

After all, Tian An died by himself.

The Qi royal family was blamed by him.

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters also eliminated a group of rebels in the Surabaya Pavilion in Surabaya Town, and the leader of the other party was Wei Guo, the son of the Wei state, and Wei Leopard."


Ying Zheng was completely enraged.

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms can now be determined that there are already three families who rebel.

The Xiang clan of the State of Chu, the Tian clan of the State of Qi, and the Wei clan of the State of Wei.

These people should have been killed in the first place.

"I remember there was still a public mainstream in South Korea, right?"

Ying Zheng looked at Fusu.

Fusu nodded and said, "She is now a member of Quicksand and has withdrawn from the anti-Qin forces. Ying

Zheng gritted his teeth, and Quicksand was also against himself at the beginning.

If it weren't for Fusu's guarantee, they wouldn't rebel again, and he would definitely classify quicksand as an anti-Qin rebel.

As for the Kingdom of Yan and the Kingdom of Zhao.

Zhao Guo has already produced a Zhao Gao.

The Yan Kingdom is now controlled by Fusu, and no one will rebel for the time being.

"These people must be thoroughly investigated, there must be no fish that slipped through the net, and has the Mo family made any moves?"

Winning the government is still not called the question of relationship.

The Mo family and Yan Dan walked closer.

And that Jing Tianming, who should not survive in the world, is still the giant son of the Mo family.

"Father, the Mo family is not involved in it, as far as I understand, Jing Tianming, the giant son of the Mo family, gave the Mo family token Mo Mei to Gao Wanli, and then disappeared, and now the Mo family is only left with Gao Wanli and thieves outside, but they do not come to Dongjun."

Ying Zheng nodded.

"It's best if no one in the Mo family participates, otherwise, none of them will be let go, and the two locked up in the barracks will not be let go."

"One of the leaders who escaped, my people have already gone to chase, it is estimated that it will not be long before he returns."

"My son has made great achievements, I have to give a reward, and these crown princesses, I have to reward well, isn't it any of them who is pregnant?"

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