"This matter, the son is about to report, the crown princess Ying is pregnant."

"Female heroine?"

Ying Zheng was shocked in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, this woman seemed to be Mrs. Xiang of the Yin-Yang family.

Ying Zheng pulled Fusu aside and asked in a low voice, "Is Wu'er sure the child is yours?"

Fusu looked embarrassed.

He also understood the meaning of Yingzheng.

Who else could it be if it wasn't mine?

That Xiangjun has been a goalkeeper for more than ten years, and he can blame himself...

"Father Emperor, Nuying and Xiang Jun of the Yin Yang Family actually have little to do with it, they are not husband and wife, and Xiang Jun's wife is the dead Emperor Na'e."


Ying Zheng glanced meaningfully at Fusu.

His son's ability to dig into walls is getting stronger and stronger.

According to the development, it is not a dream for Daqin to continue for a thousand years.

"You control the proportions yourself, in fact, I would prefer that other people conceive your child, preferably one without any background."

Fusu was stunned.

Without any background strength?

Do you still want to be crowned crown prince and grandson....

Your idea is too dangerous.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, happiness will come too suddenly, and you don't know who to seal well.

"Father and Emperor, the sons and daughters have another matter."

"What's going on?"

"There is a big event happening in Xianyang City."

Ying Zheng frowned.

"How do you know?"

"Father forgot, Young Master Order, Ji Ru Chitaki will divination."

"Divination... What happened. "

If Fusu doesn't explain.

Huan Zheng really asked Wei Yan, Meng Yi, and Feng to kill them.

I don't even know, how Fusu knew.

Fortunately, it was not these three people who reported the news.

"Someone wants to disadvantage my Crown Prince's Mansion."

Ying Zheng's face sank, and his breathing was a little short.

Who the hell is not yet recognized by Fusu.

His current exploits, even if it is for me to step aside....

Strange, how can I have this thought again.

Fusu is still young now, and he still needs to polish and polish more with himself.

"But who is it divination?"

"People have already been escorted here."

"What are you doing if you don't execute them, this kind of person should be condemned by the Nine Tribes!"

The more Ying Zheng thought about it, the more angry he became, he was so protective of Fusu.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who do not know how to lift.

"Father and Emperor can't, Jiu Clan can't, he is your son, my younger brother!"


Ying Zheng was shocked.

Could it be Hu Hai?

Isn't this filial piety locked up by himself?

Why can I still run to the Prince's Mansion?

"I'll leave it to you."

Ying Zheng walked back to his carriage, and then let the convoy walk slowly, waiting for Meng Li and Mo Yu Qilin who were pursuing the rebels.

When he walked to Changyi, Dangjun, Mo Yu Qilin came back first.

But to Fusu's surprise, she actually brought back a corpse.

"Lin'er, what's going on, didn't you catch your mouth alive?"

Lin Er said with a look of self-blame: "It's that I'm useless, when I was chasing him, I was a little slower, and someone rushed first and was silenced." "

Extinguishing the mouth .

. That's a bad sign.

The whole plan was planned by Tian An.

Tian An died first, how could Zhao Jie be extinguished.

Could it be that there is someone else behind this?

However, it shouldn't be, the trigram of the young master's order shows that Tian An is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Fusu fell into deep thought.

Zhao Jie's death made him notice a trace of abnormality.

Someone didn't want Zhao to open his mouth.

The living can't keep secrets, the dead ....

Fusu suddenly remembered someone.

Maybe he had a way of getting the dead man to speak.

"Keep the bodies of Zhao Jie and Tian An and wait until we get to Jiujiang County."

Lin'er nodded.

Not completing the task made her feel a little disappointed inside.

Along the way, Lin'er followed Fusu sullenly.

Fusu lowered his speed and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

"Lin'er, don't blame yourself for this, don't blame you, the other party came prepared."

Lin'er said in a low voice: "I, I have seen Brother Wei Zhuang and Sister Chilian." "


Fusu's eyes narrowed.

The crime scene encountered the quicksand of Wei Zhuang....

What are they coming here to say?

If it was to assassinate, something should be done.

Just to extinguish the mouth?

The descendants of the Ghost Valley Sect actually came to do their business?

A group of dishonest people, next time they catch Chi Lian, see if they dare to mess around.

Zhao Jie is the son of Zhao Guo, a person of quicksand, and no one should have anything to do with Zhao Guo.

"Let's take a look at Zhao Jie's wound."

Fusu came to Zhao Jie's body and searched for a long time, but there was no blood.

This is due to internal injuries.

Undressing him, Fusu found that there was a palm print on Zhao Jie's right chest.

One palm to death.

Although Zhao Jie is not a martial arts master.

But if you want to kill with a palm and not be discovered by Lin'er, this person's skill is at least an absolute master.

Using palms instead of weapons can better conceal identity.

Xiaomeng came to the corpse and asked suspiciously, "Husband, is there something wrong?" "

Zhao Jie was silenced."


Xiaomeng looked at the palm print on the corpse and couldn't help frowning.

Then a trace of internal force entered Zhao Jie's body.

"Husband, this person's means are very clever, this palm did not use any internal force, but directly let Zhao Jie die."

Without internal strength, there is no way to find out.

No weapons are used, which means that there must be some special weapons in the hands of the other party.

Otherwise, he didn't have to do more.

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