Fan Zeng's question, "The divination technique of the Yin-Yang family, there are unknown prophets only, I don't know how you escaped it."

As soon as Fan Zeng's words came out, Xiang Liang immediately became alert.

He took a closer look at Wei Leopard's team.

There were only about two hundred people.

It is simply impossible for such a few people to escape the pursuit of Shao Si Mei and Gao Yue.

It's her!!!

Xiang Liang saw clearly.

In Wei Leopard's team, there was a girl who was caught.

Xu minus!

Their lifesaver!

Everything is understood.

Xu Yi asked them to come here to save her.

"Hmph! Arrest them for me.

As soon as Xiang Liang's words fell, Shao Yu was the first to rush up.

Because he also saw Xu negative.

This bastard must have coerced Xu Negative before escaping the pursuit of the Yin-Yang family.

"What are you going to do, we are also anti-Qin forces."

Wei Leopard looked at Shao Yu who rushed towards him with a shocked expression.

This person's strength is too terrifying, and no one can stop it at all.

In a moment's effort, all of Wei Bao's men were taken.

Four or five thousand people, besieging more than two hundred people, or the army of the Xiang family, this is not suspense at all.

"Xiang Liang, what are you going to do."

Xiang Liangli ignored him, walked to Xu Ping, bowed, and said, "Master Xu, you have suffered.

"Thank you for saving us, Xu Ying will definitely repay."

"The master saved our Xiang family before, this chance to save Master Xu, it can be regarded as returning a little favor to the master, compared to our Xiang family's tens of thousands of troops, this little thing is nothing at all."

Xu Ying glared at Wei Leopard with a cold face and said, "If it weren't for me, you would have been arrested by Fusu a long time ago, and you actually wanted to forcibly occupy me."

"Master Xu, I'm confused for a moment."

Shao Yu's face turned cold, he dared to bully Master Xu?


Shao Yu struck a knee and kicked Wei Leopard to the ground, wailing in pain.

Fan Zeng, looked at Xiang Liang and said, "Such an ungrateful person, let's pull it out and cut it, he is not worthy of being called our ally." "

Drag it on."

"No, I don't want to die, I'm still useful, I can help you recruit the people of the Wei Kingdom."

"No need."

"Master Xu has suffered, these villains are worse than Ying Zheng, and more shameless than Fusu."

Xu Yong raised his eyebrows.

"General Xiang, I have an intelligence here, maybe you are interested."

"What intelligence?"

Xiang Liang looked at Xu Ying with a smile.

Could it be that Xu Yi could find a hiding place for them?

"There is a person with strong luck who was caught by Fusu and is currently heading to the farmer's Liuxian Tomb, this person may be able to help you achieve great things."


"Liu Ji of the farmer, this person met him many years ago, I met him in Surabaya County, and I helped him calculate it, he has this calamity, if he can overcome the danger, he will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future."

Liu Ji?

Xiang Liang's eyes narrowed.

This person he knew, was a disciple of the Shennong Hall of the Farmer Family and the righteous brother of the Zhu family.

I didn't expect to be arrested by Fusu.

I don't know what crime was committed.

Could it be that he also participated in the anti-Qin?

"I also hope that Master Xu will advise."

"The rebellion of the Six Nations has been almost eliminated by Fusu, if you want to oppose Qin again, there must be enough people to do it, I have a suggestion here, I don't know if you want to listen to it."

"Master, please say."

"If you stay in the old land of the Chu Kingdom, you will definitely be found by Fusu, it is better to go to the north, there is a country called Buyeo north of Youzhou, you can unite them, as well as Donghu and Sushen, and then develop and grow there."

"Many years ago, when I was in Youzhou, I met a prince of Buyeo, helped her calculate a trigram, and found that there are some hidden luck in the north, which will sweep the entire Daqin in a thousand years."

"If you can grasp it, subverting Daqin is absolutely feasible."

Xiang Liang was surprised: "Want to unite with foreign races against Daqin? That's not..."

"Xu Yi has only one request, don't kill the people of the Qin Kingdom, foreign races can only be used as your tools, not as your people, to plague our Huaxia."

"Thank you Master Xu for your guidance."

Xu Ying continued: "Among the soldiers of the Six Kingdoms who built the Great Wall in the Northland, there are two good generals, you can find a way to rescue them, one is called Cao Guo, the other is called Zhou Yin, these two have the ability to lead troops, above General Xiang.

Xiang Liang was surprised, these two were both veteran generals of the Chu State.

Their abilities, of course, they themselves understand.

If they help, great things will be achieved.

Just happened to save Liu Ji by the way.

Fan Zeng, "Isn't Master Xu going with us?"

"The little woman is weak and can't bear the bitterness of the north."

"Then master take care!"

"You must remember that the main general in the army must not be separated from Shao Yu before leaving Daqin, and the luck in his body can avoid the pursuit of the Yin and Yang family."

"Thank you, Master."

Everyone took their leave, and under the guidance of Fan Zeng, they once again turned into pieces and went to the farmhouse Liuxian Tomb.

And Xu Ying, standing on the top of Huiji Mountain, looked at the distant Xiang family, and there was a ripple in his heart.

"Fusu, I am also entrusted by others, you can not blame me, after all, he taught me too much, we will not owe each other in the future."

[Today's data is good, add two more chapters, tomorrow will also add two more chapters!!!!!!!!!!!! 】

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