Liyang, Jiujiang County, Yangzhou.

Fusu was helping Lin'er improve her skills, and Nuo Min carefully came to the bed of the two.

"His Royal Highness Prince Qiyu, the Mo family snow girl asks for a meeting."

"What's the matter with me?"

Nuo Min frowned.

"Isn't His Highness looking for her?"

"Did I say that?"

Fusu slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered this.

It seems that he did say this.

"Let her wait in the hall, I'll be there in a moment."

Half an hour later, Fusu came to the front yard hall and saw Xi Yan chatting with the snow girl, and hurriedly coughed twice.

"I've seen Your Highness."

The second daughter hurriedly saluted.

"Xi Yan, why are you so idle today, how are you learning the Taoist spells I asked you to learn?"

"Your Highness, Senior Sister Xiaomeng has left, and no one has taught me, and several sisters of the Yin Yang family are in retreat, you are not short of people to receive."

Fu Su went to Xi Yan's side, and then took out an edict from his arms.

"Snow girl, you are now the giant son of the Mo family."


The snow girl looked surprised.

How did he become a giant of the Mo family?

Where did Tianming go?

What about Xiao Gao?

Could it be that they were all killed by Fusu?

"My strength is low, and I can't take over as the Mo family giant."

"The strength is low and not afraid, you are still young and there is still a lot of room for improvement, but the former giant of the Mo family, Tianming, has not asked about the world, Gao is not interested in leaving now, and the character of the thief is not suitable, so this is finally screened down, or you are the most suitable."

The snow girl was speechless for a while.

How she felt like she was driving ducks on the shelves.

"Moreover, Master Ban, I have already made Gong Lose Revenge into an organ man, and he is currently in the Ming Xuan of Songhai City, and his organ technique, I will take the time to let him hand it over to you."


The snow girl's face suddenly became ugly.

Unexpectedly, Fusu did not even let the dead go.

Thinking of the big hammer, the snow girl was sad again.

If the big hammer hadn't been beheaded, it might have been able to make a man.

So that they can meet again.

"You detained us for so long, when did you let us go?"

"Leave? When I didn't think about where the Mo family would be stationed and where to put it, you would have to stay here temporarily.

"What about Sister Rong?"

"I have already chosen the residence of the medical family, the newly built Chang'an City in Guanzhong is opposite the prince's mansion, I have built a Jishitang for her, which will be the residence of the medical family in the future."


was built opposite the Prince's Mansion, didn't that mean trying to monitor her?

It seems that they want to be free, and I am afraid that they will not think about it in this life.

"I have a request for my family."

"What requirements?"

The snow girl looked at Fusu with a wary expression.

If she dared to think of anything wrong, she would not agree to it even if she died.

"In the future, the Mo family will only teach organ techniques, and absolutely cannot teach the inner strength heart method."

Xuenu said: "The Mo family did not teach these in the first place, and the inner strength and heart methods of the disciples under the disciples are all their own, and have nothing to do with our Mo family. "

The Mo family wants to make ships together with the public losers, so your station is temporarily located in this Liyang City."


To unite their Mo family with the public loser?"

Is it impossible to build another mirage?

Violent Qin will eventually go to extinction.

Look, I won't build you ten ships and eight ships and drag you to death.

"There is no problem with shipbuilding, as long as the talent and money are guaranteed, you will build a hundred mirages, and I can complete it for you."

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

Still thinking about a hundred mirages?

The things that didn't work out of it weren't worth his time to study.

Build a smaller building ship, and then install the public loser's armor-piercing crossbow, which is definitely a battleship with strong firepower.

"Just be prepared, Master Ban will come in a few days."

"Can I leave this Taishou Mansion?"

"Yes, but come back before dark, and you can't go out before dawn, otherwise, think about the safety of Gao Wanli and thieves."

Snow rolled her eyes angrily.

What does it mean that you can't go out before dawn and have to come back before dark?

I was like a crown princess.

"Sister Na Rong..."

"Dare to walk out of this Liyang City, you will wait to collect the corpse of your little friend."

The snow lady breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I was able to go out and breathe.

Every day nested in the small courtyard, they were all suffocating.

After the snow girl left, she couldn't wait to come to Duanmu Rong's residence.

"Sister Rong, we are free and can go out to play."

Duanmu Rong was surprised: "Really? Then let's hurry up and see Xu Fuzi.

"This... This, we can only be in this Liyang City, we can't go out of the city, and we must come back before the sun sets.

"What kind of freedom is this!"

Duanmu Rong instantly lost her spirit.

Isn't it just turning a small courtyard into a big yard?

It's not possible to fly away.

Just when the two wanted to leave the Taishou Mansion, Nuo Min suddenly blocked their way.

"Fusu has already allowed us to go out."

"In the future, you will be called His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and if it is not good, you must be called the Prince or His Highness."

The snow girl said with a cold face: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has allowed us to go out."

"But His Highness explained that before going out, you must apply to the steward of the palace."


The snow girl gritted her teeth.

"Who's the steward?"


Nuo Min replied with a cold face.


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