After Fusu finished explaining the matter of the Assassination History Mansion, he came to the residence of the daughters of the Yin and Yang family.

The long-lost spells of the Yin-Yang family obtained from Zhang Cang were all being learned.

In the past few days, they have all gathered at the residence of Dasimei.

Fusu mobilized his internal force and directly brought out the Taoist harmony with light.

This is a stunt that Xiaomeng often uses, walking like teleportation.

Through walls, jumping over doors, can do anything.

Daishimei, Shaoshimei, Jiru Chitaki, Luna God, and Nuying are all cultivating.

Fusu came to Dasimei and helped her tidy her hair.

Dasimei immediately ended his cultivation.

"Husband, why don't you knock on the door."

"It's not for fear of disturbing your cultivation."

Dasimei was speechless.

If you're afraid to disturb us, let's find someone else to play.

"Husband, is there something wrong with you?"

"Where's Flame Lingji? I haven't seen her since I came back.

"Didn't you say that you want to find the poisonous technique of Baiyue to control the dead?" She'll be looking for it.

"How did I not know about this?"

"Husband, do you still need to worry about things in the backyard?"

Fusu was speechless for a while.

When will Flame Lingji be under your control.

"I'm going to a mirage."

"What for?"

Dasimei suddenly became alert.

Do you want to go to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi desperately?

This is not possible, the strength of Donghuang Taiyi is unfathomable.

"Husband, I think you are still in Yangzhou, prepare for the wedding with Qi Ji, and when His Majesty's Spring Festival is over, you can marry a beautiful bride."

"How did you know that Father Emperor wanted the Spring Festival?"

"The Spring Festival is to pay attention to good and auspicious days, of course, we need our Yin Yang family to choose him."


Fusu Khan was incomparable.

Is it possible that you have amnesia?

What happened these days, I don't know.

"Husband, you are tired of being in the room with Lin Er all day, and Nuo Min has let me handle some small things."


Elder Fusu blushed as Dasimei said.

In the past few days, he has helped Lin'er improve his strength, and he really rarely handles official affairs.

Mainly there are no major matters to deal with yourself.

"The Fuso Divine Wood on the mirage is a good medicine that can revive the dead and turn white bones, and I want to get it back."

"Really? Is there any effect to enhance the power, I will also go. "

Daishimei suddenly became interested.

How can something so important be placed on a mirage, it must be under their control.

In case Donghuang Taiyi couldn't think about it for a while and drove the mirage away, they would lose a lot.

This is Daqin's thing, and it will help Su in the future.

It's theirs in disguise.

Nu Ying also ended her cultivation and complained: "Husband, this Yangzhou is too hot, your son wants to find a shade to cool down." "


the young master said, "Husband, that tree is of great significance to the two of us, and we must get it back."

"What's so meaningful?"

The women's eyes widened and they looked at the young master.

Is there something happening that they don't know?

"This is our secret!"


Several people looked disdainful.

What a secret, at most it is under the tree.

Believe it or not, after getting it, we went to the branches....

"Nuying stay here, don't run around if you're pregnant."

"Can I beat him?"

Fusu scolded: "This is a very irresponsible behavior. "

If you let Ying Zheng know, you will definitely be angry to death.

This is the bloodline of Great Qin, the grandson of the Great Qin Emperor.

How can it be knocked off.

This is not to break the bloodline of Daqin.

"You guys get ready, I'll go to Father's place."

Fusu hurried all the way to the Mengli Camp at the foot of Hengshan Mountain.

"Your Royal Highness, why are you here?"

Meng Li asked with a respectful look.

"What about Your Majesty?"

"I am discussing with Lord Li Si about the sacrifice of the day after tomorrow."


Fusu waited for a while.

After Lees left, he walked in.

"The son-in-law has seen the emperor of the father."

"Fusu, I was about to find you, the moon god of the Yin-Yang family gave me an auspicious day, the day after tomorrow is suitable for the spring festival, I want to sacrifice on Hengshan Mountain, you accompany me."

"Father, the sons and daughters have something to leave Yangzhou."

"What can be important as a sacrifice?"

Ying Zheng's face was obviously a little displeased.

"The female Ying has been unwell recently, and the doctor Duanmu Rong said that she had moved the fetal gas and needed the nourishment of heaven and earth spiritual objects."

"How can it move the tire gas, are you messing around."

"If you leave your grandson gone, you won't be finished."

"What heaven and earth spirit objects do you need? Hurry up and send someone to find it. "

Ying Zheng is even more excited than Fusu.

This is his grandson.

How could he let something happen to him.

"Heaven and earth spirit objects are extremely difficult to find, and there is one in Songhai City."

"Songhai City? Do you still want to inform Xu about this? You don't hurry up yet.

Fusu was speechless for a while.

How to make the child like yours.

I didn't need this excuse if I knew it earlier.

"But that thing is on a mirage."

"What mirage is not a mirage, isn't the mirage built? Let the people of the Yin and Yang family drive to Yangzhou to condition the body of the daughter-in-law. "

He won't eat the elixir anymore, what kind of mirage he wants."

It just so happened that Donghuang Taiyi came to Yangzhou, and he wanted to ask Donghuang Taiyi whether he had eaten the elixir refined by Yunzhong Jun.

"Father, the Eastern Emperor listens to your orders."

Huan Zheng took his Tianwen sword and said, "You take this away, this is a symbol of Xuan's status, but anyone who does not obey the order will be killed." "

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